It's dark in the shack and nothing is stirring, but four slitted eyes never quite closed as the sun went down, the scaled form sits up and looks around one last time. Pushing off gently the figure slowly arcs up and through the gap between the pointed roof and the wall before floating to the ground like a balloon. Nothing even notices her absence, she grins as she stalks off into the night. The guards are still awake of course but they're watching for people sneaking in or out, not within the ca
A little wyrm's revenge
23 Favorites
Posted by PaperWriter 5 months ago Report
Thanks for the fave and the watch! Glad you liked the story ^^
Posted by PetatlTheLotl 10 months ago Report
Oh wow, I saw this a bit late but.
Ami still has a bit of her cheerfulness in her, its just that the situation with Anna has left quite the sour taste in her mouth, but once she's had the time away from the source of the problems you'll notice her playful sassiness pop back up a lot more.
As for chapters here, I honestly really only did use Eka's back in the moment of the whole FA rule change scare. Once the commotion of that died down I honestly forgot about here mostly. Which is funny because posting chapters here is far easier than on FA. So idk, the backlog is huge
Posted by NightRoller 1 year ago Report
Thanks for the favorite on a piece of my writing a while ago--I'm glad you liked it! You might check out "Sleepy Latina Meal" if you like snakes.
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Posted by NightRoller 2 years ago Report
Hey, glad and honored you liked my story, enough to favorite a while ago.
Keep reading, it's purportedly a healthy pastime!
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