Indigo was well acquainted with being bound.
It took a few moments to regain consciousness, the senses coming back to him one by one. First he heard the faint noise of cloth tightening first from his left, then to his right. He tried to shift his arms, but a quick tug from both found them unable to move. A slight pain pined from each wrist, and soon his vision finally stop
Swallowing Pride
By: m1911power
Wendy sighed as she set down her bag and plopped onto her supposedly ergonomic office chair. The vixen didn’t have a bad job, per se. It paid well, she could usually sneak a few do-nothing hours into the day, and there was a full gym on the second floor that employees were free to use when they were off the clock. It was just that it was beginning to feel like a waste, putting all of those hours into that gym to maintain her figure when there was no one to flaunt that figure for. The whole
Fresh Meat [GIFT]
By: marloweny
A couple of days have passed and to start with I’ve learned a couple of things about my new body. To start with, it seems like I don’t need to sleep. As I played the game I got into the wee hours of the morning, I realized I didn’t seem tired. Yet when I finally went to lie down and let my mind drift off, I fell asleep. Waking up the next morning, once again stuck to the bed’s mattress, I felt tired and not refreshed at all. But that stopped after I “ate”. After work I decided
A Morning Shower
By: Zaver