Now that 2018, the longest year in the history of universe, has finally come to an end how's about I post up all the drawings I did that I was too anxious to post up before?
Hi all, I know i have been unproductive here to say the least, but between school and general life anxiety I've been frequently struggling to do much of anything. The fact that I keep coming to this site and spending hours trying to find the motivation in myself to post and create content with nothing to show, it certainly doesn't help my anxiety and depression to say the least. So I'm formally saying here and now that I am taking a break from content creating before i completely ruin myself.
Hey all, just felt i should put this out there while i'm on an upturn of my manic-depressive mood swings that i'm doing okay. Summer is halfway over, I'll be starting my teacher certification classes in the fall, and for the time being I'm not receiving commissions. Sorry to those I had marked on the list, but this is why I don't have people pay right away. I have finished all the paid ones, which frees me up to do some me art again which I'm really looking forward to. Anyway, may you all have a pleasant weekend and that you're surviving whatever terrible weather you're dealing with.
Won't even sugar coat it, I had some -really- bad seasonal depression this year. I went to some dark places and contemplated giving up on my art and everyone I know online.
Now, I'm feeling better and that depression has been replaced with a feeling of general frustration at my family. This morning starting my car took 5 minutes as the engine struggled to turn over, not to mention my car's rear-end is still smashed from when my stepdad backed into a wall. I should point out he promised to pay for repairs but oh no, he can't afford it. He can afford 5 new 75 dollar hats, but he can't afford 300 dollar car repairs. Meanwhile my mother keeps chewing me out for not having a job yet and deliberately making me feel like a burden on our house.
My stepdad had a heart attack last week, was in the hospital, came home, and is now struggling to pay his medical bills. Meanwhile, he borrowed my car to go to the dollar store, and backed my car into a wall, smashing up the rear end.
So all commissions are half off, I desperately need to raise some money. If you're feeling generous and want to pitch in a couple bucks, my paypal is [email protected]
So for the past year my family has been renting a small apartment to a young woman, and by extension her boyfriend/fiance. During that year, we've had numerous complains from neighbors, several arguments and fights, garbage thrown into our yard, late rent, and having our own run-ins with her abusive boyfriend/fiance.
Well, a month before the lease contract ends, she's practically abandoned that apartment. She knocked on our door over the weekend and just said, "Yeah, I'm gonna live with my mother in Juarez, bye." and we haven't heard from her since. Her boyfriend/fiance came by two days ago to get drunk with some of his buddies and trash the lawn again, but we haven't seen him since.
Earlier today we checked out the apartment to find they literally just... [ Continued ... ]
Hey all, just letting you all know that despite the overall lack of activity on this page, I haven't forgotten ya'. Things have been rough down here and between issues with my family, allergies, and the flu, I haven't been able to do much of anything. Well I'm finally over the flu at least, so starting this week I'm going to be active and post more. Of course, I will be posting content early on my patreon for those who have some pocket change to spare. ;w;/
So after debating with the idea for months now, weighing options back and forth, I've at last decided to start a Patreon page-->
For those of you who are worried, no, this won't mean I won't stop posting art here, nor will there be pay walls in front of most of my work. I will simply be posting work onto patreon before I post it here, but I will still post here.
okay, after finishing those commissions, I intended to draw a whole bunch of stuff for fun and whatnot. Well, I hurt my back about a week ago trying to lift up the garage door, so in addition to being bitter from a fight with my parents the night before, I was in pain all week too. I'm finally feeling a bit better, and I hope I can get back t drawing and posting on here soon.