Yeah, computer troubles again, but NOT related to anything I myself did this time. I didn't spill anything on my laptop, at least--I've been much more careful about that since my previous problem, namely by not using it at all when I'm trying to get sloshed. I simply used the thing right before going to sleep a couple nights ago, closed it down to hibernate and set it aside like I always do when I use it in bed, and then it wouldn't start up the following morning. This has happened to me once before since I accidentally shared some rum with it, but that time I was able to get it to start up after leaving it to charge for a long while, but now even that won't work. Same apparent symptom as before, that the power light slowly blinks when I press the button to turn it on. I'll be taking it in... [ Continued ... ]
Surprise! I have an all-new chapter to share with you!
...kind of. :P It's not actually complete yet, but I've decided there's enough to warrant actually adding it to the gallery to be finished up later. When it gets to that, I'll be replacing the file here with that one instead of uploading the rest as a separate part. It's also not PRECISELY "brand new" because this whole idea has not only been in the works for a very long time but has also had an abbreviated preview chapter in my gallery for months.
I had hoped to get this fully ready in time for Christmas, or New Year's failing that, but partly because I'll be going out of town tomorrow (with a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, though, so I intend to still check in... [ Continued ... ]
Good news, which hopefully won't be undercut by something else happening: I've got my main laptop back! And much sooner than I expected, too--I'd been under the impression that it would be a while yet before the repairs would be completed, but I got a call that it had been returned to the Best Buy is brought it to yesterday evening. It wasn't in the cards to go and get it then, (I don't drive, and without setting up an appointment in advance it was probably going to be pretty dark out by the time I got the physical device) so I made it part of a significant detour before work today. The bad news, though not as bad as some others that have happened lately, is that the touchscreen isn't working for some reason--I hadn't realized how reliant I'd become on that until suddenly I couldn't... [ Continued ... ]
Yeah, sorry to disappoint, but I'm having computer troubles again. This time it was my own foolish mistake rather than my laptop getting old. Bluntly, I had too much to drink while typing a couple nights ago and accidentally spilled my drink on it. I'll need to get it repaired, which will take a few weeks, but the good news is that I was able to get it running the following day (but the day after THAT it wouldn't turn on again) and got the current versions of everything I've written, including the sexual adventures of Yusuke, Reina, and Mitsuki, copied to my external harddrive. I'm currently typing from my previous laptop, which I kept not for this exact reason but am glad that I did. The bad news is that 1) I can't trust this one with my writing, (I think that was what made it shut down... [ Continued ... ]
Don't worry, this isn't anything actually critical--I'm not quitting the site or going into dangerous surgery or anything. Part of why I'm here is that I just want a place to vent, but it's also to say something that I would've saved for the end of July otherwise. As you may expect, I do all my typing on a computer even if I still use pen and paper fairly frequently, (that's usually just for notes when it would be inconvenient to use my smartphone but especially for ones related to what I post here since I try to keep my two online personas--one for here and one for everywhere else, which is "one and the same" with my IRL self--separate from each other) and have gone through several over the years. The one that I currently use and am posting this blog entry from seems to be just... [ Continued ... ]
Happy April Fool's Day, everyone! No beating around the bush this time, the item I just uploaded is an unabashed joke chapter. You'll need to actually read it to get more of the joke, rather than it having "pre-marital handholding" in the tags like last year's. Don't feel bad if you end up glancing over alot of it--I kind of expect as much, but I do still recommend giving it a chance.
The real reason I'm making this post rather than just uploading "quietly," is that I genuinely want to ask everyone who bothers to read these what their favorite parts of each chapter of my fanfic are. While I write these for myself, I'm not averse to writing or prioritizing what you the reader like, too.
For an actual "update" as far as the new... [ Continued ... ]
Well, it took me an extra three months out of almost ten since I originally announced it, but I've finally completed the rewrite of Chapter U! I'm proud to present the rewritten, reformatted, and retitled version of The Fourth Trimester: How Mitsuki Got Her Bump Back!
Told ya I wasn't gonna wait for a significant date to update it, didn't I? ;) Not the almost-Halloween upload you were expecting, was it?
Since I'm re-uploading this into the same entry as the original .doc file, (this one is a PDF) I don't think it'll show up in anyone's upload feeds, so I'd like to ask a small favor of everyone who sees this: spread the word! If you see anyone asking about anything like this one, please point them... [ Continued ... ]
Happy Vore Day, everyone! Unfortunately, try as I might, I wasn’t able to get the rewrite of Chapter U ready in time to post today. Part of that was general writer’s block coupled with off-site obligations and, particularly, a trip out of town to visit family where it didn’t feel right trying to work on it while with them, so I only got token efforts in while in the hotel room.
It’s probably for the best, really—I had a new scene that I wanted to insert before the one I’d been writing but would only go back and add it if I had time. After the trip, though, I realized that there was no reasonable way to finish it in time and so stopped trying. That scene is still being written at the time that I post this.
That chapter will be completed sooner rather... [ Continued ... ]
So, yeah, if you hadn't bothered reading my most recent upload, that was an April Fool's prank. :P I had that one ready a couple months in advance when the idea suddenly came to me. I've been wanting to make some joke chapters for a while and this was the first that occurred to me and which I could reasonably make in time. I'd tell you about some of my other ideas for that, but that'd be spoiling, wouldn't it? ;)
And if you hadn't already realized it, the April Fool's chapter's title is in on the joke, too. I'll literally spell it out: The Extra Amorous Special Episode. As if the tags including "pre-marital handholding" wasn't a big enough clue. XDDDDD
For some actual news, though, I... [ Continued ... ]
I’ve still got writer’s block with no indication that I’m going to be able to finish the rewrite and reformat of Chapter U in a timely manner. But I’ve decided to give you all a little something to tide you over, which I’m thinking I might try to make a recurring thing in the absence of other uploads so that these dry spells between them don’t last as long, or at least don’t seem to—less reaching the oasis, more being given an extra water ration on the way there.
I present to you…the first five thousand words of the Chapter U rewrite!
Technically. :P It’s more than five thousand because I wanted to get as close to that as I reasonably could without just cutting off a sentence in the middle. Anyway, here’s the link to the file in my... [ Continued ... ]