The content I make and publish through Secret Stash Comics services a niche market, even within the world vore. Recently I've had a lot of people asking me about where to find updates on recent comics and on how to keep up with the kickstarter, so I'm going to start posting here again. If you want to make sure you stay up to date on our releases, follow Secret Stash on DeviantArt or directly through the online comic shop. Although I'm back for now, I left because of a clash with the admin that was unprofessional and insulting, and I'm posting again with extreme reluctance. If I have another confrontational situation with admin I'm not going to be interested in keeping the account at all.
After an insulting exchange with Eka, I've been forced to remove several of my recent gallery posts featuring artwork for Jungle Dangers - Book One. In making those illustrations I had used AI generated images as part of my process, specifically using them as a rough draft for me to do a finished digital painting over - a complete paint-over that makes something wholly new and different from the AI image or images used as a step in making them. The final illustrations were my artwork made overtop the draft stages, my goddamn brushstrokes and time, not some cheap edit and not some AI mess. And I was completely transparent about my process. One of the posts specifically showed the starter image and my final illustration in order to demonstrate a more responsible way to use AI as part of the... [ Continued ... ]
Cutting right to the point, after the first two levels of Cretaceous Seas come out I need to look at the options for continued funding to keep the game development going. This is my least favorite part of the job, but the funding is what keeps the project alive. Just to be super clear, I'm not asking for an extra dollar until I get that release out but I do want to start the discussion around how we're going to approach it when the time comes. The original campaign funding only covers those first two levels, and that release date is coming up soon.
With additional funding we plan to add another 4-6 levels and more creatures on top of the first 2 levels, depending on what we get. The minimum target budget for that, with working another 6-8 months, is $25k (or roughly $3-4k... [ Continued ... ]
Oh, and if you try to vote by leaving your favorite in the comments... what are you doing?
???????????? Why? Those don't get counted, votes are only for patrons who support the studio.
Here's the post and the voting options:
"Now that I'm working full-time on the Cretaceous Seas game, I've assembled a small team of talented artists to handle the comics production. I've been sticking to a 4-6 page story format but would like to start expanding up to 9-12 page shorts. Ultimately, I REALLY want to start publishing an on-going comic series, and the idea polled well. That concept requires a totally different format,... [ Continued ... ]