Hey. Whatcha doing?The pop up notification from discord slides in from the lower corner of Wallace’s monitor. He had added Anahita hours ago after he woke up, but she seemed to have been offline until recently. Didn’t really matter as he booted up the IDE he used for programming and got to work on what he wanted to accomplish today. Wallace enjoyed programming, finding that it tickled his brain in the right ways. A combination of puzzle solving and making something. Trying to figure out
Time Management
By: Zaver
A glint of metal caught Wallace’s eye as he walked down an alley shortcut coming back from the corner store. Sitting on top of a mountain of trash was an oil lamp, golden and shiny. The kind that, in most media, would contain a genie. But there was no way that could actually be the case, right? Still, it did look pretty nice, and as Wallace grabbed it it seemed authentic enough. At very least he could keep it around long enough to see how much it was worth. A few extra hundred in cash co
A Collection of Interests
By: Zaver
Consciousness slowly came back to me the next morning as I awoke from a dreamless sleep. My face was pressed up against a chest, arms wrapped around my head pinning me against Max. I couldn’t see much from my position, mostly darkness as something was blocking light from getting to where I was. On top of that I still had no feeling to my body, meaning I was still detached from it. Max themselves was still asleep as their chest slowly inhaled and exhaled. I waited a few minutes for them to
Encounter Finale
By: Zaver