Now the easiest answer is "prey gets eaten and dies". And there's many situations where that's true. It's the most "realistic" type of vore.
But it's not the only one ofcourse. Reformation is a thing in many vore pics. Is that still fatal even if an impending reformation is flat out stated? The prey was still digested. Is there a time limit? If the prey is gone for two years and then reformed where on the spectrum does that go?
What about predscapes or sentient fat? Mentally the prey exists but there's no body left,physically its fatal.
Just random musings after seeing preference gripes in a few places really.
So this was an idea I’ve had for a bit but never done due to laziness and self sabotage. But fugit, yolo and all that.
So what I need is 3 volunteers as ill fated team-mates for an rpg/mmo flavored pic. Humanoids are preferred….cuz I suuuuck at drawing anthros. Not gonna be any bidding, I’ll just leave this open until Thursday when I pick whoever appeals most. So you know….refs help. Classes are free to pick but no doubling up. So if everyone volunteers to be wizard only one is gonna get it.
Pred: Ome (barbarian)
Prey 1: Jann (rogue)
Prey 2:
Prey 3:
Prey 4:
So I've been working on a vore horror series for awhile....but I've hit a roadblock with it that doesn't seem like I'll overcome it soon. So I'll be setting that aside to work on something much less original. A vore campus series. Yes yes throw the tomatoes. It'll be a vanilla series, all humans, no crazyness aside from the vore. Co-ed campus.
However I'm not sure which idea I want to use for the main character, so ya'll can put in a vote for who that should be. The other two will appear in the story in some capacity as well.