Bea paused at the mouth of the alley, steeling themself to go down it.
Their wings shivered a little in the cold. He had never liked this particular street; it always seemed too dark, and with an uncomfortable amount of corners. It was still the fastest way to get to their home though so, glancing around them, they stepped into the lane.
The street was eerily quiet, the only sounds those of Bea's own footsteps and the quiet buzzing of their wings. Despite
Alternate ending
By: DontTellAny1
Hotland was certainly living up to its name.
You had at least finished all of the nearby puzzles- or you hope that was all of them. Your shirt is sticking to your skin, you just want to rest and you don't think you could face any more physical activity.
If one more monster jumps up to attack you, you think you might just drop from exhaustion.
Suddenly you see, a little while away, some sort of stand. Approaching, you look
Bake sale donation
By: DontTellAny1
Final Day – Part 7
“Alright, folks!” announced Suzy R.
far, it’s been an amazing showdown between Team Roxanne and Team Black, and we’re already at the penultimate match!
Survival of the Fittest: Final Day - Part 7
By: Nobodyman
"Hey, you're the dog fucker, right?"The wastelander who said it was scarred, muscular, and not a pretty man. A leather harness supported various bits of salvaged armor and a backpack and pouches held supplies.Madeline scowled at him, turned, and left the bar. There was only one bar in Novac and it was an open air thing set up by a traveling merchant and now maintained by the old lady who ran the town junkyard.When she rose to leave there as a slither of scales. Rattles the nightstalker uncurled
A wasteland threesome
By: Strega
It was a day almost like any other. I'd managed to luck out and not have any work on this particular day, so I'd decided to head down the beach to relax and get a bit of sunlight, it'd do me good.
Upon arriving at a beach that was practically void of people, I head down into the water, wanting to check out some cool looking rock pools. Submerging myself in the sun heated water I sigh in delight, bathing myself in the almost spa like pool. I look around, watching hermit crabs scurrying around on
Deep Blue Sea 1
By: HungryAL