Club Nintendo is closing soon, but I don't have enough coins to get to elite status yet. I'm 170 away, and I'm not sure if I will make it before the end of March. So I figured there was no harm in asking around. There are codes to register games packed with systems, and on the inside of game case sleeves. So if you don't plan to register your games, would you consider sending a those codes to me?
Didn't get a lot of friends off my skype/steam. So now I'm asking FA/Eka's. Can't guarantee everyone will be added, but PM me your friend code, and if I accept, I'll send you mine.
Also, Animal Crossing won. I wanted something with either replay value or more than 2 hours of gameplay. Besides, it looks like one of those games where there's nothing more to get out of it if you've already watched an LP.
I RP very little, so if you're just going to ask to RP every day, or if that's the only reason you'll ever talk to me, just skip this. I prefer having friends that I sometimes RP with. But that means that when I DO want to RP, my options are a bit limited. Some of my favorite things aren't currently present in my friends list. Also, please keep in mind that I'm rather quiet, and my memory is terrible. There are very few people I try to message every day, and it's likely that I'll forget to keep in touch now and then if you slide too far down on skype's "recent contacts" list. I'm not ignoring you, I just forget to talk. Feel free to message me whenever I'm online and remind me to talk to you.
The makers seem to forget that these are supposed to be REAL clothes. The character isn't going out to a snowy mountain with a jacket as thick as a bedsheet. A quilt pattern means there are multiple pieces of fabric, not a single sheet with lines drawn on it. Stitches mean it was stitched together, not sews perfectly and dotted with electrical tape. Wood is wood, not plastic bags. Spiky hair has many small spikes, not 4 spikes that each take up an entire side of the head.
It's harder to put into words the exaggeration they do. They try to make a pattern look so perfectly like the anime, that it looks totally wrong. No tattoo is going to have super vibrant color, that pattern on their shirt wasn't a padded-envelope-thick emblem they glued on.
I want to do something and get paid to my paypal, but I just can't think of anything to do. The only thing I could think of were my perler character face things, but nobody was interested. Does anyone have any ideas or requests for something I could get paid for?
TL;DR Great deal, looks like I was hacked, wasn't hacked. Just want the free stuff. Will post a picture of my mousepad when it comes.
Was browsing the internet, and came across a pretty nice deal. I just ordered a custom mousepad for 99 cents. Apparently the 99cent mousepad deal works on any of their 99cent gifts. The cool think is, just by taking this deal, you can do exactly what I'm about to do (Sorry ) and get $1 every time someone uses your code. Unfortunately you can't actually get "real" money for it, it's more like store credit. But hey, depending on how many people use my code, I could get a bunch of stuff for that 99cents. The offer goes up to 100 uses. Meaning I could... [ Continued ... ]