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Registered Since: 15 years ago
Last Seen: Sep 19th, 2018
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One of the two main creators of Project Burnstones. A solo writer, ideas creator and role player.
Sami’s Clone that Name is Masi
Chapter Seven: Christmas.
Part I
It was near Christmas, everyone were busy by preparing for it, each family prepare for it every year, they went to buy gifts, decoration and a tree. The children were at school while their families were doing the shopping.
Masi took the result of her exam however this one she score an F unlike the others exams results were As and Bs. Masi didn’t know what she will tell her mothers, Masi wo
Chapter Seven Part 1
you can say what you want about the title but I know this on my own and I see it clearly.
I do not need to mark the new year as a beginning for a year to resolve things because it is useless, no one knows what the future holds for anyone so no need think and make a goal to achieve it at end of the year.
because to achieve goal it can take years for it to reach it for me the goal I am working so hard for it is I want to become a novelist one that will be known to everyone by my real name, not my nickname and be loved by readers this is all I want, it doesn't matter how long it will take but I will be there and reach for it.
and if someone dare to say that I depend on their help to write my stories then you are in big troubles because I did start...
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