People have been asking me this for a while so I'm gonna make a post and keep it on here for a while
I'll make a commish sheet eventually, but I'm content working right now with my irl job and drawing art on the side for myself. If I'm going to be opening up for comissions, it's mostly going to be for friends who want a thing.
If you're really THAT THIRSTY and you want art from me because you love my style'n stuff I will whole heartedly kiss your face and thank you but I recommend you look to other artists for cheaper'n faster stuff, I'm a slow arting goofball, take my time and my prices are going up real bad to deter anyone from getting anything from me.
If you do have the money though, and you really want to support/want something from me I'll keep... [ Continued ... ]
Just wanted to let you all know that after a while of getting most of my shit together I'll be trying to frequently upload some stuff here and try to revive my profile a lil.
I've had alot of PM's and DM's about commissions and when I'd be opening up for them again, and I can promise you once I'm done uploading some stuff, finishing a few more things and dropping a new price sheet somewhere in my gallery I'll open a few slots, mostly for friends since I long long long ago promised I'd draw something for them. However if your idea is within the norms of what I usually draw/enjoy making feel free to run an idea through with me when I'm open for commishes! So for now, just keep an eye out if you're intrested.
For the rest thanks for all the support, love and never... [ Continued ... ]
Heya everyone! It's been a really long time coming, and after year long hiatus I finally managed to get in a more comfortable spot to start making art again and feel up for the challenge to keep making things on here. I won't clog ya'll with the details but much like many people I had a really terrible year and I kinda slumped into the abyss to do some thinking on what needed to be done to feel better.
The good news is I'm feelin better!
Now for the next part is to make more art, upload, and finish some things for people. Expect to see me arround some more! :]
You're all probably wondering what the heck happened so I owe everyone a small explanation on my personal adventures these last few months. I've had some ups and downs but spend most of my time in therapy and working on my own personal happiness after spending a few months on my own and figuring out where I wanted to be in the future. During that time art didn't really work out the way I wanted it to, school overwhelmed me and I had some other issues that had to get resolved first.
Now that things are a bit more quiet and easy and most of bad feelings have been sorted out I'm doing better again, art is working out and I'm glad everyone was patient enough for me to get back into it. Ya'll are awesome, seriously.
The time has finally COME. I think. Due to some unfortunate IRL events which I'll keep for myself I'm in desperate need for money and any help is sincerely apreciated! I'll try my best with doing some commissions.
- SORRY for the delay! Should get back to work this week! -
- Commissions! -
I'll open up 5 slots at first, just to see how it goes, and I'll tackle the commishes down one by one and keep people up to date. When I'm done with a commish I'll ask for payment of the next one and then start working!