Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 17 years ago
Last Seen: Feb 9th, 2025
Views: 197,040
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Hello, everyone. Sorry to have gone silent and vanished on everyone. I was…I still am in a pretty rough cycle through life. I’ve been wanting to try and make a post sooner about all this and build a game plan, but every time I feel like I’ve got a footing, something is pulled out from under me. And BOY was this year a bad one to try and plan that.
So, I’ve been stuck in a cycle of debt the last few years and finally decided to break through that by finding proper employment again. I wanted to be able to have the standing to finally be able to come in and be able to sort out refunds for those I owe. After so long of this and paired with a lot of drama from a family that expects the world but offers no support, I just wanted to be in a spot wash my plate clean and return to at least...
[ Continued ... ]
Posted by TinyHero 6 years ago Report
Well once every reply back has been confirmed, I will start listing all 46 (which close to 50 that are confirmed) users OCs as basic as possible in the hopes of trying to stay true to that character, plus, regardless of a short or continuous cameo, but finding out if writher voring them in the RP is ok or not (some may reform/revive)... and sorry I couldn’t reply back sooner, a lot has happened... ^^;