Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I've published something, and if we're friends you may have noticed I've been more absent on socials as well. I'm here to explain why, and hopefully promise to actually churn out some good stuff soon. So, regarding my last blog post's "sinusitis," it turns out that the source of my headaches was much more severe; impacted wisdom teeth. Those among you who have experienced this and the surgery to remove said teeth should likely understand already but suffice to say- my face is very swollen and my head is sore lately!! Naturally, this makes writing and screentime itself somewhat unpleasant. Though with all things, this must eventually pass- and I believe I'm recovering from my operation quite well, so perhaps the wait for a new story needn't... [ Continued ... ]
i'm going to have to keep this one short because of how bad my headache is but; thank you very much for enjoying my stories. i look forward to writing more when i don't feel like i'm going to explode!!
Hi everyone! (Just how many of my blog posts can be about me grovelling at your feet, thanking you for your continued support?) I really wanted to express my appreciation for the noteworthy traffic on my latest story about Irida! 2,500+ views in twelve hours is quite a lot for my standard, and I've noticed a great deal of new watchers in that time! My only wish is that I had the mental fortitude to dedicate more time to writing longer stories, as well as publishing them on a much regular basis.. but hey, maybe one day, right? ♥
As for the nearer future, though, I'm not entirely sure what I'll be writing next. I have a few WIPs, a story about Katara from Avatar, a story about Hilda/Touko from Pokémon Black/White 1, as well as some vague ideas for an Azula (Avatar), Kamisato... [ Continued ... ]
'tis the season of love, but more importantly, the closest thing I can get to chocolate that doesn't taste like ass in America. (Oh, Cadbury, how I undervalued you.) But enough complaining from me, I'd like to thank everyone for all of the favourites and support lately, I've noticed quite a boom in activity and I've even hit some milestones! Thank you, really!
For the occasion, if you haven't checked it out already, please do give my newest story a read. It's to celebrate the occasion and is actually somewhat of a sequel to the very first story I posted here. Love you all, cheers~
Complete the Rosa/White 2 Her Ass Story
Ayaka Story
Legends Arseus 3: Irida
Hilda Story
Mercy Story
Legends Arseus 4: ???
Tokyo Mew Mew Story, maybe
Sonia Nevermind Story
Legends Arseus 5: ???
and many more
•Q: Can I suggest multiple characters?
•A: Yes, you can! Please do! Just be sure to reject the poll if you've already submitted answers into it.
•Q: Does ____ count as a loli?
•A: Difficult to answer broadly, but so long as the character is sexually, literally by years (18+), and societally developed as an adult, they are fine. An example of a childish character that's okay is Papi from Monster Musume. An example of one that wouldn't be fine would be Kanna from Dragon Maid. You can always PM me if you're still unsure, I don't judge or condemn, I just don't want to personally make content of some characters, that's all!
•Q: Are you comfortable with writing smut about Pokémon like Gardevoir?
•A: Pokémon are complicated.. they're shown to be... [ Continued ... ]
I suppose I really can't beat around the bush anymore; I just can't handle requests right now in the state I'm in. I can barely motivate myself to do much of anything these days-- but I'm really trying to get out of this funk, I promise! A few of you may of noticed that I removed all of the requests from my status and the information about accepting requests a few weeks ago, but now I guess I'm officially announcing that I'm no longer taking requests until I can kick this depressive episode's ass.. sorry everyone.
.. But I do at least have a consolation! As a part of my attempts to break out of my funk, I want to try to write little drabble/short stories with whatever scenarios/fetishes come to my head, right, but what if I were to say..
You got to choose the characters... [ Continued ... ]