BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 16
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat Weight Gain Batgirl Harley Quinn fertilizer Poison Ivy D.C. Comics
All better! And would you look at THOSE! Batgirl had been packed into Harley's guts, now she's stuffed into Harley's bra! Careful now, don't rip that costume, it's a classic!
I wonder what Batgirl will be used to grow? Dandelions? Roses? Who knows, and honestly... who cares?
Gorgrath177 - 4 years ago
Anything new in the works?
EloquentOrc - 5 years ago
Definitely one of the best vore comics I've read, if not THE best.
MeAndMyWaifuSamus - 5 years ago
Best vore art on ela!! This was fantastic!!
SuperheroFood - 5 years ago
Amazing work, loved it. Would also love to see a sequel with the Huntress or the Black Canary, or better yet both.
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 15
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat Batgirl Pooping Skull Nudity Harley Quinn fertilizer Poison Ivy lewd Bones in scat Clothes in scat
Ahhh isn't that better, Harley? Nice and smooth and THICC, just like she was before she went down the hatch <3 well, sorta. Looks like a pretty good time. Well, for Harley at least.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Batgirl's costume is actually just cloth, this version she made herself after having her spine problem fixed in Rebirth (I really like Batman stuff lol)
mifigor19 - 5 years ago
Wait how did she digest that suit?
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 14
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat Pooping Post-Vore Nudity Post Vore Scat Harley Quinn fertilizer All Females Poison Ivy Clothes in scat
And with a hearty PUSH, out comes Batgirl (finally!) What a relief that must be, as Barbara Gordon finally comes flowing out of poor Harley Quinn. Probably going to need some baby powder afterwards, though.
Vorachist22 - 3 years ago
Excellent work.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Neither, just making a really gross noise haha. There's nothing in her stomach at this point, all packed her guts, and I bet having a fist pushing as hard as possible into them doesn't feel too good lol
157and493 - 5 years ago
Is she burping or is she about to vomit in that 5th panel, I cannot tell.
blackwolf09 - 5 years ago
Very nice and feeding the plants how thoughtful Ivy would totally do that too.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Thank you!
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 13
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Toilet Post-Vore Nudity Harley Quinn All Females Poison Ivy constipation Scat implied
A few days later, Batgirl (and I guess that burrito?) are packed away tightly throughout poor Harley's intestinal tract. Something's clogging up the poor girl's exit, hopefully Ivy has a plan to do something about it!
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
There's a Harley origin comic that just came out where she DID sleep with her professor, but it wasn't for grades, they were just horny lol.
volcarona - 5 years ago
I remember in countdown to final crisis they show as much, so it might be canon
volcarona - 5 years ago
I remember in countdown to final crisis they show as much, so it might be canon
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
wiseguy288 - 5 years ago
Okay, that line about the professor made me legit laugh, kudos
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest (Gut Slut Lounge)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Batgirl Masturbation Fairy Nudity Jill Valentine Rebecca Chambers All Females afterlife talking to viewer Gut Slut Lounge
And here we have our famous little Gut Slut Lounge interlude, to give those of you who aren't into the next part a little breather. I also wanted to take this page to ask you all of you a question regarding the future of my work on here.
I've had a few people ask me if I have or have considered making a patreon (or something along those lines), and I figured I might as well ask the rest of you. I don't want any of you to feel like I'm e-begging or trying to take advantage of the...
[ Continued ... ]
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
All aspects of thicc are accepted in this house of godlessness
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
No shade on Nyte, they do what they do, my plan regardless was that my main content would always be free! Early access would be something I could offer, but I don't think it would be nice of me to get such a great following on here and then be like "pay up fools you need 8 vore crystals to keep playing" lol.
Thank you for the suggestions btw! I'll look at how JoraBora and SCP Illusrated do things!
Santaman - 5 years ago
Okay if you do a Pateron here is what I would do, if Your open to hear suggestions. But do what SCP illustrated does.
He release's videos first on his Pateron, he release's sketches first on his pateron, and I believe JoraBora that fetish artist does Raffles ( Bids ) on Pateron. Which I'm okay for.
just don't become Nye and sell your comics behind a paywall and I'll be fine.
blackwolf09 - 5 years ago
Well I'm more of a butt guy but great tits now to continue the story
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
I've never heard of that, I'll have to look into that.
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 11
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Digestion Fatal Lesbian gif intestines Internal View Harley Quinn Cuddling Poison Ivy Digestion Noises Disregard of Life
And just like that, Barbara Gordon isn't even treated like a person anymore, just calories. Looks like Ivy might not have been completely truthful when she teased her about her "newfound" fetish, though.
This is my first ever gif, showcasing Batgirl being pumped down into Harley's guts! I've always wanted to do this, and I'm so glad I finally got the chance <3
rubuio91 - 5 years ago
I stand corrected lol.
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 10
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Digestion Fatal crushing Lesbian Harley Quinn Poison Ivy Digestion Noises pussy licking
And with a hearty orgasm and a deafening PLOIP, Batgirl completes her transition from gut slut to belly stew. Was it good for you, Harley?
blackwolf09 - 5 years ago
I'd let either of them eat me honestly
whatisthissheet - 5 years ago
I thought this was done after the 5th page, am I glad it wasn't. This page and the 6th are especially good. Love how involved batgirl is throughout the comic.
TheRPKing - 5 years ago
Nice crush
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 9
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Digestion Batgirl Masturbation Lesbian Pussy Internal View Harley Quinn taunting Poison Ivy Digestion Noises pussy licking
Turns out Batgirl might've been harboring a secret fetish this whole time. No better moment than to really work out those frustrations than when she's stewing away in the pit of a more powerful woman's belly, is there?
SherlokKirya - 4 years ago
This internal view is so good, I love seeing her almost drown in acid
rubuio91 - 5 years ago
So nice of them to let her live her hidden fantasy :P
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 8
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Digestion Same Size Batgirl Lesbian Pussy Nudity Internal View Harley Quinn Poison Ivy lewd pussy licking
After a long night of blowjobs and cum, Harley's ready to sleep Barbara Gordon off. Too bad Barbara's a little too busy to let poor ol' Harley sleep! Luckily enough, Ivy's more than willing to help work of Harley's latest meal...
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 7
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Swallowing Batgirl Cum Blowjob Internal View Harley Quinn deepthroat dicks
Dicks dicks dicks! Harley and Barbara have a grand old time, with Batgirl guzzling down cum, and Harley guzzling down cum after having guzzled down Batgirl! There's a lot of guzzling going on. Bane's also got a really big dick. Fuck.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
I think that could be the tagline for all of vore tbh.
PacifistDuck - 5 years ago
this is weird but in a good way
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Oh my god lol
e_voyager - 5 years ago
Imagine how funny would be if bangs C was so loaded with Venom but Batgirl and Harley both got super strength for a little bit as well as addicted
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 6
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Swallowing Batgirl Cum Masturbation Nudity Internal View Harley Quinn dicks lewd
FINALLY! The long awaited return to the city of Gotham with the rest of Batgirl: A Meal in Jest! This comic was an absolute blast to work on, and I actually ended up pushing it beyond what Id originally intended for it because i sorta didn't want it to end xD Here we go, hope you're ready for a gut-gurgling good time!
Batgirl finds herself a little hot and bothered while she sits in Harley's distended belly, so why not take care of a little business?
TheRPKing - 5 years ago
This gonna be good!
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Soft Vore Stomach F/F Giantess Swallowing Macro/Micro Female Prey Internal View Female Pred Resident Evil f/multiple Ada Wong Jill Valentine Claire Redfield Rebecca Chambers Ashley Graham Sheva Alomar Multiple Preys
Hi there everyone! I hope all of you have a great Valentine's Day! Here's a little piece of Jill Valentine enjoying a nice box of Valentine's Day candy!
I wanted to try something a little cutesy-er with this one, hope it worked out????
I've been working on a pretty large commission for the last few weeks, so it's going to be a little longer before the rest of the Harley Quinn/Batgirl comic is posted, but I assure you that it's going to be my best work yet!
SherlokKirya - 4 years ago
Best gift for your girl - pack of tinies. I really like this concept, hope I will find more drawings like this one
thehoomanity - 5 years ago
I feel bad for the girls, they'll have to deal with Ashley screaming "Leon!Help!" until they digest.
Winny - 5 years ago
With all those clothes the log she pushes out is going to be fairly colorful! Nice pic Phanta~
blazekyn - 5 years ago
Their always the future but who will be the lucky pred to eat her
Colmillos - 5 years ago
Hell yeah Ms. Valentine enjoying some V-Day treats, sweeter than any chocolate.
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Gulp Snake Frog Swallowing Zelda Yawn Resident Evil lurker Breath of the wild
Can't leave those girls hanging, can we? Away they go, down to digestionville! Lets allow these predators some time to enjoy their full bellies <3
ZeldaNoVorsu - 5 years ago
The big gulp. After digestionville, those girls will take the lower GI expressway to turd town. In the meantime, the predators will enjoy their full, onomatopoeia emitting bellies that earned you the first 500 watches.
Genly - 5 years ago
In they go! One fresh pile of turds, coming up!
wolfSnack - 5 years ago
hawt :3
Winny - 5 years ago
One way or another those girls will be hanging when they finish digesting~ <3
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Snake Frog Zelda Pre-Vore Fairy Yawn open maw in maw Jill Valentine Rebecca Chambers in mouth Nude Female lewd lurker Breath of the wild
I don't know if people normally do this sort of thing here, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew how much it means to me! I drew this a few weeks ago when I noticed I was getting close to 500 watches, and without me realizing it I appear to be at 540 now.
It was honestly really scary, like terrifying, to start doing this. It took a lot of anxious forcing myself to do it for that first Rebecca x Frog comic I did a few months ago, and everyone here and on Reddit have been nothing...
[ Continued ... ]
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Thank you, I'm more than happy to contribute to yours as well! *predator muscle arms handshake meme*
DemonioBlanco - 5 years ago
my 2020 objective will be getting to 500, and hope if i get there, you get to 2000 or more
ZeldaNoVorsu - 5 years ago
Ah, revisiting the classics I see. I remember when I first started, I was worried too. Most people here are friendly enough though, which certainly helps.
TheRPKing - 5 years ago
Loudsilence - 5 years ago
Congrats on the 500! I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll make in the future!
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 5
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Oral Vore Belly Same Size Batgirl cocks Blowjob Female Prey erection open maw Female Pred teasing Vore Comic Harley Quinn Nude Female dicks Disregard of Life
Tasty? Yes. Filling? Just about, but Harley could always use a little extra! Hopefully Barbara is a fan of facials, because there's no escaping this one!
For now, this is where I'm going to have to leave you off! Don't worry, I'll be back with more Harley/Batgirl to come, as her journey is FAR from over. In the next few pages you can look forward to:
Lots of cum and cum swallowing
Girl on girl (who also has girl in girl)...
[ Continued ... ]
Antlooksatthings - 5 years ago
Fair enough
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Joker didn't forget really, just got caught up in the moment.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
All done! It ends the same way most dinners end, honestly.
Antlooksatthings - 5 years ago
How could joker forget about mr.freezes wife. That's the only thing he talks about it the injustice games
VOPhotoshop - 5 years ago
Cant wait to see how this ends!!!
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 4
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Oral Vore Stomach Burp Same Size Swallowing Batgirl Belching Gulping Female Prey Internal View Female Pred Vore Comic Harley Quinn Burping Last look Nude Female lewd Barbara Gordon Disregard of Life head outside head in mouth
And with a resounding GULP, Barbara Gordon's transition from crime-fighter of the night to late night belly filler is complete! The only thing Batgirl is going to be fighting from here on out is Harley's metabolism!
DemonioBlanco - 5 years ago
is it possible to be sleepy because drugs but have a fast heartbeath?
TheRPKing - 5 years ago
Love the Arkham reference.
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 3
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Same Size Swallowing Batgirl Gulping Nudity Female Prey Feet first Female Pred Vore Comic Harley Quinn Nude Female Stomach Bulges Barbara Gordon
Look out, Mz. Gordon, Harley is about to slurp you down, boots and all, like a wet noodle! Hope you didn't have any plans with Dick later tonight, because Harley has you booked for the weekend!
DarkPinkie - 5 years ago
They really must be villains! Using Skype in this day and age.
nervousvampire - 5 years ago
maybe they think if the inmates have wifi they wont try to escape
HungryLion812 - 5 years ago
Awesome! Can't wait!
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Ivy will have her day, promise.
HungryLion812 - 5 years ago
Kind of wish it was Ivy but oh well a great comic nonetheless
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 2
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Batgirl Pre-Vore batman Female Prey Female Pred teasing Vore Comic Harley Quinn Poison Ivy Licking Lips Digestion Noises Barbara Gordon Condiment King
This isn't any ordinary hostage situation, Batgirl! Harley has special plans for you, and they all involve a check in at Hotel Harley! Can you blame her though? Red heads always look so tasty!
Wait... who the fuck is that Batman is fighting?
nervousvampire - 5 years ago
condiment king! the monsters!
puck5 - 5 years ago
I love the way Harley teased Batgirl here. The way you write dialogue is awesome!
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Yep! I couldn't not include him in a vore comic somehow. Maybe he'll play a bigger role next time xD
Blackheartedreaper2 - 5 years ago
The funny thing is, condiment king is a real villain. Like seriously!
BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest Page 1
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Comic Batgirl Pre-Vore Female Prey Female Pred Harley Quinn joker Poison Ivy lewd
Merry Christmas, Hanuka, whatever holiday you're celebrating by furiously masturbating to vore art and stories! Since I'm sure you've all been naughty boys and girls, I wanted to close off this year with the first few pages of my promised Harley Quinn/Batgirl comic that you voted for! This took an INCREDIBLE amount of time to get these first few pages out due to the style I tried drawing in (I wanted to try to make it look as much like a real Batman comic as I could... you be the judge), so it...
[ Continued ... ]
TheRPKing - 5 years ago
Perfect way to start the holiday season.
Great job btw.
Lara Croft, a few days later (SCAT!)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat Female Prey lara croft tomb raider Scat pile Bones in scat skull in scat
The lovely Ms. Croft forgot that, after melting in the warm, wet belly of a much more powerful beast, being pumped through it's intestines while her nutrients are slurped up to help power the creature that consumed her, and eventually being pooped out into a giant, steaming load of dinosaur shit, she won't really be able to tell you how it went.
I guess you'll just have to use your imagination.
157and493 - 5 years ago
Ah, well in that case I am going to have to pass on this one. It is still some very nice art though, I can appreciate that.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
I suppose male. I tend to do FxF stuff, but with an animal like a rex where theyre this giant beast I suppose I'd think theyre male, just from a domination point of view. I hadn't really thought about it tbh xD
157and493 - 5 years ago
Was the predator male or female... or was it supposed to be ambiguous?
I would be very grateful for an answer to this question.
157and493 - 5 years ago
Was the predator male or female... or was it supposed to be ambiguous?
I would be very grateful for an answer to this question?
htaed - 5 years ago
Ooh, nice. Is it wrong to say I'd fuck that shit?
Lara Croft presents an update on yours truly!
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Stomach Dinosaur T-rex ?/F Implied Digestion Female Prey Internal View lara croft tomb raider Burping Nude Female lewd dinosaur pred
Hello everyone! For anyone wondering where me, or my content, have been for the last little while, I have an update! I'm back, after dealing with a broken computer and a bunch of other exhausting bullshit lol. Thought I'd try to make it up with a new short piece about the lovely Ms. Lara Croft (classic Lara, of course) stewing away in the belly of a very delighted t-rex! Although I'll admit, she's a lot of fun to draw, so this might not be her last tour of duty...
I'll also be...
[ Continued ... ]
EmissaryOfRainbows - 5 years ago
Exactly, couldn’t agree more. Plus hungry beasts have the biggest, best belches.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Sign of a very happy, satisfied, and most importantly FULL belly :)
EmissaryOfRainbows - 5 years ago
Love it when feral preds belch!
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
PhantomWolf - 5 years ago
Ah Lara Croft as she's meant to be, well done!
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Oral Vore Scat Dragon Anthro Digestion Deer Nudity Disposal Shitting Dragon prey Digestion Noises lewd Disregard of Life Scat pile skull in scat
Woops! Looks like there was one more item on the menu: Dragon! Well, at least they're all together. Like literally, mixed together.
Thanks so much for reading! This was a lot of fun to work on, I especially loved drawing the blue haired dog girl. She's too adorable! I mean she's brown now. And like, basically not visible, buried under several pounds of other vorephiles. But hey, isn't that the dream?
stearwing - 5 years ago
Unfortunately. Someone here deserved to go down, but didn't.
mibankai1171 - 5 years ago
Another sweet comic, is this the last page?
mibankai1171 - 5 years ago
Awesome lol.
Salisha - 5 years ago
What a fantasy...~
Gelenor - 5 years ago
Well that was pretty awesome. Especially a fan of the last page.
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Scat Dog Dragon Anthro Sex Deer Anal Vore Nudity Disposal Shitting lewd Scat pile skull in scat Wireless Fuzz
And with a healthy push, dishes 1 and 2 have been deposited and left to cool. Dish number 3, on the other hand, is on her way up to joining them...
Dog Girls 2: Contractual Vorebligation Page 4
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Dog Dragon Anthro Digestion Same Size Cock Vore Cum Blowjob Cum Digestion Nudity facial Digestion Noises lewd griffon/pony Wireless Fuzz
Just like that, I only have two characters to draw! What a lovely little milkshake she's got pumpin' through her there! Speaking of which: For warning, the next page contains scat! In fact, all of the pages from here out contain scat, so look out!
Zazzythegoat101 - 5 years ago
Well at least they died.. happy.. I guess?
But what about them? They might be in the same situation~
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Winny - 5 years ago
Looking good Phanta! Always a joy watching cuties churned into slurry~
Badfurson - 5 years ago
Dog Girls 2: Contractual Vorebligation Page 3
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Oral Vore Anthro F/F M/M Same Size Bulge Swallowing Cock Vore Blowjob Nudity Female Prey Male Prey Female Pred Burping Male Pred lewd Wireless Fuzz
Finally, some honest to goodness vore! With a slorp and an ulp, the number of participants goes down to 2!
Dog Girls 2: Contractual Vorebligation Page 2
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Dog Dragon Anthro Blowjob Anal Sex Nudity lewd bdsm/bondage griffon/pony Wireless Fuzz
Is it just me, or are things gettin' pretty hot in here?
Dog Girls 2: Contractual Vorebligation Page 1
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Dog Dragon Anthro Deer Nudity Vore Comic lewd Contract bdsm/bondage griffon/pony Wireless Fuzz
A commission that brings back the characters from the Dog Girls Sittin' in a Dragon commission from a little while ago! This time we see our lovely young meals to be are getting a little more... official with their evening dining arrangements. You know it's serious when there's a waiver involved!
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Batgirl Vore Comic Harley Quinn DC Comics
Cover for the upcoming BATGIRL: A Meal in Jest comic!
Hey everyone, as it should seem to be pretty self-evident, Batgirl won my vore poll from a little while ago. It'll be some time before I can actually begin real work on it, but I didn't want to leave everyone hanging on the project! I still have several commission requests to catch up on, but once obligations are fullfilled, Barbara Gordon is taking the Intestinal Express!
The comic will be about 8-9 pages long...
[ Continued ... ]
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Aw, thanks! :D And thank YOU for reading and enjoying!
SortaLonely - 5 years ago
Love your work Phanta! Always hits the right spots, with lots of creativity and charm. Thanks for being awesome! :)
Winny - 5 years ago
Can't wait Phanta~ <3
ZeldaNoVorsu - 5 years ago
And Joker thought HE had the killing joke...
Also "Voredak", I see what you did there...
puck5 - 5 years ago
Eagerly looking forward to this one! I can't wait to see the jokes Harley makes at Batgirl's expense as Batgirl digests.
A New Challenger Approaches! Meal Vote!
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Batgirl Zelda Vote Vore Comic the legend of zelda Harley Quinn Resident Evil Claire Redfield Gears of War princess zelda DC Comics Barbara Gordon Kait Diaz
Hey there everyone! I'm a bit backed up with commissions at the moment, and it'll probably be a while before I'm posting as regularly as I had been. So it doesn't look like I've abandoned you all, I figured I'd make a little guide for who could end up on the dinner plate next, and give you all the chance to vote on who you'd like to see next! The menu items are:
Resident Evil's Claire Redfield (based on her Darkside Chronicles version, rather than Classic or Remake)
[ Continued ... ]
SuperheroFood - 4 years ago
Barbra Gordon, AKA Batgirl!
ThotPrime - 5 years ago
Kait would be amazing
ryanshowseason3 - 5 years ago
TheHangryWaffle - 5 years ago
I vote batgirl.
Slayerpaco - 5 years ago
Mich as i love seeing Claire sloshed, im voting for kait as i don't see her vored as often.
3 Ways Bonus Features: Poster B
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: design poster liquor Disregard of Life
In the hallway leading away from the backrooms, I wanted to have some in-universe advertising. Since they might be a bit hard to read in the actual comic, I figured I'd post them separately.
This is Poser B, marketing for a product called Parfum Pour Merde. This isn't actually a perfume, but a small liquor shot that will impact a gut slut's DNA just enough that, upon being squeezed out, will leave her coiling intestinal snake smelling like (in the case of this purple one) lavender....
[ Continued ... ]
Winny - 5 years ago
Gotta smell good when making the big splash at the pool! ^^
3 Ways Bonus Features: Poster A
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Non-Vore clothing design poster Disregard of Life vore clothing
In the hallway leading away from the backrooms, I wanted to have some in-universe advertising. Since they might be a bit hard to read in the actual comic, I figured I'd post them separately.
This is poster A, for what I imagine is a special reward for game night at the Coiling Slut. The sparkles on the lettering will actually stay embedded in the turd the wearer makes, making for quite a pretty exit.
Winny - 5 years ago
For those girls that want to continue being pretty. :P
3 Ways Bonus Features: Clothing Template
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Non-Vore clothing design bonus Disregard of Life vore clothing
While building 3 Ways, one of the most important aspects was Tiffany's clothing. It was actually pretty important to the story, so I made unique designs that would carry over panel to panel, that I wouldn't have to re-draw each time. Here's my template, in case anyone wanted to see I guess.
simon6009 - 4 years ago
This kind of clothing is good for prey that wants to be eaten and not be forgotten about:D
ScornfulStomach - 4 years ago
-WOW- that is an incredibly hot idea. All these different prey accessorizations/advertisements are just the sort of thing a lucky pred would wanna see. I quite like the club, too ♥
Winny - 5 years ago
Surprised others haven't tried the angle of pro vore clothes.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Thanks! Yeah, I thought they all sounded really fun and hot in the story, so wanted to do them justice while also being my style of them.
Winny - 5 years ago
Ermf~ Clothing designs are great, I knew they would be great as a theme in the universe! So good. ^^
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat Dog Anthro Toilet Flush Shitting Anthro Pred Disregard of Life Shitting out Clothes in scat
My, what a lovely, light shade she made. I suppose being processed twice in one night will do that to you. I'm sure this satisfying movement would leave a real impact on Yell, if Tiffany wasn't one of like 8 sluts making taking the Yell express tonight.
That's the thing all good gut sluts should remember: they aren't special, they're just calories and poop. Sometimes very nice and satisfying ones like this, but nothing more, and nothing to leave more than a passing soreness at...
[ Continued ... ]
MonsterGirlLover194 - 4 years ago
can't wait to see the next part of the story invoing Winny
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Of this particular comic? Yes. In Winny's story, we continue on and see Yell hang out for a bit, but for the sake of still wanting people to read the original story, and sort of completing the circle here as just Tiffany's journey, I figured I'd end it with a flush.
mibankai1171 - 5 years ago
Is this the final page?
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Winny - 5 years ago
To be fair~ Cum has nearly 200 different protein's in it, so no it would be treated as something more uh, thicker then liquid. :P
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat meme Zelda Fairy Descriptive Nudity the legend of zelda Resident Evil Jill Valentine Rebecca Chambers Nude Female Disregard of Life Gut Slut Lounge
As this story was sort of drifting away from Winny's original (available here, it's a doozy: I figured that I might as well let my version of Tiffany pal around with Jill and Rebecca (and the fairy girl, Zelda never learned her name and I've never bothered to ask) in my special Gut Slut Lounge.
She might have seemed heasitant, but yeah, she totally wore those panties hoping that something like this would happen, no way she didn't. Say goodbye to...
[ Continued ... ]
ARandomTree - 2 years ago
I love your idea with the gut slut lounge, it helps to take away from the weird feeling you get from watching a character die since yiu see that they're at least having the best time possible in the afterlife
ShinjiIkari - 5 years ago
So the lounge is like the afterlife? I got a soul vore idea... Someone raid the lounge~
Leaving only blue glowing soul shit behind.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Haha thanks! All good little sluts go to the lounge, although I imagine after a little while it'll start to get pretty crowded lol
ShinjiIkari - 5 years ago
I love the fairy reference to your Zelda story~
puck5 - 5 years ago
I love how the fairy isn't sad that she died, she's sad how she died. Just proves she was a total gut slut in the end.
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Anthro Digestion Burp Cum Digestion intestines Burping Smoking Anthro Pred Dog Pred Fast Digestion Disregard of Life
Crystal's zonked, Yell is quite satisfied and full, and... oh goodness what was her name again? Eh, whatever, little Ms. Oral Creampie is simply bubbling in Yell's belly. For now, at least.
I wonder who those two in the room next door are? If you're curious as well, check out a sister story Winny wrote:
GuysSeriouslyImFine - 5 years ago
lol F
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
So today I learned that apparently you can just install fonts free into PS in like 2 seconds. F.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Hahaha you caught me. It's the only comic-book font default PhotoShop comes with lol.
GuysSeriouslyImFine - 5 years ago
that was so hot I almost didn't notice the font
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Not so far, but I'll never say never :) I plan to do this for a while at the very least, so who knows what the future has in store :)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Anthro Swallowing Cum Balls Blowjob Cum Digestion cum inflation Hyper Cock Ballsac Anthro Pred Cum Swallowing Implied Cock Vore Disregard of Life gokkun
Boy, Yell's going to positively *slosh* with Tiffany now. Gallons of gut slut, transferred from a very full testicle, now to a very full belly.
SwordkingX5 - 4 years ago
I was honestly expecting the girl to be shot up out of Crystals balls and into Tiffany's stomach.
Winny - 5 years ago
Hey! Everyone spends a lot of money on those fashion clothes~ gotta make sure they are acid resistant. Digestion? Pshaw, Slong as the expensive clothes okay. <3
ErRynArya - 5 years ago
I just love how they're now willing sluts, when 15 years before this, they thought "acid proof" meant it would make them acid proof and they wound up screaming all the time when they found out the truth.
Now look at em. All these sluts running around hoping their clothes survive when they know they themselves will not. What a delightful little world you've made~
Winny - 5 years ago
Hey! the clothes work~ Those girls will surely love the acid resistant clothing. <3
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Anthro Cock Vore Balls Blowjob Cum Digestion deepthroat Anthro Pred Disregard of Life
And with a little bloop, Tiffany has been transferred from the marketing department, to the cum department. She seemed like a sweet girl... well, she probably is sweet and a little salty now.
Well? Don't make Yell beg, Crystal. A good girl needs her meal.
Winny - 5 years ago
Lol! Such things happen Phanta~ :P
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
moonlightshy - 5 years ago
she was dead no matter what
Winny - 5 years ago
You could say Tiffany got caught with her hand in the cookie jar~ And now it's time to see whats become of our lovely nut slut. ^^
ChaoskampfNunc - 5 years ago
She was a preyslut, she deserved it~
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Human Anthro Cock Vore Cum Blowjob Cum Digestion Semen Nudity Female Prey Human Prey dickgirl deepthroat Nude Female Anthro Pred Dog Pred Disregard of Life
Aaaand we're back! When last we left little Tiffany, she was floating around in Crystal's massive nutsack! How will Crystal save her from the quick girl-to-semen process that's already taking place inside her very testicle! Will she attempt to...
oh, wait, Yell's got it.
bye, Tiffany.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT (eat eat eat)
ErRynArya - 5 years ago
I am incapable of lying, I was created unable to do so, hence why I can never tell my mate that I don't want my brains fucked out all the time
Winny - 5 years ago
Pffft, liar~
ErRynArya - 5 years ago
But I prove it because I'm unwilling prey only. I don't understand why anyone would want to die so painfully when you can die happily of old age after having lots of babies. I just thank those sluts for keeping the preds away from me x3
Winny - 5 years ago
Pfft, thats what they all say.
Dog Girls Sittin' in a Dragon, S-C-A-T-T-E-D
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Furry Scat Dog Dragon Anthro Digestion Commission Sex Lesbian Canine Soft Digestion 69 Dragon pred Vore Comic Burping sex in belly Anthro Prey lewd Wireless Fuzz
Hey everyone, this was a commission from someone who I shall be calling Anne Nonymous upon request lol. Two dog girls spend their last moments having a bangin' good time in the guts of a very charming looking Dragon. Not a bad way to go, if you ask me.
This was a lot of fun to draw, especially their naughty bits. Really like how the stomach acid came out as well, has sort of a glow to it (the amazing powers of the STROKE EFFECT haha).
SkittlesDemon - 5 years ago
Wow so romantic, anyone wanna join me in there?
Mechdragon1k - 5 years ago
What a cute dragon, and cute dogs, wonder did the dragon keep the dog girls souls?
Heptarch8 - 5 years ago
Everyone else in the comments is appreciating the image (which, to be fair, absolutely deserves said appreciation), but I want to point out the spacing between the letters of the 'T-T' in the title.
Again, the drawing is good and hot and I don't want to detract from it, but I also want to point out that one other thing?
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Woah fuck haha now THAT is a poem! Good shit, go post that haha
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Thanks! I especially like how the third panel came out, all puffy lol
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Anthro Cock Vore Penis Balls Human Prey Vore Comic slut dickgirl vore sequence Ballsac Anthro Pred Dog Pred Accidental vore lewd Disregard of Life
Woops! Little Tiffany bit off a little more than she could swallow... and ended up being swallowed by one horny fuckin' cock. Rest easy in that big testicle, little slut. I'm sure your girlfriend will work out a plan to get you out. ...right?
Note: Comic is looking to be about 10 pages, so I'll stop it here as one half of the vore (yes I said one half) finishes on this page. Don't go away though, the rest is coming soon! Little Tiffany will be taking many forms tonight, and cute...
[ Continued ... ]
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Thank you! Hopefully the other pages will be up sooner rather than later!
mibankai1171 - 5 years ago
I cant wait to see this continue its very good.
Winny - 5 years ago
Flow is very important when telling a story. You just have to make a splash into the scene!
Like Tiffany shortly! <3
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
:D thanks so much! Considering it was YOUR story I was working from, it was easy to just let it all flow out!
Like Tiffany in a bit!
Winny - 5 years ago
Hrmph! That's all I can say, I'm super excited how well this all turned out. I can't wait to see the rest, you've out done yourself Phanta! <3
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Human Anthro Cock Vore Human Prey Vore Comic dickgirl Anthro Pred lewd Disregard of Life
Hey, if you can't get it in you, why not try to get in it? Little Tiffany is just full of bright ideas. Crystal looks to be bigger than ever too, almost big enough to fit a whole person down that throbbing shaft...
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Human Anthro Penis Female Prey Human Prey Vore Comic slut dickgirl Anthro Pred lewd Disregard of Life
WHOAly shit, looks like Crystal is really packin', and the hornier she gets the bigger she gets! Poor little Tiffany, just can't get it inside of her...
Hold up, if she really was just wearing the shirt for work and wasn't planning on being eaten, why would she be wearing something nobody could see unless she'd already been...?
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Human Anthro Female Vore Comic Anthro Pred lewd Disregard of Life winny
This bar has the prettiest waitresses. They also seem to have pretty good eyes. Did Tiffany really wear that shirt for work or...?
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Dog Human Anthro Female Panties Vore Comic dickgirl lewd Disregard of Life winny
Set in the sexy vore future of Winny's Two Girls One Dog Girl series, tonight is looking to be one hell of a trip for little Tiffany, a girl who wore just the right clothes to catch a hungry predator's attention. This is an adaption of Winny's 3 Ways are the Best Ways story, which we collaborated on the type of vore tonight's date will be ending in. While this isn't a 1:1 adaption (think closer to how a movie adapts a book), expect the same twists and turns with some of my own spices thrown in...
[ Continued ... ]
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
hahaha pretty much.
Winny - 5 years ago
Some type of scene where she partys up with Tifa then when they meet up. "Wheres Tifa" With a snip reply. "Oh, I had to drop her off by the pool at costa del sol. *Pans to the beach resort.* With a Tifa sized turd in the sand and ripped up clothes around it.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Hahaha that's wonderful! I can totally see that. Sometime closer to when the remake releases I want to do a story that's Red XIII x Tifa. It's just too fun a universe and her titties need liquification lol
Winny - 5 years ago
Totally get that, Being reminded of FF7, reminds me of a story from awhile ago about the girls from ff7 that partied by themselves and all ended up turds, and the player character had to figure it out by seeing new piles of turds on the screens with the equipment materia they had on them before they were turds. lol an old story.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Thank you ^_^ I had just started a new playthrough of FF7 after hype for the remake got to me, and like the first 4-5 hours are all set in neon lit bars and stuff, so I felt super inspired lol
The Diet of Zelda - Cover (no text, or fairy)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Mouth Nintendo Drool Zelda Spit open maw tongue out Breath of the wild
GULP! No more fairy. Well I mean, there is still fairy, you just can't see her. I bet if you listened really close you could hear her though.
ChaoskampfNunc - 5 years ago
What a beautiful maw
The Diet of Zelda - Cover (no text)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Oral Vore Mouth Drool Zelda Spit Fairy open maw tongue out Breath of the wild
Just because I really liked the way it came out, here's a version of the cover without text.
Fairy's Digest - Page 4 (SCAT!)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Scat Nintendo F/F link Cum Zelda Fairy Macro/Micro Skull womb Internal View Vore Comic Nude Female Scat pile Breath of the wild
....and out she comes! Oh, huh. I guess a fairy will end up coming out as quite a different color than most of the other girls we'll run into. And are those... sparkles? Oh well, Zelda's got plenty of energy for her day, thanks to all that fairy magic (and calories).
ShinjiIkari - 5 years ago
Oh god xD Yes please!!! That's my headcanon now
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
She'll be there in spirit I'm sure, especially if Zelda doesn't work out between now and then.
ShinjiIkari - 5 years ago
Goosh she made a... Cute... Pile there. Strange way to describe a dump. I'd like to imagine that all of Zeldas shit is purple and sparkling! Because, she is a princess, and she's our dear Zelda, after all.
Oh and as you said in another comment, I also love short haired Zelda. Can't wait for botw 2.
A shame for a certain pink haired fairy, she will miss the release.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
I'm so glad you enjoyed it <3 My work is for everyone, and that includes you :) I honestly want to dive right into doing more Zelda after the BotW2 announcement. Short haired Zelda is too fucking cute.
157and493 - 5 years ago
This comic was exactly what I needed. I know this was not even for me but still, I cannot thank you enough for making this.
Fairy's Digest - Gut Slut Lounge
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Oral Vore Nintendo Soft Vore Digestion F/F Zelda Fairy Female Prey Female Pred Vore Comic Nude Female Breath of the wild Gut Slut Lounge
What is becoming a favorite, the Gut Slut lounge returns! Zelda might not be there (...yet), but clever use of a Sheikah Slate lets her get in a few more jabs at her delicious little prey. But it's just about time for little Ms. Fairy's journey to end, so if that's you're thing, the next page is all yours ;)
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
There is Spirit vore. Never really thought about it, but you never know.
Drakira - 5 years ago
Yep, makes me wonder what they wait for. Will another mythical pred eat them all up one day?
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
I think so <3 Even if they seem to protest, everyone is secretly looking forward to taking their seat in the lounge.
Drakira - 5 years ago
Hehe, I love how cute the fairy is. She loved her little journey didnt she?
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
I'm glad! That was the whole idea, I'm not into gore or hard vore, and I always wish more artists would have some sort of warning before it goes down. Figured I should do the same for this sort of thing, since not everyone is into it!
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Owner: PhantaRheiComics
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Nintendo Soft Vore Digestion F/F link Sex Cum Zelda spanking Female Prey Female Pred Digestion Noises lewd Digestion sequence Breath of the wild
I imagine that rough sex experienced second hand through someone else's belly probably isn't quite as fun. At least Zelda got to go to bed with a full stomach, and a full womb! Good times had by all.
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
Absolutely. Little fairy had fun, but everything she's ever accomplished, everything she's been through, the three goddesses had only one destiny for her: calories.
Altimos - 5 years ago
Oh... OH I LOVE it when they beg to be let out, only for it to fall on deaf ears or with a taunting retort...
I mean, why would the pred care, whatever is in their stomach is food anyways, right <3 <3 <3
PhantaRheiComics - 5 years ago
ChaoskampfNunc - 5 years ago
The digestion noises slowly overtaking the side panels is a nice touch
SydneySchoop - 5 years ago
Bradyradtke - 2 years ago
Do an epilogue page where ivy turn batgirls remains into a plant clone