Not that much to tell about myself.
I draw Futas with huge plot between legs. Sometimes this "Plot" is very hungry.
I'll upload Vore/Cock Vore drawings to this site from time to time (Maybe also non-vore drawings which may turn into vore ones).
Expect broken english which may damage your sanity.
I'm mostly uploading drawings to this site which have Vore in them.
Occasionally It may seem like i'm not so alive, but in truth i most likely have nothing to share here and that's why i'm not so active.
If you want to support me (for some reason), then, you know, patreon and stuff...
You can also see my other non-vore drawings on Twitter:
First of all, thanks to everyone who's looking at my work and leaving comments!
On my profile and my drawings i mean.
I see them all and i'd really like to answer them all too, but then i'll sound like a broken recorder which says "Thank you" in some variations of it.
So, please, don't be disappointed if i didn't respond to your message. I see them (commentaries and profile messages) and i really appreciate them!
(I know how it feels to be ignored/non-answered. Not the best feeling. But know this: Im not doing it on a purpose because i dislike you or anything, i just...don't know what to type most of the time.)
Posted by Tilalumtar 4 years ago Report
Welcome to Eka's! Enjoy your stay.
You art ist great so far! :3
Posted by ilikeafatass 4 years ago Report
I was mostly joking about the fact that this place has some "unusual" things in its galery, sometimes ranging from eating shit to explicit fucking cannibalism (gore shit), as I'm not much of a fan of those, I like to call here "hospício" or hellhole sometimes, but it's just a joke, afterall I'm into vore aswell, by anymeans, the lads here are mostly ok.
Posted by ilikeafatass 4 years ago Report
Fuck, I had a feeling I would find you here, been seing your futa stuff on rl34, feel yourself welcomed to this hellhole.
Posted by GurglingGoodness 4 years ago Report
I sense great potential here. Keep up the good work! Oh, and welcome to Eka's!
Posted by AngelicChaos 4 years ago Report
Welcome to the community! Love what you've done so far and looking forward to more! ♥
Posted by BadlyDrawnDedede 4 years ago Report
Hey there! Welcome to Eka's! Imma go ahead and give you a watch while I'm here. Enjoy your time here!