Greetings, my delectable deviants. This realm you have entered is brand new, sizzling hot from the forge of creation, so do be patient. It's adorned with the finest trappings of mee6 premium automation and other such sophisticated sorcery, yet remains untouched by the hordes... for now. Just wait, my darlings, soon our domain will swell with a bevy of artists, writers, and others, filling our spaces with their lurid love for art.
The primary purpose of this server, our decadent playground, is the exchange and tutoring of artistic techniques. While our sinful focus rests on NSFW, we're not blind to the allure of SFW. Our interests are not confined to specific fetishes, meaning your art can range from the everyday to the extraordinarily erotic - all are welcome here, separated... [ Continued ... ]
I've been afk (again) I know I know... my yearly absence never seems to amaze me (I ran into some legal troubles with a lawyer that made some incredible mistakes which is just AWESOME and lost a shiiiitload of money :'D - I'm okay, money can be remade)
I will be moving most gallery content to Twitter and external sites just to expand the reach of everything... I've been stubborn and honestly should have done all this a long time ago... BUT I shall do it now...
I figured with my free time at home I may as well stream whilst I draw... now I haven't streamed in oh.. years and years... So bear with me, all the nice overlays etc are done though, so come along :u!
I'm back to using my arm again (on the computer at least), business as usual.
There's currently 5 commissions in queue, a few about to be released :) as well as one larger 3 page 15 panel comic in the works. I'll work my way back to pumping out regular art pieces too whilst I'm off work <3
I had surgery a few days ago, a shoulder reconstruction, uh its incredibly friggen painful even with meds. Luckily I have australian health-care so fret not americans. I'm well taken care of, zero medical costs or anything of the sort, my initial injury happened at work so my company even bought me a nice big electric automated recliner chair with massager and everything to make my first 2-3 weeks easier (I can't sleep in bed for the first few weeks ;-; )...
I might be slightly afk as its a little hard to draw... and well I'm high as shit on painkillers because the alternative is blinding pain. If anyone wants to secretly send me edibles feel free to do so, I'm sure they're healthier than Oxycodone and all the other crap I was prescribed.
I'm contemplating making a new folder with just 'quick' images, for those short simple ideas that don't need a full multi day detail and production... and that aren't necessarily linked to any character specifically. Just little lewd pieces... which if necessary could become larger ideas. I notice a lot of my favorite artists and friends doing similar, and it just seems like fun... I'll give it a try.
My workload is all set now, and so is life in general - commissions are reopened, however the queue is reset and blank! Jump in whilst you can.
I will note that regarding commission ideas, I've made the health based decision to only draw stuff that's gonna interest me in the process, there's nothing worse than drawing countless images that just simply have zero interest to the self, regardless of any money they make, that's why I was a little burnt out for a bit (work mostly but yeah the lack of excitement didn't help).
So remember, keep your ideas fun, and in line with my general flow of artwork (I'm originally an AV artist, but I do enjoy anything entertaining really...), I'm an artist, not an art... [ Continued ... ]
I was promoted to a new position in my job in the past couple months, heh if I thought I had no time before, I certainly don't have it now.
The time that I do have free to myself is for my partner, and personal wellbeing. I can't sit on a promise of working on a commission for people and it pains me to keep some fans waiting months at a time for their commission.
So effective immediately all current commissions incomplete will be finished respectively, otherwise those still in planning stages will be fully refunded (Lucky I have the spare cash to give back to people :'3 came with the promotion).
I'm not in the business of ripping people off, so refunds were never in question. I will still make art, here and there... just no... [ Continued ... ]
As you can see, page theme revamped after like 10 years. The 2022 Pricing list has been posted too.
I’d really like to knuckle down on my commissions and get a bit more productive with output this year. As it stands the commission queue has about 7-8 projects lined up (8/03/22). That doesn’t mean that you can’t get in line with your idea though!
Work(irl) is still long hours but I’m sure I can sacrifice more free time to get some nice lewd pics made for everyone! Just less Elden Ring I guess :,)
Commissions are open, the 2020 pricing list is still a rough price basis to go off of but may be slightly higher due to current demand.
If you do DM me here or on discord at VA1#1337 just be aware that there is a queue of about 3-4 currently as I've whittled it down, but you can be added to it to lock in your position :D!!
So don't be shy, I may be busy irl but I still enjoy making artworks for you nerds :3