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A second fiction like the last. Tyne sneaks into a Trainyard in the hopes of finding something interesting, and encounters a conductor named Reiko Hurakawa. She films the two of them and makes sure to take steps so that Reiko can come back for future Vorno shoot... even as she's taunting her about the fact that she intends to end her existence.
I'm not done with Reiko Hurakawa by the by. I've been making adjustments to a second fiction in this series, which may lead into future installments... assuming the player's interest in perma doesn't finish her off before then, haha.
Reiko Hurakawa: https://www.f-list.net/c/Reiko%20Hurakawa/ (c) her player
Tyne: https://www.f-list.net/c/tyne%20the%20tyranitar/ (c) Doku
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