Masters of Vore
Featured stories:
- 'Melts in your Mouth' - Forbidden Dish story, casual giantess vore, many different storyline threads
- 'Misplaced Punishment' - Tiny Tinder app story, aunt/nephew, casual giantess (unaware originally) vore
- 'Virtual Vore' - Forbidden Dish story (my first original), casual giantess vore
Recently Updated Stories:
- 'Melts in your Mouth' - minor updates to how the MT-Serum works
- 'Virtual Vore' - small updates to the first couple chapters
Our Featured Stories folder will have stories that are either NEW or rotated in - the description of each of these stories will be on our profile page.
Posted by zoidian1 1 month ago Report
Not really, with I think the sole exception being a couple chapters of the Hocus Pocus vore fanfiction I did. The concept doesn't appeal as much to me. In fact, most of my stories don't even have human predators. I tend to prefer monsters, animals, plants, and reptiles as the ones gobbling me (well, my protagonists) all up.
Posted by Mouthplayer 10 months ago Report
Actually, she's not mine. ImpossibleKink on DA created her and Superfineconfection has made this image