soooooooo TLDR I use to go by THExDARKxSANDMAN but was really ashamed at the quality of my artwork so I became a hermit, grew a beard, shaved it off, and changed my name. 90% of you will not even care or know that account but just for those 10% who might. I missed you and thank you for helping me get my start in this community, it was a bad way to repay all the cool people I met. But ya just wanted to get that off my chest and maybe if any of you thought I was dead i should let you know I haven't kicked the bucket yet. feel free to message me anytime!
PS, now that that's out of the way there are some of my old projects i'd like to re-do, just to see how far i've come.
Hey guys! its coming out I swear, there were some delays because I got carried away... no spoilers but you will understand why why when it comes out haha. Hoping for tomorrow but it might take another day to finish.
Also thinking about opening up for commissions finally. Just want to gauge interest, pretty insecure about asking for money for my pictures but I could use the cash. so that said i'll probably do 3 slots a month so I can keep things manageable. keep an eye out for my pricing sheet later this month!