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Registered Since: 16 years ago
Last Seen: Jun 2nd, 2010
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Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
okay got deviant working*reads*WHAT NOOOOOOOO! I feel I have just died knowing the best vore fan I have ever known is leaving vore, is there any chance you can stay on eka for clean chat? I'm roman catholic and you honestly are the only person I know who is fun and catholic, I CAN'T LOOSE MY FRIEND!!!!!T_T
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
*hug*YOUR OKAY!*cling*I missed you, also deviant art seems to dislike me, the last ten times I registered it failed, it really does NOT like me.(FA also seems to forget I exist, but FanFic is nice and loyal)
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
*stabs you with the 'LFG' fork of truth*reply or I shall unleash the power of anger AND a fork!*obvious Richard ref.*
But really now, reply PLEASE. I - being the sociapathic internet stalker that you know me to be - am very worried about you. . . T_T
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
will do(re watching host club before continuing my vore club fic,) also thanks to you I did write a WR fic check it out[kiba is a wonderful stoic pred]
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
Okay soft vore, some hard if my rabid brain demands it, also may I just point out he will be a twisted b@stard if I am writing this if only because I can think of no plausible way for him to devour a entire fairy fountain and still come out the 'innocent' hero,*shrug*I will prance off to work at once on the still twisted but somewhat justified vore, also as it is OoT(best zelda ever!)may I please PLEASE force navi to watch in terror as the other ferries meet death one by one until at last it is her turn to be devoured, sorry to ask but I truely hate navi . . . Like a lot.
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
Fairy fountain did you say? *evil grin* and what types of vore would you like(just to make sure I don't get anything you don't want into the mix)Also which LoZ did you want for the fairy fountain, I have read walkthroughs on most but as for my own experience I have played(and won) only the following
Four swords, twilight princess, OoT, wind waker, and phantom hourglass,
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
Plant . . . vore . . . *gulp* I will do many a thing(hard vore torture rape mind control and even blood play) but something about plants just kills me on the inside, Anything else at all?ANYTHING else!As much as I dislike female predators(if only because they are over used) I will do it if I can avoid plants!
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
Its fine, to be honest with wolfs rain they seem more attractive clothed(in human form at least)so as long as tsume has the same pants bulge he has in the actual anime(because he is just that epic) its all good,
So link, Predator I am guessing and who as prey? or do you want link as prey and if so who the hell as pred?(also to be honest I was going to do a kiba/tsume one anyways, just have to kick my own ass until I finish chapter two of the vore club then I'll do it, but still trade/commissions come first and I hate the idea of gifts outside of birthdays or christmas as I feel I owe people, I hate owing people its one of my personality flaws*sigh)
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
as for you I would guess zelda link/dark link or possibly wolfs rain tsume/kiba or kiba/tsume most likely soft small chance of genital ane slim to no chance of hard. is my guess near correct?
Posted by wolfdemonkyi 14 years ago Report
(ROFL!Yes wolfs rain is WONDERFUL!also now that I know you like WR I was wondering if you would be willing to do a with me, one story commission(anything you want really) in exchange for a wolfs rain picture featuring Tsume in Hige's stomach[internal view or whatever its called,] with a lovely comment of 'damn porky'. if your interested in doing it that is,)