Holy shit holy shit holy SHIT!! You scream in your head. You’re grinning like an idiot, focused almost more on the past than the now. You only vaguely register the unusually heavy steps following behind you as your mind’s eye gawks over every detail it can grasp.I can’t believe I just saw that! This was the best goddamn decision of my LIFE!The thing that pulls you back to reality is your pants- or more accurately, what’s inside them. Twitching. Just in time, too, because
Hottest Night of Your Life
By: TheDragonBoy
From the far side of the park Alya slyly observed the hundreds of
joyfully running around naked, laughing, and playing without a care in the world. Some were even naughtily enough having sex in various positions gladly making more prey for predators like herself to partake in. She could even see her best friend Marinette happily caressing the pronounced swell in her own belly, the 21 year female being on paper only a week a
Alya's high class prey
By: DragonMan200