Sooo. Don't you just HATE having to be socially correct?
I have to go on a three hours drive later this morning with that immature, selfish, cheating, lying, brat that calls itself my father, to visit a grandmother who didn't speak to me for THREE EFFING YEARS after I had decided to live with my mother when my parents divorced, back when I was 16. Not until I joined the army, did she try to get into contact with me again, for who KNOWS what reason. And for years, the unanswered phone calls, letter, e-mails, etc. didn't give her an effing hint that I have no need for her.
So, I have to go visit her, just because it MIGHT be her last Thanksgiving. Whoop-de-fuckin-do. What, I'm supposed to suddenly start caring just cause you're old and dying? No. That... [ Continued ... ]
Well, my internet's been out for a few days- supposedly to to the tornado last week. HOWEVER- my internet went out, and came back on the next day for nearly the entire day after the tornado, then mysteriously went back out. Does that make sense, if the tornado was the reason? No. It doesn't. Anyway, the company FINALLY got around to fixing it today, after the third time I've called in six days.
But it turns out that wasn't the only damage done to my house by the tornado. Nuh-uh.
Y'see, there's this thing that apparently helps regulate the voltage to your house, called a "Nuetralizer". Well, the storm caused a tree branch to smack into the power pole that had this part on it. It was pretty damaged, and over the course of the last few days, it had been... [ Continued ... ]
Well... a tornado up and decided to take a stroll through town yesterday.
Montgomery, and quite a few surrounding areas are abit trashed now. I got by lucky- worst thing that happened in my neighborhood was cable and internet went out.
However, one town lost thier main water supply and thier volunteer fire department building. As far as I know, no one was killed, fortunately.
My little brother was at AUM when it hit. The campus itself made it out alright, but a few buildings surrounding the campus were totalled.
And of course, living in Alabama, there's the trailer parks... some of which aren't there anymore >.o; However, recovery seems to be going fast. Now-homeless people were sheltered within hours, and reconstruction has begun.
Well, I haven't drawn in quite awhile, so I figured I'd get back into it- after all, I do have a commision and a dA Kiriban I need to do. So I figured I'd do some real quick character sketches. I didn't feel like creating totally new characters, so I decided to make it double-productive and draw a few of my characters from "The Voar". So far, I've only done Marice and Emiko.
Then I decided to be Triple-productive, and also made these characters available for RP in the chatrooms... however, once they are killed in the chatroom, then they are dead from the chat for good. Keeping them true-to-character as far as that goes.
As far as requests go... feel free to ask- the worst that can happen is I say no. Who knows, might like your idea and go with it.
Commisions... I am really trying to push these right now. Going through abit of a rough time >.o; Price will depend entirely on the piece and what we can work out. Can only accept check or money order at the moment.
Art Trades- Provate Message me^^ I'll definitely consider it. I put abit more effort into art trades than I do regular requests, just to let you know.
Well, this coming up Saturday, the 9th, is JessyChan's birthday~!^^ And for the first time since we've known eachother, I'm actually gonna be able to visit! Haha, life is alot easier when the army isn't controlling every last detail of your life.
Yup. Today's my birthday. Going out and watching Pirates of the Carribean 2. Not much else to say- had a hard day at work last night, but hey, it's work.
This past weekend was awesome. I spent alot of time with Jessica, when on a couple dates.. mostly, just held eachother. Watched The Lakehouse with her. Pretty good movie, and though the plot twists are obvious, I recomend it^^
Then we rented Deep Blue Sea, Blue Demon, and the JAWS Unleashed videogame. ((Er, Sharks are one of Jess's favorite preds, btw <.<))
I had already seen Deep Blue Sea, and knew Jess would love it, especially the final unexpected vore scene.
Blue Demon. Sucked. It was worse than a B-movie. The music seemed to be ripped straight from a porno sound track, the story was so horrible that Jess and I fast-forwarded to the vore scenes... which sucked entirely as well.
Then we got to the JAWS video game. ... [ Continued ... ]
YAY~!! After six long months, I FINALLY get to go see my love again. I've missed her SO much.
JessyChan, be knocking on your door soon~!!^^
You know, we really oughtta do sumthin bout this long distance relationship thing o.O;' It's kind of a drag. I wanna see you everyday, Jessica~!^^
Can you name 13 people you can think of right off the top of your head? Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people...This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!
1. Jessy
2. Sara
3. Richard
4. Josh
5. SFC Shatto
6. Eka
7. Uncle Jerry
8. Aunt Net
9. Joey
10. Brian
11. Levi
12. Shima
13. Oh-Bah-Tah.
How did you meet 10?
He's my youngest brother.
What would you do if you had never met 1?
What would you do if 6 and 2 dated?
Pfffft!! *spews out Coke* They WOULDN'T. Plain and simple. ... [ Continued ... ]