Hot damn, this is the most productive I've been since 2016! I don't want to jinx anything, but I'm feeling really good about my setup and my enthusiasm for art is in a good spot right now. I'm gonna try to ride this wave for as long as I possibly can, and hopefully when the next art funk inevitable hits, it won't last as long. Haha.
Hope you guys have enjoyed what I've done as of late! Though, is there anything you guys would like to see from me? Not like, specific characters, but in terms of content? More males? More fanart of characters in the community like my two most recent pieces? Or more licensed characters like I've been known to do? More cartoony stuff? Or more realistic stuff? Maybe more creatures and monsters? Potentially some other type of vore besides the usual... [ Continued ... ]
So, I only had a handful of items in my gallery that got blasted with that whole biz that went down with Eka's, but they're back up! Though, for future uploads, I'm going to refrain from doing art featuring visibly younger preds/prey. I was already moving away from this sort of stuff, but I'm gonna keep up the stuff that's already been done. Thanks for understanding, and hopefully I'll have some new stuff for you guys in the near future!
You may have noticed, but I uploaded something new yesterday! I went into a little detail on the description on the picture, but I'll talk about it more here.
My old laptop didn't stop working, per se, but it became very bothersome to use due to it's age and the amount of stuff that had accumulated over it's years of service. I originally acquired that laptop in 2009, so it's amazing that it serviced me for so long! I'd been in dire need of an upgrade for sometime now, and for Christmas this year, my family bought me a new laptop! An HP Spectre x360! 16 GB of RAM, 512 GB of storage! And most importantly, it's a touchscreen like my old laptop, but with current tech! And it works amazingly well!
I'd made attempts to draw in the meantime, but had very little success.... [ Continued ... ]
Hi guys! Sorry for not uploading anything in quite a while. A combination of being busy with outside stuff, being lazy, and accumulating some drawing rust. All factors that lead to an art funk. Not fun!
I’ve been slowly working on stuff (not content for here, unfortunately) to help ease me out of this funk, so hopefully I’ll have some new stuff for ya’ll at some point this year! My laptop isn’t in a good condition for prolonged periods of use, but I’ve recently been using some programs on my phone that I think can help me manage the quality of stuff I’ve done on a desktop!
Also, I have a Twitter now! I’ll be making a Tumblr at some point too, probably when I make somehing new. But yeah, I’m looking to follow fellow artists on there! If we’re mutual on here,... [ Continued ... ]
He's taking commissions. He's VERY good, and his prices are VERY reasonable. He mostly does fat and stuffing, but he doesn't mind doing soft vore as well!
Hey guys! So about this time last year, I set a goal for myself. in 2013, I only uploaded 6 pictures. My goal for 2014 was at least a picture a month, totalling in a minimum of 12 pictures. Very shortly, I didn't keep up with my own schedule, so I adjusted my goal to having at least 12 pictures period, forgetting the "one a month" rule. So, now that we're at the end of the year, how many pictures did I end up with?
So those two uploads from earlier today? Cutting it close with JUST enough to surpass last years total. Not exactly what I had hoped for, but what can ya do? I've been extremely busy this year, with work, finishing up at the community college in hopes of transferring to a university next year, and getting heavily involved in some... [ Continued ... ]
Hey all! So, if you haven't noticed already, I've uploaded two new pictures! Hopefully this means that I'll be back to more frequent posting.
I've been feeling really good about drawing recently. I've been taking some life drawing classes at the community college, and even though I've only been doing it for a month so far, I feel like what I've learned is already helping me significantly. So I'm gonna try to utilize this new spark of inspiration to get out some good stuff for all you guys!
So, by this time of year, I would have had liked to have had seven pictures uploaded for you all. But clearly that isn't the case, as there's only three there, with the last one having been uploaded almost four months ago.
I really have no other way of explaining why I haven't been doing anything, other than that I've been busy. Busy with work, mostly, and when it's not that, I'm hanging out with friends, doing music-related stuff, watching TV/surfing the Internet or sleeping. Drawing just hasn't really been factoring into any of that time (other than shitty little doodles on receipt paper at work), and I guess it's because I just haven't been feeling motivated at all lately.
I feel really bad, especially in regards to... [ Continued ... ]