Chapter 6: The Game Continues.Justin had lost track of where he was, and how long he’d been slogging through the swamp. His blue jersey, the only piece of clothing he had left, was soaked through and torn in many places – and quite a bit of the lad’s body was visible through the numerous rents in the fabric. The shirt was almost pointless at that stage – baring more than it covered – but the tween was almost oblivious to it all.But he wasn’t oblivious to his a
Power Rangers Turbo Vore - Chapter 6
By: zoidian1
At the local police station, the coyote leader was sitting in a room, waiting for someone to go through the door with some answers concerning the man they brought in.
At that moment, a vampire woman with blond hair and a curvy figure walked in, wearing a simple suit and holding some files in her arm. She sat down at the table across from the coyote.
“So, what did he say, Jennifer?” Asked the coyote.
Sighing, t
Samara and Wayard tales 12
By: Archivore
Jackson, Diane, Patricia, and their friends walked to the school, the girls sporting bellies that all now occasionally twitch. Except for Rayla’s, who's gut was already soft and sloshy.
“Wow, you really do digest fast.” Diane commented, poking at the black witch's belly.
“Yeah, Pinky. I re-casted the spell to digest faster.” She replied.
“Ok, that
Chapter 30. Pinkie, the witch, and friends
By: Archivore
Belly Blogging.September 9th, 2019.Daniel moaned, as the stomach rippled so sensuously around him. The nude 11-year-old shuddered, as the slimy flesh warped, contorting so that it grabbed hold of each of his wrists and ankles – then tugged his four limbs away from him, leaving the tween in a spread-eagled position inside the gurgling gut.Then the walls pressed in even closer, rubbing up against every part of the tasty little lad. The gastric slime that oozed from the rubbery surface was ea
9/9/2019 - Belly Blogging
By: zoidian1
Jack, Tara, and Reuben were walking to school after the girl's mother dropped them off. The two humans would look around them for any predator that might try and get them.
‘So when's Amy coming back?’ Michal.
‘When I get back home, remember?’ Jack.
‘Okay, just checking.’ Michal.
“Alright, what's on today's agenda?” Asked Ja
Chapter 27. A more calmer day
By: Archivore