The time has come, the votes have been counted and recounted just in case, and the results are in! So, without further ado...
Last place, option B with a whole 1 vote!
Fourth place, a tie between E and A at 3 votes!
Third place, option F at 6 votes!
Second place, option D, at 8 votes!
Aaaaaand the winner is... OPTION C! Pulled ahead by a single vote there at the end! So for all those that didn't vote for it, I hope you don't mind some school-setting naga vore, and for those that did, congrats! I'll get working on that!
...I mean, I would get started on that... if I hadn't already done that yesterday, because I was apparently in writing withdrawal and figured I'd just get a jumpstart on the writing and generating the thumbnail...... [ Continued ... ]
My current piece is still in the editing / reviewing stage, but it's done and I'm basically ready to start my next thing so I thought I'd try and get this poll up sooner rather than later. As "usual" the poll will run for three days, so, starting today and running till the morning of March 2nd, if I'm doing my math right. For those who haven't voted on one of these before, all are welcome, even if you're shy and want to vote via PMs or whatever :P Vote for as many or as few options as you like, I'm just here to find out what people think sounds best!
So, without further ado, here's some options! (there's a few lamia/naga ones... I've been in a mood ^^')
(For those that don't know, lamias and nagas are separate races in my settings, with lamias being the larger... [ Continued ... ]
Nothing important here, just one of my random blogs I post to let people know I'm still like, alive and writing. Possibly also to tease my next story that's hopefully coming soon...
I did kinda promise a sequel to Nick's story (my second most recent one) would be coming, but, um, for those that aren't aware, I really suck at focusing on / writing sequels... so I kinda got distracted. Got into a mood for a more romantic setting, TOTALLY UNRELATED TO RECENT HOLIDAYS, and set out to make a slower, f/m reformation story about a burnt-out manager and an intern that likes getting eaten by her. So the good news is, that should be out soon! As for what comes next, well, I've got a number of ideas floating around (shocking news from me, I know) so I'll likely end up putting up... [ Continued ... ]
I'm alive and well, before anyone asks :P I've been working on a story that, well, I restarted twice, and on my current try completely changed... basically the entire setting, but figured out the writer's block I was having. Been working on that long enough that I felt weird going radio silent for so long, but I forgot how freakin long I can take to write sex scenes... anyways, if anyone out there is a fan of first time preds and centaur AV content (which, fun fact, AV is about 1/3 of all centaur writing according to my math) then there's something to look forward to, as I am -hopefully- in the home stretch now.
As for the "note to other writers" part of the title, it's less important, but I've been wanting to say that if anyone ever needs an idea/inspiration for a... [ Continued ... ]
Posted that I was open for comms before I went to sleep, and woke up to three separate people inquiring about it, so... odds are it's taken, and I wanted to put up a note before more people inquired ^^'
Hello all! I hinted at it back when I did the poll, and now that I have an actual story out for Halloween, before Halloween (strange I know) and don't have some other project pressing in my brain... this seemed like a good time to reopen for business!
Changes from the last time I opened for comms: First, slight price increase, by which I mean it went from $10 to $12 for 1000 words. Also, only one comm slot open currently, because last time I accepted two at once I burned out! Which was a... combination of factors, but still.
Past that, not much different! If you weren't around, don't recall, or have otherwise become suddenly interested, I just reposted my comms page with hopefully all the details you might want! ^^
Also, I have a Discord for this... [ Continued ... ]
What the title says. Just wanted to do a quick post to say it.
Winner: the small mall pred story! It won by a landslide, or I mean, like, half the people that voted voted for it. Now I just gotta decide what kind of prey to write...
For those that didn't vote or just want a reminder what I'm talking about, here's the synopsis from the poll: OPTION B: Project I've been debating for a while! Follows a petite demi-squirrel girl that meets a friend at the mall, but, not wanting to get hungry while they're hanging out, decides to eat someone! ...Someone much bigger than her, which ends up rather inconvenient... F/f, willing prey, and I'm open to suggestions as to the prey's race. Leaning towards a demi-horse, or a cowgirl, or maybe a human, or... y'know, a prey. Could... [ Continued ... ]
Hello everyone! For those who don't know, I. Am. Distractable. Ask anyone that's PMed me! But that's currently relevant; see, I started what I planned to be my next story. Aaaaand then I got distracted, because I've been kind of shorting myself on sleep... and started a second story. And then I repeated that, and now I have three recently-started WIPs, and am having trouble picking one to focus on. So I decided to put it up to a poll to decide what I work on next, cause when people have voted on it I usually focus better... and because that'll give me the few days while the poll runs to try and force myself to sleep some more :P
So! Vote for as many as you want, (though ideally not every single one) I'll tally it all up at the end! Planning to leave this up until... I dunno,... [ Continued ... ]
Hi! If you came here from the anniversary post, you know what’s up already. If not, I recommend reading that one first! Basically though, this is a glossary of all my stories so far! You know, in case people were curious about ones they hadn’t read or something. Always happy to encourage more reading of my work, and hey, if you do end up reading something off this, go ahead and leave a comment there! I love getting comments ^^
Generally, my stuff is about willing prey, so I don’t really mention that here. I will mention unwilling prey and such though.
Also, as you probably know, my stories usually contain scat/disposal in some amount, but I do put barriers around it… so if you see a barrier in the way of reading, and it sure seems like the pred was headed to the... [ Continued ... ]