Sure, the party and all won't be til tomorrow, and I DID have to work quite a lot today... but I'm still grateful that I got a little spoiled by being taken out to eat. \o/
Sure, the party and all won't be til tomorrow, and I DID have to work quite a lot today... but I'm still grateful that I got a little spoiled by being taken out to eat. \o/
I'm gonna be turning 26. *shudder* The only reason it bugs me is cause I got a late start in college- I'm a sophomore, and I watched friends years younger than me GRADUATE last semester. D:
In any case, it's not all gloom and doom... gonna be having a pool party the day after with lots of friends. I'm not usually the type to ask for something for my birthday... but I am still trying to gather up funds for Dragon*Con. <_< If anyone's interested in stuffing a couple of bucks into my DragonCon paypal fund, let me know.
In any case, I've also been drawing a lot again, lately. I might have some new arts out soon... but I definitely wouldn't mind a few suggestions sent my way. Not requests- suggestions. ... [ Continued ... ]
I was planning on going to Dragon*Con this year, but finances aren't quite what I hoped them to be. =/ Worse, I had people counting on me to help them split the bill on the hotel room... so I'm kind of hoping I can manage to bring up my funds... but even normal day-to-day funding is tight right now. ._.
So, I'm really trying to push commissions right now. x__X If you need anything drawn- character sketches, vore pictures, wahtever- drawn, I'll try my best to make it cheap as possible for you while still worthwhile to me. If you're not really interested in buying something from me, it would mean a -lot- if you could donate a little something if you're able and willing.
My paypal account is [email protected] ... [ Continued ... ]
Hey, opening Commissions, three slots.
If you're interested, let me know.
Black and White, up to 2 characters- $15
Extra character -$4
Color, up to 2 characters- $25
Extra character- $7
Backgrounds: A simple background, such as green grass and blue skies, or no background at all, are free. Complicated backgrounds will cost $2 B&W, $5 color.
Hey! Got back from MomoCon yesterday, and I've been working on editing all the footage I took.
If you missed the con, or just want to relive the memories, give it a look, share it with friends, and comment if you see yourself!
I'm a little down... I was just sent the script for the final episode of a voice project I've been working on since July of 09.
"The Only Alien on the Planet" is a novel for young adults by Kirsten D. Randle, and it has a sweeping story that will leave you curious about everything until the bittersweet end.
Using the 3D Animation program MovieStorm, YouTube's HouseOfLune has been retelling the tale through the program's simple graphics and the help of a few voice actors.
This represents the work of several people dedicating themselves to a project for well over a year. Please, if you would be so kind, watch it.