"Come on, out with it. What's bothering you?
Sticks gave Jake a playful glare, joking but still expecting an answer from their boyfriend. He sighed and ran a hand through his short black hair.
"Nothing, really. It's just..." he felt their eyes on him, urging him to be truthful, and mentally wished the topic had never come up.
Too hungry
By: DontTellAny1
"I've never really felt too... predatory, before. Carnivorous, I mean."
Thomas pulled Sticks in a little closer and nuzzled into their neck as he spoke.
"-but something about your scent is so enticing to me."
Sticks rolled over in bed to look at their boyfriend, eyes betraying their interest. They sat up.
Late night
By: DontTellAny1
Swords Of Domination Online episode 2. Rise Of The Black Order.By DJ4KContent: regeneration, regen, re-spawning, re-spawn, fighting, death, deep dive, lit rpg, fantasy, blood, gore, gynophagia, cannibalism, orc, elf, blood drinking, tentacles, sex, torcher, snuff, strangulation, war, elf prey, child death, human pred, male prey, female prey, non binary prey, enby prey, male pred, female pred, orc pred, shoggoth, shoggoth pred, bullying, multiple prey, multiple pred, femboy prey, gynophagia, will
Swords Of Domination Online. episode 2. Rise.
By: DJ4K