Hi if you like my work please follow me maybe?
The twitters function will be to show completed works but also sketches and the little things ive done that may not warrant an ekas portal post.
There is written proof of this so barring any issues with lack of sleep I'll resume tuesday and I cant weasel out of it like i have the past half dozen times i said i 'might'.
So... I got 23 submissions in a little less than 5 hours. ... uh, thanks. So much for leaving it open for 24hrs That was quick. So ... i want to start working immediately.
It will take time to chew through them all but im game...
Thank you, really.
Hi. So this is my third official batch of stream coms.
I started calling them stream coms and I think im going to honor that for now. Ive offered a colored option as well if you feel like its worth it, go ahead and get it. Are these stream coms any more? No, not really. Though, I might prioritize people if they are in the stream. I want to promote and show gratitude towards people who visit my streams somehow. If you can bear me scratching out my eyes and complaining about everything I do, then I think thats the least I can do to show gratitude.
I am going to florida on the 19th I will be away for about a week please factor that in, I wont be able to draw during that time, at all. ... [ Continued ... ]
I had an unexpected thing happen that forced me to sleep late. I dont think I can even finish a single drawing before i have to be pulled away tonight for work. Im typing this literally as I wake up. So what i want to do is try a stream for tomorrow, Wednesday.
Hey everyone. Im really pleased with the rate of turn over for these coms. All things considered they arent as fatiguing. This was always planned. I want to permit options. For an additional price i want to include some simple colors. Some shades some highlights for a flat 10 extra. Base price coming up to 35$. Its my hope that i can maintain a decent pace in regards to this additional format.
Id like some input on whether or not that would be interesting to some people -- a strawpoll: https://strawpoll.com/hg7z8adc
I was a little concerned that several people requested coms at once. I was at 13 or so coms in line at a point and i felt that some people waited so... [ Continued ... ]
So, thursday evening I plan to host a com stream. I may have time for one or two depending.
the price will be 25$ per. With additional charges for things that deserve it.
I kinda hosted an impromptu version where i just kinda hashed out what i expected from the coms myself. Enjoy those and thanks to those people who bought them!
And when I say its okay i'll accept a few coms and draw them in an insta grat style. Meaning specifically I'll try to get your image done in under an hour. Its essentially a sketch-quality but i'll look nice. I think.
Prices now are $25 per. Complicated characters, poses, extra characters, internals, backgrounds and those sorts of things will cost extra depending on their complexity. the range for any of those items will be $5-$15 extra per item.