Yeah, computer troubles again, but NOT related to anything I myself did this time. I didn't spill anything on my laptop, at least--I've been much more careful about that since my previous problem, namely by not using it at all when I'm trying to get sloshed. I simply used the thing right before going to sleep a couple nights ago, closed it down to hibernate and set it aside like I always do when I use it in bed, and then it wouldn't start up the following morning. This has happened to me once before since I accidentally shared some rum with it, but that time I was able to get it to start up after leaving it to charge for a long while, but now even that won't work. Same apparent symptom as before, that the power light slowly blinks when I press the button to turn it on. I'll be taking it in...
[ Continued ... ]
Posted by ItachiUchiha 3 years ago Report
hello i like your unbirth stories and i was wonder if you roleplay
Posted by Naganommer 5 years ago Report
Thank you for the watch. I appreciate it. You're very talented as well.
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