Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 8 years ago
Last Seen: Feb 9th, 2025
Views: 1,336,238
Comments Made: | 892 | Total Views: | 18,201,005 |
Comments Received: | 5,041 | Items: | 469 |
Favorites: | 213,535 | Blog Entries: | 3 |
I'm just a guy who likes to draw pretty girls with big bellies and write about girls getting eaten.
Most of my work will probably be f/f, but I do have some ideas for ?/f and M/f too.
I don't do commissions nor requests.
My Deviantart:
Please consider supporting me on Patreon:
It started with the 'joy of uploading' slowly disappearing. Until I just couldn't get myself to want to upload any my drawings online anymore. I've always hated the fact that I made myself reliant on the money I received from my Patreon, ever sense the start of making it. But unfortunately we all need money to live and time just went on and on, and soon I found myself having done this for... I don't know how long. The more time that past the more my work became my shame, and I grew to hate myself more and more. And I really didn't want to upload any of my art, I didn't want it out there in the world. Characters from fiction that I love became something I did not want to draw anymore, rather than how it used to be when if I liked a character, I wanted to draw them. And the only reason I...
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Posted by malevolentmaeve 2 months ago Report
No need to apologize whatsoever! I'm just happy you actually saw this message, and that I was able to properly express my appreciation for your art, even if only once. After reading your official announcement post, I completely understand why it feels like your passion for vore has gradually subsided, and it's competed understandable why you would want to step away from the space when you feel it's stifling your creativity. Again, if it's any consolation, I always sincerely appreciated your art, each and every last piece, and I understood how you meant them in context, even if your feelings on the matter have changed. The ?/F implications in some of your art were always fun, and even though you mentioned having some M/F ideas for vore in your bio, I don't know that I ever saw one you posted publicly... which is a shame, since I think you would have done quite well! Regardless, it's your art, and that's your prerogative. If you feel you've lost control and your desires/creative passions have become secondary to the financial incentive that's draining your love of the game, then this is for the best. I hope your passion for art (not vore, just art itself) is able to heal someday, and that you're able to draw things you care about again. <3
Posted by OblaanKriid 2 months ago Report
Hey, just curious because it was one of my favs but, what happened to the Astrid meets a light fury? Also just in general love your stuff and hope it all works out for you :)
Posted by malevolentmaeve 3 months ago Report
Heard through the grapevine that you're hanging it up— just wanted to leave a brief comment here to wish you well and thank you for all the wonderful works of art you've blessed us with over the years! You always had such a way of capturing truly immense proportions with a soft, smooth sphericality that still retained a realistic weight and gravity about them, and regardless of whatever it was you were drawing, I always found myself utterly entranced by your work. I wish I had shown it the appreciation it deserved while you were still around, but on the off chance you actually read this, I just wanted to say thank you. I hope you find greater creative fulfillment abroad, and can only commend you for stepping away. Wishing you all the best, a fan. <3
Posted by prjones339 1 year ago Report
Love your stuff, although I noticed the hijabi girl pieces are gone. I saw where you said you didn't like some of your older works. I can respect that, hope they get a rework to be more to your liking soon though, theyvwere always my favorites.
Posted by Mirandalawsonvoreslut 1 year ago Report
Love your art so much, any subject you turn to. Especially any Miranda Lawson pieces I leap with joy. More fatter and voracious the better, as pred even better.