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So, I got from krytalking, over at FA, a Leavanny TFTG story loosely based on the sequence I did a while back. I wanted to do a drawing of it too, so there it is. Story by again, krytalking.
Nick sighed, looking from his Pokedex to his female, humanoid Leavanny in front of him, then around the Pokemon Center's hotel room.
"Really, a special Pokerus on my only Pokemon," he groaned, shutting his Pokedex closed and sitting on the edge of the sole bed in the room. He sighed again, looking down and shaking his head as he did so. "I know the virus is usually good, but Cassandra, this could be the fatal type of Pokerus," he grumbled.
His Leavanny twitched her feelers, tilting her head as her claw-like hands roamed over her breasts, a light moan following the action.
"Stop that Cassandra, this is serious," Nick said, tossing his Pokedex to the side and falling backwards, letting his weight sink into the bed before sighing again. The only things that he could hear were the running AC and the sound of his Leavanny continuing to play with herself. Normally, Nick would watch and enjoy his lustful girl's enthusiasm, but right now he was concerned that she may be infected with the worst type of Pokerus.
"Lea?" Cassandra seemed to ask, making Nick frown before sitting up and looking to her.
"What is it girl?" he asked, looking at her. Her eyes met his, a curious expression on her face. "Like I said, this is serious," he muttered. Cassandra stared a moment longer, stepped close, and quickly leaned forward, managing to quickly and painlessly scratch Nick on the left thigh as she did.
The Pokemon trainer hissed in reaction, a hand darting down to feel at the wound. "No, bad girl!" he hissed, scowling at her. Cassandra, noticing his gaze, slowly backed away, her steps as alert and cautious as ever. "You have Pokerus, who knows what it could do to humans," he added, standing and making his way towards the bathroom, his hand keeping pressure on wound. It was barely bleeding, but Nick wanted to be sure it wasn’t infected; it could never hurt to be too safe, after all.
As soon as he reached the bathroom, Nick reached for a towel with one hand and lifted the leg of his shorts with the other, checking the wound. What he saw made him drop the towel and stare.
The wound had already sealed over, and was turning a bright green. The latter was what got Nick to stare in dumbfounded amazement. That… wasn't normal, even for people who interacted with grass types as often as Nick did. "Cassandra, grab a potion," Nick called with worry, watching the green intently and gulping as it seemed to spread across his skin over the course of a few seconds.
"Leavanny?" Cassandra answered, stepping into the bathroom behind Nick with confusion and worry in her eyes.
"I said to get the potion," Nick hissed at her before looking back to the wound. His eyes went wide as he noticed that the green had without a doubt spread this time, covering a significant portion of his thigh and growing exponentially as he watched. He shed his clothing with concern to watch the proceedings. Still, Cassandra just stood there; he noticed her lack of action when he looked up, and he hissed at her.
"Fine, I'll get it myself," he muttered, stepping around his sole Pokemon and back into the bedroom, looking down at the green on his right leg. “Wait.”
He did a double take, looking at his right leg, then at his left, where he had been scratched. Both of them seemed to have become mirrors, with the green on his right side spreading in time and along the same spots as his left.
"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck..." Nick began to mutter, grabbing at his legs even as a pair of ridges formed on his dark green, smoother, and oddly more plump thighs, giving them an odd, ridged look. Simply continuing on with his muttering Nick watched as his knees turned a bright yellow.
"Lea?" Cassandra asked, stepping up beside the staring Nick. That jerked Nick out of the trance-like state he had been lulled into, and he glanced from Cassandra to his rapidly-thinning thighs. Every piece of hair on his legs was already gone, regardless of whether the skin around the follicles had changed or not.
"No Cassandra, I don't think a potion will fix this," Nick said, finally breaking out of his mantra as his shins were covered. They slimmed slightly as the yellow moved onto his feet, which began to shrink down.
As Nick watched his toes lose their nails, gaining only yellow skin, he gulped, looking from Cassandra's twig-feet to his own, comparing the two. Needless to say, the two styles were fairly different, but he did notice what he was looking for - the fact they were exactly the same color. Once Nick's feet had slimmed down, the color began to advance onto his body, moving up from his changed legs, resembling those of a Leavanny, onto his torso. The green color seemed to focus on his sides and rear, however, his front and by extension his manhood being ignored for the moment. Deciding to get somewhat comfortable and not wanting his legs to collapse, Nick sat himself at the foot of the bed, watching worriedly.
Sensing her trainer's worry, Cassandra stepped up beside Nick, rubbing a hand over his arm. Being a Leavanny she had claws on her wrists and nails, but she also possessed fingers, with the exception of opposable thumbs. This left her ability to grasp objects and manipulate them awkward but doable.
"Cassandra, you're not helping," Nick said flatly before gasping as his hips snapped with a cracking noise, widening the pair to a feminine, childbearing size. Even as he squirmed in his position, his ass decided it didn't want to be outdone, and began to swell outwards, putting on more and more mass. Blinking, Nick looked at it, tentatively reaching a hand out and running his hand over the smooth flesh as it became a jiggling bubble butt, the kind that would put a porn star's to shame. Seeing her trainer's action, Cassandra did the same, grabbing the changing human's rear, making Nick hiss before swatting her hand away.
"Lea!" Cassandra declared, stepping away as shock plastered itself on her face, looking at her trainer with hurt eyes. Nick stared at her for a second, then sighed, looking down and watching as a bright yellow color began to spread along his body.
"Sorry, but if you haven't noticed, I'm kinda stressed ou-ohhh," Nick said, breaking down into a long moan as the yellow reached his rod and balls, both of which began to shrink with waves of pleasure. Shuddering, Nick reached a hand down, brushing against his stimulated rod and gasping as he discovered just how sensitive it had become despite continuing to shrink. Whimpering, he tried grabbing at it, though if it was for the purpose of the more stimulation or trying to save it, he wasn't entirely sure.
Despite his attempts and moaning he failed to save his cock from simply vanishing alongside his balls. Fingers grasping at where it was, time seemed to freeze to Nick for a tense second.
That’s when he moaned as something shoved its way into his body, sending tsunamis of pleasure over him. Moaning and squealing loudly, Nick flopped back onto the bed, thrusting his, rather her, new hips against the air as her gender change to a female, coming with a full woman's apparatus, completed itself. A womb and ovaries formed over the course of a few seconds as her slit grew wet.
And then the pleasure died, and the changes continued as Nick, taking control of herself, began to breathe, trying to calm her excited body down. Even as Nick succeeded in controlling herself, her waist thinned down, the green and yellow advancing up her body. Behind her, just above her rear, a small abdomen, only two feet long, yellow on the underside and covered by leaf-like green above, burst out of her, squishing against the bed. "How do you lay and walk with this thing Cassandra?" Nick gasped at its presence. She squirmed it off to one side, sighing once she did, and looked down to watch the changes.
Halfway up her torso, the yellow that had made up her belly, as well as the lighter green that had covered her back and sides, shifted to a darker green. Nick's pecs faded as her waist thinned down, leaving her with a smoother belly and an hourglass figured when viewed from the front. Without much ceremony, the color reached her chest, and Nick gulped as it crawled over it. She knew what was coming, she just didn't know how big they'd end up being.
With a powerful burst of pleasure that forced Nick to moan, her chest began to swell, broadcasting pleasure all the while. Groaning, moaning, and whining, Nick squirmed and watched as her breasts grew larger, and larger, and larger. When Nick's breasts stopped growing, they were the size of basketballs, massive and weighty upon her chest, capped with bright pink, erect nipples. Their presence was a powerful reminder to Nick of her femininity, one she was still struggling to process.
With a creaking noise, her shoulders snapped inwards, becoming less broad. Once done, the green began to move onto her arms. Her upper arms thinned down, the hair on them vanishing much like the hair on her body and legs had, rapidly followed by her skin turning a bright green. Over the outside of them a bright yellow leaf of some kind rapidly formed, moving with Nick's arms when she moved them, oddly enough.
The colors quickly marched onto Nick's arms, and she felt the outside of her wrists thin down into blades. Her arms and hands slimmed down, becoming rather dainty even as her thumb melted away into nothingness. Stunned, Nick flexed her new hands, bringing one up to stare at as she internally lamenting the loss of her thumbs.
With only one place left to go, the changes began to creep up Nick's neck, which promptly turned a bright yellow. Her voice changed, rising in pitch and becoming seductive and sultry as it did. "What...what?" she said. Despite all that had happened to her, despite the weight of her breasts, despite the emptiness between her legs, despite the fact she was undeniably becoming a Leavanny, she was still unable to process the fact that her voice changed.
Flowing over his head, Nick felt her hair simply vanish into the ether as her skin was smoothed out, her facial features flattening. Nick's nose vanished, and she gasped as two leaf-like growths, forming a crest of sorts, materialized. These growths started where her ears used to be, curled around the back of her head, and poked upwards triumphantly. Nick's breathing only picked up as a pair of sensitive yellow antenna emerged from her head, while her nose vanished. She slammed her eyes shut as they began to burn, turning a bright red as they did so.
And then it was over, and the new Leavanny girl opened her eyes.
Nick felt strange, and the sway of her bust was especially prominent as she sat up, looking down at herself.
"Cassandra, I think that was a bad idea," Nick muttered, looking down at herself and then up at his own Leavanny as she crawled onto the bed. Seeming to smile knowingly, Cassandra reached out, one of her hands slipping under Nick's breast and lifting it. Still slightly aroused from her transformation, Nick watched, her breath catching as she felt Cassandra's hands brushing against the sensitive flesh of her breasts.
"O-oh, that feels good..." Nick said, letting out a low moan. Her panic calmed quickly at Cassandra’s touch.
"I know, it does, doesn't it?" Cassandra asked.
Nick's eyes widened and darted to look at her in the eyes.
"You...you can talk?" he questioned.
Cassandra shrugged, running her hand over one of Nick's breasts. "I suppose, maybe it's because you're like me now? I don't really care," she said, gently pushing at Nick's rack, encouraging the new anthro Leavanny to lay back. Following the urging of her Pokemon and the gentle nudging in her mind, Nick slowly laid her body back, biting her lip as she let Cassandra take the lead.
And she did, with Cassandra's fingers brushing against Nick's entrance, getting a shuddering moan out of Nick as she realized something in her calmed mind. Nick didn't fit as the name of a female...
"Hey Cassandra? Should I get a new name?" Nick asked, looking down beyond her massive breasts to the Leavanny that was exploring her body, fingers brushing against Nick's sensitive entrance as the other moved for her breasts. Nick could see why Cassandra had always been groping herself when it was just the two of them as well - it felt great, she noted.
"Hmm, you should," Cassandra answered, stroking one of Nick's nipples. Nick moaned softly before speaking.
"...How about Nikki?" Nick asked before moaning long and loud as Cassandra's fingers fully entered her, a wave of sexual heat and pleasure hitting Nick as her slit grew wet. She wanted more.
"Nikki, my mistress, I like it," Cassandra said, firmly squeezing one of Nikki's massive breasts and making Nikki moan loudly once again, not caring that she wasn't panicking, not caring that she was wanting more of the wonderful feeling for some reason.
"I do too, you gonna do more?" Nikki asked, moaning as Cassandra began to move her fingers in and out, keeping the action as she moved to Nikki's side.
"Yes, but you need to do me too~" Cassandra sang, gently squeezing and groping Nikki's breasts as Nikki herself reached up to Cassandra's rack. Smiling, Nikki began to grope them, earning a moan from her Pokemon before she reconsidered her action. Instead, she moved her hands to her partner’s hips, and she slowly pulled Cassandra on top of her. This was followed by pulling her in close, their breasts pressing together, causing a moan to come from both of them.
Cassandra moved a thigh between Nikki’s legs, slowly grinding. Moaning, Nikki began to grind back with her own thigh, the two fully lost in each other. For Nikki, there was pleasure to be had, her concern wiped away by small mental nudges that were pushing her to be just as lustful as her partner, grinding against her partner on top of her and moaning at the pleasure Cassandra gave her. "Mistress?" Cassandra asked through her moans, grinding her bust against Nikki's, their nipples rubbing against the two and ensuring both parties moaned harder.
"What is it Cassandra?" Nikki moaned, her hands running down Cassandra's back to her shapely rear, her hands cupping it.
"Well, your new form, it's nice and...well..." Cassandra trailed off, although she didn’t halt the grinding motions of her thigh.
"Just get it out Cassandra, no need to...mmh...hide it," Nikki got out, her own grinding becoming easier as Cassandra's juices coated Nikki's thigh.
"I think I love you, your body… and all that," Cassandra answered with a moan, clearly growing more aroused, with each second pushing her closer to an orgasm. The same was occurring to Nikki.
"You know Cassandra, I think I love you too," Nikki answered, orgasming first and moaning loudly such that she was almost squealing.Her grip on Cassandra's rear tightened and her juices covered Cassandra's thigh, some of it ending up on the sheets. To Nikki, her first orgasm as a female was nothing short of mind-blowing, a pleasure that the Leavanny anthro wanted to experience again and again.
Nikki took a second to recover, then began to grind more intensely at her partner, wanting her to experience the same pleasure. She felt Cassandra's grip on her breasts tighten, making her moan, and finally, Cassandra broke, her own fluids quickly rushing over Nikki's thigh. Breathing hard, Cassandra collapsed on top of Nikki, smiling blankly.
"Thank you mistress," Cassandra breathed.
"You shouldn't be thanking me, we still have to go another round," Nikki smirked, rolling Cassandra over to put herself on top.
Unconcerned, the two Leavanny began again.
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Posted by cadywack 4 years ago Report
A R T . true masterpiece, I came to this three times. The dynamic is beautiful.