Jelly Belly “Everyone OK?” A voice rasped as the smoke filled room’s exhaust fans kicked on humming loudly. Several groans and coughs rang out as the woman ears stopped ringing from the explosion as she looked around two other co-workers getting to their feet as the smoke cleared. “Kelly?” A intercom in the room called out. “What happened? Are you OK?” Shaking her head Kelly sighed. “I..I think, just shaken. Need de-con.. to.. to the showers Alex, Tina..”She said fixing her gl
Jelly Belly
By: grim667
The instant she stepped foot out of the portal, murmurs could be heard all around. To the denizens of this world, nothing about her matched any mental depictions they could have had of a potential hero. Her skin glowed with a bronze radiance, only broken up by the black eyeliner. Well past her shoulders ran a fantastical shade of pink hair. Her top was a vibrant clash, her breasts were covered in a leopard print pattern that jumped into a pastel green which flowed down to her hips where a
Vorny Girl in an Isekai World (Commission)
By: StoriesForKinks