Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 15 years ago
Last Seen: Mar 24th, 2025
Views: 64,184
Comments Made: | 228 | Total Views: | 1,139,674 |
Comments Received: | 851 | Items: | 167 |
Favorites: | 7,778 | Blog Entries: | 22 |
Welcome to Staple's user page! I'm a sucker for dragons, which in my book are the definition of the ultimate predator. My art mainly focuses around my dragon, Echo. I prefer to stick to good old soft-vore, although all this really excludes is chewing and "other" ways of ingesting prey. But overall, I'm just an artist who happens to love drawing dragons doing what they do best.
I currently do not offer commissions, but I'm always open to suggestions. When you dig yourself into too deep of a niche, it's hard to come up with new ideas. I love feedback, so don't be afraid to comment or give me a shout!
Nope, I didn't die - I just took a big, fat hiatus. What can I say, life can really get in the way sometimes. That said, I probably shouldn't let FOUR YEARS elapse in between submissions. Yeah... major dropping of the ball on my part! ^^;
Now, please know that I'm still not currently taking on commissions right now, but I may again at some point. If I do, you can bet I'll be there with bells on to announce it. :)
Posted by TheBlueGuy 8 years ago Report
Your style in drawing is really unique, what do you use to draw out your comics?
Posted by TheFennecFox 8 years ago Report
You rock my world! Your style is incredibly unique, and I look forward to the future projects!