"Dame. Dame! Dame, get your worthless-ass in here!"
From down the hall of a rather generic house, a young human walks into the much wider and spacious living room. He wore only a yellow thong that matched his long blonde hair and hazel eyes, his cute face had freckles. His body was weak and less than ordinary compared to common humans as he stood at exactly 5 and weighed only a 123 lbs at the young age of 18.
Knowing His Place
By: FreelancerSmurf
Favorited: 4 years ago
Today is a lazy day. You and your red panda friend, Kit, are currently lazing about on your couch watching episode after episode of mindless TV and just enjoying one another’s company. You had intended on making plans with her, but the tantalizing thought of a Saturday at home kept on bringing your butts right back onto the couch. The tiny panda girl currently is lying on her back. Her head is on your lap staring over at the TV while her bushy ringed tail idly flicks back and forth between
A Lazy Day
By: Maja
Favorited: 5 years ago
It was a nice, sunny day. A young boy named George, wearing a green shirt and blue jeans, walked towards a big, fat wolf Anthro wearing a chef's hat and an apron. The wolf was Pierre, the famous mascot of a fun park where kids could get eaten. George smiled at the huge creature, who was currently handing tickets for the fun park to kids. Then, after the last kid went to enter the fun park, he approached him: “Pierre?”. The wolf looked at him and smiled: “Hello, little one. Do y
Pierre the Wolf's Sibling Soup
By: CreativeWriter
Favorited: 5 years ago
Bearly Legal, The Exploits of a Gladiator Polar Bear
Contains NC Vore, roughhousing, M/M NC sex
Scat is well warned, and only in the”Disposal” stage at the end
By Talonsaurn
I took a deep breath, steadying my nerves, this would be the day.. I was well rested, dressed in thick tough mail, it was a big badly fitting but it was protective. I wore a steel helmet with the face uncovered.. I wore chain gauntlets to protect my hand. I carried a short sword and a shield, I had some
Bearly Legal
By: talonsaurn
Favorited: 5 years ago
The Centaur’s Cock
By Vivid Lucidity
Cock vore, herm pred, unbirthing, female pred, cock vore into unbirthing, unbirthing into oral vore, digestion, reformation, male prey
While cleaning up cum stains from the ceiling can be tri
Consumed by the Centaurs Cock
By: Crash
Favorited: 5 years ago
You know, as much as I adore eating humans and making them a part of me, I can’t help but appreciate how innovative they are. They’re wonderfully gifted at making things, and this mirror is no exception. I’ve been working through this lovely little village I found, but its always nice to take a moment to admire oneself when you get the chance. After all, look at me. My hair is quite long, flowing down and resting just above my butt, and its got a lovely dark green color that ma
Meet Fororza
By: KinoTheCat
Favorited: 5 years ago
Angelic Snack
Oral Vore, Melty-Gooey Digestion, Full Disposal, Graphic and
Descriptive, Quadrupedal Fox pred
large arctic fox nudges Kaoru's cheek. "Oh, you know what I
mean, tasty wingboy~" she says with a giggle, drawing her tongue
across his face. It leaves a trail of shiny saliva, glistening on
Kao's skin. She closes her eyes and lets out a rumbling growl,
rolling her tongue around her mouth to feel that flavor soaking into
her flesh. "Mmm, you'll make a wonderf
An Angellic Snack
By: fredhailton42
Favorited: 5 years ago