Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 12 years ago
Last Seen: Mar 20th, 2025
Views: 24,898
Comments Made: | 672 | Total Views: | 141,269 |
Comments Received: | 475 | Items: | 34 |
Favorites: | 1,823 | Blog Entries: | 20 |
Hello, I do furry underage vore, usually with watersports. I prefer female prey, and enjoy most predators--I usually write about male predators, but that's more of a habit than a rule. I do dubious or non-consenting fatal vore, but, my writing contains reincarnation themes and strange metaphysics, so anyone uncomfortable with my writing can choose to either not read them, or take comfort that no one is harmed spiritually in my works because the prey reincarnate a lot and have some control over what life they want to have before reincarnation completes.
But even with that, my focus is on fatal vore, nervous prey, and misogynistic or regressive objectification of women followed-up by vore, especially cock-vore. I should warn I do consider myself a philosophical feminist, so I want to keep the misogyny where it belongs--in fantasy.
I hope people enjoy my stories~
Too many horrible things to list have happened to me since the last time I whined on a journal. My friends know about them so that's enough for me, I'd be in a depressive worried despairing state even if the U.S. Election had gone the other way...
I think I can safely put my drama aside to stand back and be in horrified awe with the people who feel me on this--just how much the election results have filled me with dread. A lot of us should be frightened. I consider it almost a small "boon" that everyone as worried as I am needn't embarrass myself with a status update on my life when the despair that my friends are all feeling would suffice to sum up how I've been doing.
I'm very bad at the comradery thing, but I did want to say I want to have...
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Posted by Alumni 2 months ago Report
I've enjoyed your writing for a good while. Also, I saw the blogpost. Things suck. But we can't lose hope! This is pretty belated, but it saddens me to see someone who I have no reason to believe is anything other than quite nice... so distraught. But we can take whatever the next four years throw at us. o7
Posted by saintheartwing 4 months ago Report
I saw your recent blog post. I'm sorry. I'm so damn disappointed in my fellow Americans.
Posted by YamiTakashi 4 years ago Report
<< Reply To blessedwasthechild
np darling ^w^ I will try fix a few more later when I have the time :3 and feel free to send a PM if you ever have idea for a story and need some preds to get a cock meal or two I3 ;3 but only if ofcourse ya want to
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