CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Thanks! It couldn't have existed without the commissioner, though, so do make sure you check them out too :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Nice and comfy, in the same ovary... :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
I admit I forgot about that. :'3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
In her own predatory way. :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Then you'll really like tne final page... :3 thank you!
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
[ascending slide whistle] :P
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Thanks :D there's more to come!
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Thank you :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
I can certainly concur on that! x3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
The feeling is mutual :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Recent fights with depression meds have left me with little motivation to do anything at all, much less my NSFW stuff. I'm working on it though, and thanks for the encouragement :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Pretty much whenever I can muster the motivation! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten your questions... :3
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Hahaha, funny, cute and sexy all at once as ever!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
No, she uses the sperm to fertilize anyone that wants to come out with the same DNA as what went in!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
No, no. That's just the male part of the patient's DNA- the semen that first made them. When she has to unconceive a person, she makes sure to keep that so they don't lose half their DNA. :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Yup, everything the prey was in terms of soul/personality is transferred to the semen that made them, leaving the ovum a 'blank slate' as it were.
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Maybe an idea for the future. :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Yeah, it WAS one of my darker writings... :P
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
They're split into their original components; semen and an ovum. The ovum goes to the Huntress's ovaries to await rebirth as one of her daughters, and the semen (and their soul) is frozen into a sphere.
It can then be used as ingredients for potions and rituals... or it can be used to power one of the Huntress's empty knights.
I recommend you read the story she's from here!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Many thanks :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thank you! I hope to make 2023 a good year for content. :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thank you :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
:D she's a good character for stuff like this!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Great as always :D Keep it up!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Once again a wonderful idea and great execution :D
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
These pieces tick all the boxes! Cute, interesting, well made! Please keep doing what you do!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thank you!
I can't take all the credit, though; Groblek wrote the script and commissioned the comic after all! I'd highly recommend reading some of their stories!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
That's reassuring, thank you! :D
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
It makes my day to hear such praise ;u; thank you!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
I know, right? :D
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Heh heh! Love the expressions on this page! I really hope you continue with this story, though I totally understand the pressures of life on a person's artistic pursuits!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Yes you most likely have! This was a commission from Groblek, who kindly gave me permission to upload the comic to my own profile after he did the same on his!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
That's a question that might get an answer in the future!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
I know, right? One day I hope that it'll be a reality. :)
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Theoretically yes! It depends on what you define as being somebody's child, really.
If needed, a uteromancer can use parts of their genetic code to fill in any gaps in the patient's, by fusing one of their ova with the patient's ovum. If you go by the purely genetic definition, that makes them at least slightly related!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Indeed! It was a great time working with you :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
That is, essentially, what Alicia and her mom are!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thank you :'3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Go ahead! :D
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
It scared me slightly when I saw Eka comment on my stuff... glad to know it's all good!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thank you for the commission! <3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
anytime. :D feel free to ask more if they ever pop up!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
It's a very abusable power, which is why the good Doctors Knight are so principled about using it. :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
I'm thinking it may be. Good question! :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
:D thanks!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
hee hee, thanks! Coming from you, that means a lot. :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
They can't speak once regressed past childhood, but if done right, a uteromancer can converse with the people regressed within them no matter what stage they're at; that's what happened to Amelie in 'Eternal Life', after all!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Oh she's still there, just asleep. All Alicia is gonna do is muck with her genetics a bit to remove her illness, then the whole process will reverse and Miss Stevens will be brought back into the world happy and healthy!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Well hell, ask away! They might get answered...
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Maybe I will do something like that in the future!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
You sound like you'd enjoy the 'Alternative Treatment' story in my gallery; maybe give it a read sometime :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
I mean, that was Alicia's potential fate, before Artemis decided she wanted a daughter (in the original Born Again story) The clinic does offer such a service, though they make absolutely sure that the patient knows what they're getting into.
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thanks! I've wanted to make something like this for a while and I'm glad that people are liking it!
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Yet... :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Not long now. :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thanks :D I figured having them both in the same image was the best way to go about it.
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Turns out that the cure for insomnia is unbirthing. Who knew? :D
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Thanks! Maybe the head practitioner of the clinic will be the one doing that demonstration... :D
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
Your wish is my command... :3
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
As Groblek said, the hard part is getting someone in there in the first place. :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Yeah, I thought about that, but in the end I figured it's not all that important.
Thanks, though I can't claim to have drawn them myself. There's a font you can get for hieroglyphics!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
You got really close! :D
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
She's saying "man, but this one was dumb...". Her other prey give her a bit of a challenge at least!
I just used a hieroglyphics font from the net for it :P
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
It was a tossup between 'uterophage' and 'uterovore', and the former won out. Thanks!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
To be honest, when I came up with the idea of using a sphinx, I'd completely forgotten that you were also using one in your comic. Kinda feel like I unconsciously nicked the idea, heh.
It also made me realise that I wasn't watching you. I've rectified that now lol.
Thanks for the kind words, as ever!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks! She's an original character made for this submission, but she might return later... :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Maybe there's been a uteromancer in the past that's done such a thing... ;3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
thank you! I might need to. :P
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks! I was aiming for something along those lines.
I'm not very practised doing comics, but everyone has to start somewhere, right? :D
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Glad to know you liked <3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Indeed :3 Uteromancers' eyes and hair change colour depending on emotion. Pink indicates pleasure (sexual or otherwise), orange is mostly exasperation.
But if this was a gif, Artemis would be oscillating between pink and orange... she's enjoying it almost as much as Alicia. :P
CassiSquish - 2 years ago
haha, thank you!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks <3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks! I'm working out the best angle to approach the next part from but I'll hopefully be done with it soon :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Working on it as we speak. :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
I think it turned out nice. Thank you <3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
one day... thanks for the idea. :D
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Artemis's ovary is a very comfy place, but it's not a place you want to visit often unless you're willing to lose half your DNA... :P
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
In this case it's a mix of femcum/the lube they use for planned unbirths. Uteromancy is as messy as it is pleasurable. ;3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thank you :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
:D Thank you!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Give it time, I'm sure I'll be coming up with some art for my unbirth characters soon...
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
My thoughts too. Thanks!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks for the tips. :D
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thank you. <3
I'll most likely post the variations all in one go. I'm not sure if the platform supports multi-image posts, but no time like the present to find out. :P
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
That's up to them. I may open commissions sometime. :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Maybe :)
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Yeah, I was in two minds about posting the art under my own banner, but I decided to go with it in the end.
Thank you! Your praise makes my day. <3
The Huntress of KnightsBy CassiSquishIn a time before time, a land lost to history…The two adventurers were led unwillingly, bound with manacles, up the stairs of the castle tower, to their final fate.One was a woman, a beautiful girl of late adolescence, and her dark grey skin and short pointed ears betrayed her elfin heritage. Her fair, pointed face was yet defiant in the face of her apprehension, a small split in her eyebrow drying of blood. She was short, slim and waifish, looking younger
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
I would say it's a unnatural pale. Not quite fluorescent white but close. :P
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Well, she was originally conceived as the first uteromancer, of sorts, so she has a lot of the same physical traits as Artemis/Alicia from the Born Again series. Beyond that, she wasn't inspired by any one character. :P
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
I'm not sure what a 'motif character' is, I'm afraid. :')
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Good question, to be honest. This is one of those things that I myself questioned while writing, and hence why the story isn't canon. :)
I suppose that the Huntress of Knights- like canon uteromancers- has the power to move souls and minds into whichever gamete she wishes, and her preference is to keep the ovum as a trophy within her while the soul is kept in a separate location so it can't try and rebel against her or something like that?
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks for your comments :) this is just a one-off that I didn't want to leave unused so probably not gonna be expanded upon, sorry. :')
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thank you :)
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Glad to know you liked it. :)
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
I'm glad :3
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks! :D
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Yeah, I thought that too. But I just couldn't put a scenario down on paper for the life of me. Maybe a rewrite in the future, perhaps.
Thanks for your comment!
CassiSquish - 3 years ago
Thanks for your comment! Yeah, Naoko's story may end here, but who knows? Xochiquetzal did mention other bearers. :P
Your praise is heartwarming. Thank you again :D
Alternative Treatment (Born Again, Part 4)By CassiSquish--------------------It was a lazy Sunday in the Born Again R&D lab; a day off for its two proprietors. Dr. Artemis Knight was off working out. It seemed like that was all she did to an outside observer, but given her body was her livelihood, its maintenance was a top priority for her.Alicia, her daughter, was sat in the lab’s living room in her pyjamas, losing at Smash (she regretted picking Rosalina as her main).However, there was on
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
Good point; I recall thinking a similar thing but I must have forgotten to edit it in. Thanks for your thoughts, definitely gonna take them on board! :D
Uteromancer Unfettered: A Born Again Side Story]By CassiSquish----------------------[The diary of Dr. Artemis Knight, 05/03/2XXX]I have become introspective as of late, diary.I’m not sure why exactly but it started just after I'd sentenced Amélie to an extended stay in my ovary- she's fine, by the way, I've been talking with her and doing some therapy to try and work out just how she became what she was. But I digress.That incident dredged up a lot of unpleasant memories, of the times I've ha
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
Great idea, and there's always other stories... :D
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
It depends on the uteromancer. Artemis only uses her power for good where she can; when she's forced to use it in her defence, she will try to keep her assailant sentient within her in a comfortable state, and she will communicate with them and do some therapy, to try and rehabilitate them.
Ainwyn doesn't have such morals, however, and she forces the people she absorbs into non-sentience unless she has need of their intelligence...
As to how the prey feels, well, I may explore that in a later story. Again, though, it depends on how the uteromancer wants them to feel. Suffice to say that Artemis tries to make them feel comfortable. :)
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
I'm keeping it vague still, but offering an insight into the 'dark side' of uteromancy; what can happen if one allows themselves to become addicted to the bliss that it gives the unbirther.
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
Eh, by the standards I set for myself I think it could have been done at least a little better; though I at least managed to spin it into an opportunity for character growth and expansion, I think.
You've no idea how much I appreciate your words, though. Thank you for every comment you leave!
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
There will be more! :)
CassiSquish - 4 years ago
I'm glad to hear it. :)
CassiSquish - 1 year ago
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Do also go and show :iconelliotalien08: some love too, since it was their commission and prompt that originated this comic :3