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The Scent of a Monster (Clean Version) The eastern clouds are already light when I reach the tree, the old gnarled banyan or ‘watching oak’ as the villagers call it. The dark ascent has left me gasping, and I pause a moment under its tangled branches to catch the last of the night air. My palm unthinkingly massages a buttress root in a spot worn smooth by countless past travelers. I take one glance over my shoulder then pass beneath the lowest limb. I enter the safe zone. The tree is my mil
The Scent of a Monster (clean version)
Views: 1,625
The Scent of a Monster The eastern clouds are already light when I reach the tree, the old gnarled banyan or ‘watching oak’ as the villagers call it. The dark ascent has left me gasping, and I pause a moment under its tangled branches to catch the last of the night air. My palm unthinkingly massages a buttress root in a spot worn smooth by countless past travelers. I take one glance over my shoulder then pass beneath the lowest limb. I enter the safe zone. The tree is my mile post; soon I c
The Scent of a Monster
Views: 1,845
Dynasty’s End ( C.C.1 )
Views: 3,884
The Wailing Woods (part two)
Views: 3,065
The Wailing Woods (part one)
Views: 2,401
Confessions of a Lion
Views: 4,081