Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 9 years ago
Last Seen: Aug 8th, 2022
Views: 568,154
Comments Made: | 132 | Total Views: | 11,642,789 |
Comments Received: | 2,297 | Items: | 342 |
Favorites: | 116,295 | Blog Entries: | 27 |
A guy from Brazil trying to figure out this "drawing" thing. I like indulging myself with drawings of things I like seeing often, it's why I started drawing to begin with. Either way, these drawings should improve over time, I hope.
I draw vore and transformation (usually the genderbender variety) a lot, often both at the same time, but I draw latex, BDSM, weight gain, hyper, expansion, fat and other such stuff sometimes. I like combining fetishes, and I'm into a lot of weird stuff. I also draw a lot of pokemon, though I'm not necessarily limited to them. Over here at Eka's you'll usually get more of the vore related stuff.
I don't usually talk much to other people, but please don't mistake it for unfriendliness. I'm a massive introvert and so it's just not something I'm used to. It's easier if other people do more of the talking.
I have an FA account too. The FurAffinity account does have a decent bit of stuff that was only uploaded there, even vore involving the characters I draw (with other fetishes added in) and some more furry related content.
I do take commissions from time to time, check the blog to see if they're open right now. I make a new blog post whenever there is a new set of commission slots.
I have also set up a ko-fi for anyone interested. It helps me pay for my expenses, and I appreciate the support. However, only do it if you'd like to.
Here we go, new set of slots up.
Well, slots are now full.
- The slot order will be usually the order I do the drawings in, but if I get a commission for something I am particularly interested in, I may skip ahead to do it earlier. Treat it as an incentive to ask for things I like more, heh.
- The slot amount will depend on the workload. If previous slots are mainly single drawings, I may do more slots than planned. If there's a huge commission in there, it might be less than planned.
Slot status:
Slot 1: Bellysnugglestories (3 full drawings) (Done)
Slot 2: FlowEXE (4 flat color, 1 full drawing) (Done)
Slot 3: Skinth (5 flat colors) (Done)
Slot 4:...
[ Continued ... ]
Posted by hidaraw147 3 years ago Report
I believe alfa995 and there OC’s should tickle your fancy:
Posted by NicoTheRapidash 4 years ago Report
You have an art thief on your hands.
[ Reply ]
Posted by KingOfRust 4 years ago Report
here's a question does your gardevoir gale like to use males to "upgrade"? and me and her have something in common we both like to dance