Item #:
Object class:
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-8888 can disappear from any and all containment methods if not “fed” regularly. 1 D class male subject must be provided once per week in order to assure containment. It is kept under 24 hour observation in a containment room. No male personnel may enter
By: LucifersChef
We Going to Do This or What?”
on, Qazla, are we going do this or what?”
looked up from her book. Her sixteen-year old, younger sister Nida
stood with arms folded in the doorway to Qazla's bedroom. Nida was
growing into a very pretty girl, with keen, narrow features, dark
eyes set in her clear caramel skin, and a thick mane of curly pitch
black hair coming down to her shoulders. She was also in fine shape,
as was clearly visible in the tiny red-and-green
"Are We Going to Do This or What?"
By: TwrchTwryth