"So, Julie? I've been thinking. Can you tell us more about unbirth?" Dan started coughing as Lily's question caused him to unexpectedly inhale a large amount of water. After helping retrieve Lily from his womb, Julie had let them use her shower to clean themselves off. As Dan was getting dressed (he hadn't thought to bring any clothes for Lily), she'd offered them both drinks; both had requested tap water, because they were fancy like that. Dan and Julie were sat opposite one another at her smal
By: Adseria
Dan slowly began to relax as a series of yes-or-no questions established that Lily wasn't in pain, or in any immediate danger, and his thoughts turned instead to how to get her out of him. His immediate thought was to go to the hospital, but he shot that idea down almost immediately; that would almost certainly involve awkward questions which would lead to revealing Dr Stone's research. That thought gave him his answer."Lily, you ok in there?"Kick, kick"Right, I'm gonna head back to the lab. Dr
By: Adseria
As promised, Julie returned after only a few minutes, carrying Dr Stone. Dan had placed Lily gently back on the bench and sat in a handy office chair to wait. There were similar micro-scaled chairs on the bench, but Lily had chosen instead to sit on the edge, legs dangling over what was, to her, a drop of nearly forty feet. The two stood as Julie walked over and deposited her boss on the bench next to Lily."Ok," he said. "That's everything for now. Unless you have anything to add, I believe we'r
By: Adseria