SV21 - 4 years ago
Wow wow wow this is amazing!
SV21 - 4 years ago
We’re here for you. I’m sorry you lost your job.
SV21 - 5 years ago
The little guy had a mustache on your Deviant Art account.
SV21 - 6 years ago
Hot damn! This is some of your best work
SV21 - 6 years ago
This is uhh.... awesome. Love the facial expression!
SV21 - 7 years ago
Love it. Never stop making these.
SV21 - 7 years ago
SV21 - 7 years ago
No ones complimented you on this yet? This is great!
SV21 - 7 years ago
Great concept. I'm hoping we can see a continuation here - like he goes over to play but "mommy" has sometthing 'special' waiting for him.
SV21 - 7 years ago
Oh, I love this. Again... home run.
SV21 - 8 years ago
... but it doesn't taste like apples :/
SV21 - 8 years ago
What happened to the first one? Do you post these publicly or are they sent via private message?
SV21 - 8 years ago
Donald Trump happened.
SV21 - 8 years ago
Inverse smile is awesome.
SV21 - 8 years ago
Very nice! Could you do a Shenzi sometime soon?
SV21 - 8 years ago
If you advertised this piece as commisonable, I'd wager you'd get a bidder though or two.
SV21 - 8 years ago
Eye, alas I do not put my credit card on the internet as a matter of course. Sorry mate.
SV21 - 8 years ago
This should be colored. Please color this :D
SV21 - 8 years ago
Love Ursa's expression. You should do a closeup of that.
SV21 - 9 years ago
Idea to make up for your failure - part 2 :D
SV21 - 11 years ago
I wish more meals would appreciate their masters.
SV21 - 11 years ago
Dude, your art style is amazing. You're on par with Karbo.
SV21 - 11 years ago
Aaaaaahhh --- hurry up and show us the rest!!!!
SV21 - 11 years ago
Yay! Now If you could do this with a Kerrigan model that would be AMAZING.
SV21 - 11 years ago
... there's going to be a Hobbit 3. Don't know why, but there it is :/
SV21 - 12 years ago
Another submission, another favorite. Well done matey!!!
SV21 - 12 years ago
The man is back in town!
SV21 - 12 years ago
"People are silly."
And people also express their opinions when they feel strongly about something. :/
SV21 - 12 years ago
and then they fucked... :p
SV21 - 12 years ago
The black knight ALWAYS WINS!!!
SV21 - 12 years ago
Let me put it this way: If you draw a minor on this website - a porn website - you risk the FBI shutting down our little spiel-ground and getting all of us on a child porn watch.
You fucking idiot.
SV21 - 12 years ago
I find it difficult to discriminate between what is and what is not okay in terms of macabre fetish. I fully understand what vore is, however I am expressing my opinion that it is never - I repeat never okay to derive sexual pleasure from the painful death of a minor.
SV21 - 12 years ago
I feel the need to post a second comment: I do not like the way this turned out. These particular sequences were disturbing - and we're in a vore community. I love your work, but in my opinion, you went too far.
Sorry man.
SV21 - 12 years ago
I agree. I feel like a sequence like this needs more *fleshing* out. It just seems like it happened too fast.
SV21 - 12 years ago
What if you did some guild wars characters? I think wow might be getting a little old.
SV21 - 12 years ago
What about Sneesium? I was doing chem work and started working with tin (Sn) and forgot what it meant lol.
SV21 - 12 years ago
... Thanks a lot. When you accuse artists of child porn, you ensure that they won't continue their work. The description clearly states that all characters are presented over the age of 18. And I was hoping to see a part 2, but I guess that won't happen now.
SV21 - 4 years ago
Cant wait!