Hey hey all, it's that time of year again~ I've decided to post the list for this year in advance, as well as what the theme is~ This year I decided I wanted to do all demi races, to give the monstrous races a bit of a break~ Odd numbered Days will be female, even numbered days will be male! Similarly to last year, the price will remain at $100, each person may only purchase one, and no accounts that were made in the past 30 days may be used to claim~ The list is as follows:
Day 1 - Cat
Day 2 - Dog
Day 3- Dragon
Day 4 - Skunk
Day 5 - Ferret
Day 6 - Raccoon
Day 7 - Rat
Day 8 - Bat
Day 9 - Bear
Day 10 - Hyena
Day 11 - Horse
Day 12 - Cow
Day 13 - Rabbit
Day 14 - Squirrel
Day 15 - Possem
Day... [ Continued ... ]
Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful holidays and an easy, lovely last few days of the year~ I'm going to be relaxing for the last little bit of the year, then diving into work after the new years~
It has felt like a very, veeeeery long year for some reason, but it has certainly been a productive one for me <3 at year's end, I have gotten more commission work done than almost the past three years combined, and was able to get a few big projects done as well! My hope for next year is to polish off as much contract work as possible, and see if I can open up my schedule even more~
Speaking of scheduling, I've been continuing with the experiment of taking just small batches of commissions, and I think that's a looot more healthy for me than the alternative~ I... [ Continued ... ]
Hey'a all, October is finished, and so is the 30 Days challenge~ It was certainly a trek, but I'm happy I was able to get all of the designs done~ Hydra? Shhh... I said that was a maybe. But, regardless, I am sitting in an interesting place now. All of my comms are done. I've finished my yearly projects. So, I am going to be devoting a lot of time to a large pool of contract work I have. Trying to get it taken care of for the future.
Now, I will be taking some commissions going forwards. But, I am changing up how I take comms from now on. Instead of taking things and putting them on my to do list, letting that build up and trying to work through it, instead I'm going to basically be taking spot commissions. Where I'll decide if I want to work on something at that moment, take... [ Continued ... ]
Hey'a all~ Sorry it's been radio silent for the past few months, I've for the most part just been kinda keeping my nose to the grindstone and working my way through all of the things that I've had on my list. Depression and other things kinda being problems. In July, I had a new roommate move in and things got a bit hectic. Then in August, another roommate had a medical emergency that threw things off. Then I basically spent all of September in comic hell trying to clear out allllll of the comics left on my list.
But, here standing at the end of it all, I stand with my commissions completely (I hope) knocked out. However, I'm not going to be opening them back up for awhile longer, due to a couple of reasons. Reason 1 is that I have a contract I need to put a loooot more work... [ Continued ... ]
Hey'a all, I'm sorry I missed last month's update, but, that's largely because the crash happened. A string of crappy happenings threw me off tempo, and that kinda threw everything out of whack. I lost most of May and June to feeling bleh, and have for the most part stopped taking new comms until I get things caught up. The bleh kinda keeps going, which is making it hard to work at a decent pace. But, I'm trying to just push on through it.
There's unfortunately not much to say beyond that. I'm going to keep trying to work my way through things, and I hope everyone has a good summer~
Hey'a all~ I am dumb, and kept putting off doing the update for April. Then I looked at the calendar and realized that May had snuck up on me! Soooooo, here's the report of April~
The big thing from this month was successfully finishing up my emote Iron Artist challenge at the start of the month~ 100 (plus a few extra emotes because I can't count) done in about 10 days was really fun, and I might do another one later in the year~ We'll see how things go, especially with what I have planned for the 30 Days challenge later in the year ^^ (I miiiiiight decide to be a crazy person, and do a double stacked male and female monster 30 days, tho that's a biiiiiiig maybe)
Commissions have been continuing to roll forwards~ I've found that not only is the mobile studio... [ Continued ... ]
Hello all~ How goes? So far, things are going well still for me. I had a feeeew small splashes of negative mood in the past few weeks, but, unlike most years March has not been the start of a depressive spiral for me~ So far. Fingers crossed. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
So, last month I spent a bunch of money on a Wacom Cintiq tablet. Only to realize upon it arriving that I was mistaken, and that despite it being a screened tablet, I could not use it to work away from my PC. Upon some hasty research that I SHOULD have done before ordering the Cintiq, I learned that the tablet I was thinking of was the Wacom MobileStudio. And that it cost $2000 more than the already pretty high price of the Cintiq. So, I returned the Cintiq and kinda went: "Oh well, that's way too much money. I'll... [ Continued ... ]
Hello all~ It's about halfway through the month, and I just wanted to let people know how things are going~
The answer is good. Things are good right now~ I've been keeping steady on working on commissions, and trying to balance it in a way that I don't get burnt out. I've been continuing to take pretty much all commissions that come my way, and despite the list growing large I'm continuing to make steady progress. A big this is breaking the idea of getting 'done' with my list. Because in all honesty, that's an illusion. I have such a steady flow of business that I'll never be truly done with my commission list, because no matter how fast I finish things, new ones will just fill in after it. So instead, I'm trying to just keep a good, steady tempo going and try to sustain it~... [ Continued ... ]
Hello all~ It's still January, so time to do an update! Sorry that I didn't get updates during November and December. November I spent mooooostly deep in depression, and December was devoured by Endwalker. The start of this month I was working with family, and a good chunk of the middle of the month I had a house guest over, but noooooooow after doing a few more family things, I'm completely free to resume focus on work!
So, a few updates. Update one is that I am going to TRY to stay open for commissions all of this year. This means that I'm going to have a loooot on my plate to do, but, I've been keeping work going at a good clip, so I shouldn't keep people waiting for all that long~ But, my goal for this year is going to be to try to work my tush off and see how much I can... [ Continued ... ]
Hey all~ Have you ever had that thing where you forgot to do something, but then keep putting it off over and over because you feel bad about forgetting to do it in the first place? Well, no reason for bringing that up >.> Anyways, it's half way through the month and I'm going to do my update~
This month I spent the first half of it basically lost in playing New World. The game was very fun and definitely worth the time and investment, but after chugging 250 hours of it in two weeks I think I'm good ^^ The best part of that is that now I'm feeling very good and motivated to get back to working on art stuffs~ I have several projects that I'm working on in the back ground, but I should be on track for opening commissions back up at the start of November!