All characters over 18.
I had a nice stack of essays arranged on my desk in a neat pile, but there were two special ones kept separate; The top scorer, and the bottom scorer. I run a harsh class, and my punishments are final, but my rewards are just as good to more than make up for them.
The bell rang and I opened the door for all my students to file in quickly, some with nervous faces and others with confidence. They all knew what they were in f
Teacher's rewards and punishment
By: Hezroar
In the small mansion that was the Carson’s home, a party amongst many young adults was in full swing. Loud music was pumping through the soundsystem, someone brought a small fog machine and party lights, a fraternity group and a sorority group were in the kitchen competing to see who could drink the most shots, and in the living room there were couples grinding up against each other, some more than others. Outside there were people throwing footballs at each other, and at least two games
Serena the cock feeder
By: Hezroar