Spencer gently pushed the bathroom door open, peeking inside to see if the coast was clear. The floors in here were just as sticky as they had been out on the dance floor, though he doubted it was the result of a hundred spilled vodka redbulls. The wall behind the urinals was plastered in stickers for local bands, rendered invisible beneath the phone numbers, profanity and general vandalism of the Underclub’s degenerate customer base. Luckily those customers were nowhere to be found. Spenc
By: PinkJazz
Nicely done, you! You got yourself out to the gym and got a pump on, even though your work day was kinda shit. That’s discipline, right there. The decision to add a dedicated core day might be a little unorthodox, but I’m sure I won’t be the last one to tell you it’s really starting to make a difference. Those abs are POPPING! Look at the way that grey shirt clings to them in the fluorescent light… it’s not gay to admire your own torso in the gym mirror, righ
Love Amongst Gym Rats
By: PinkJazz
The tours were bustling today and the attractions were active. The swamp was alive with a cacophony of sounds ranging from croaks to ambient water rushing. Crally wiped her forehead, pulling back into the docks to pick up the next tourist. She smiled sheepishly as she thought about how they were all snatched up...then shrugged as she was happy they paid in advance. She does warn them to be careful and she can't help it if the predators are faster than her. She keeps the boat running and disembar
Tales From Danger Swamp: Frog Day Afternoon
By: Ypza