Short story! Loosely based on a roleplay i did with someone.
Callie had been roleplaying online with a guy for a while now. They often roleplayed him owning her and cooking her. Hours and hours of them just texting one another, each focused on their stories. Then everything changed.
The man, who went by Ken, invited her to his home for a weekend-long roleplay experience. Callie, be
By: hjpinky2001
Alea was home from college. She had planned on visiting her girlfriend Roxie but her father had called her, inviting her to his cabin for the weekend. This wasn’t unnatural for her father to do so. The pair had often had “vacations” together, and Alea expected this to be the same as before.
Josh greeted her happily as she climbed out of her car. She ran over to him, hugging him tightly. Jos
By: hjpinky2001
For the Subs
Nathalie took a deep breath, fluffing her purple, bobbed hair for good luck as she watched the timer countdown closer and closer to zero. She’d done this multiple times by now, and she’d thought she’d be used to it all. In the end… being an erotic E girl was more intense than she could have imagined. 10 seconds. Smile. 7 seconds. Tim
For the Subs
By: Badviper
Lizzie watched as her mother paced around the kitchen. Her mother, Taylor Adams, had promised JD a meatgirl for his graduation party, but the planned meat had fallen through. Richard, the Adams patriarch, had tried to push for Lizzie or Taylor to fill in, but JD claimed that it would be cringy and not as special.
Taylor was now calling around searching for a suitable female. Lizzie watched as her mother’s face
By: hjpinky2001