I'm back for my unofficial semi-annual blog post. If you have the time - this will be super quick - I've been curious about what the readers like you look for in the stories they read. Just going to ask some quick multiple choice questions below that revolve around the types of stories I write. Simply leave a number in the comments below based on the five questions. Your comment should look something like:
(meaning you picked option 2 for the first question, 5 for the second, 0 for the third, 1 for forth, 1 for the fifth)
And of course, if you'd like to leave actual written feedback, that works just as well if not better! Thanks!
Question 1) What length do you prefer the vore stories you read to be?
I already have all the scenes planned out and the story is rather long at the moment... buuuut maybe you have something in particular you'd like to see Emma and/or Jack do? I ask out of genuine curiosity and because there is this one part I want to try spice up some more. Thanks!
For the several people who are reading this, imagine this:
You walk into a cozy book filled room and in center of it sits a writer at a fancy wooden desk, a pen and paper in hand. The writer notices you walk in and before you have a chance to mutter a single word the writer asks you for help. The writer wants your opinion. The writer wants to write so many different stories but must know if there is a story you'd like to read before the others. You reply with ->
1) "It would be like totally cool to read the next part of Ashley's Miniverse story! The next story in the series will have actual 'willing' preds, right!?"
2) "Um, did you forget about Vore University? God I wish I could be Jack and watch more people slide down Emma's... [ Continued ... ]
I know, I don't believe it myself yet it's actually happened. Iliketoread has posted a new story and plans to post more soon...
I've been having a lot of cool ideas for new stories recently so I'm pretty excited to work on them. The one I just posted is a part of my 'Miniverse' idea which currently is planned to have four separate posts but is completely open to being added upon. My vision for it was to go for a more 'grounded' setting where not every second person wants to swallow a tiny person whole, yet still making it fun to read and having hot vore moments. Even thought it is trying to be more 'grouned', the finale I have planned has a lot of tiny gobbling. The four girls the series is centered around - Ashley, Cara, Hazel, and Erika - are pretty fun to write about and... [ Continued ... ]
Welcome to my semi-annual blog post or however often I post these. Putting up this blog post for those that like to chat and share ideas, or those that want to try influence what I write next :)
I'll keep it simple. I have two unfinished stories:
1) Second-Person (Reader's character as the MC - so like the Cadet story) - Big brother is forced to take care of his bratty little sister for spring break. Big brother is busy finishing working on a 'special' life-changing machine in his basement which ends up causing him trouble - This story is 90% done.
2) First-Person (Writer's character as the MC - so like the story I just posted) - Take's place in the Earth's Least Favourite Babysitter Universe and is basically a direct sequel. Four earthlings sneak... [ Continued ... ]
So thats out. If anyone has ideas on how to make 'vore scenes' + 'digestion' + 'whatever else you think is important' more interesting, please let me know. Feel like I've recently staggered and would like to "spice it up". Cheers!
Hello everyone. I have good news, I am uploading a story sometime in the upcoming days. This story was technically finished months ago but after a fellow writer and I went over it back when, it was clear that it had many issues. I made too many stupid writer mistakes and created too many inconsistencies... ugh... it killed my will to write for a bit but I have forced myself to fix most of the issues. Fortunately, I would say that I have learned A LOT from writing this story and hope my experience writing it will make my future stories even better. (fingers crossed) So its nowhere near perfect but im sure many of you will find enjoyment out of it.
I want to point out that the story does involve a teenage pred so if thats not your cup of tea I'm sorry, you're gonna have to wait... [ Continued ... ]
Just posting another "quick" blog post. Honestly nothing important in this blog post so feel free to stop reading here. I just needed a place to release my frustration about story telling.
So if any of you have read the past blog post you may know that I have two stories actively in the works. Overall they're going great but it doesn't seem they'll be done around this time like I planned. And well... that frustrates me. And its not like i don't know what to write... I know exactly whats going to happen from beginning to end... I know VERY well whats going to happen. My main issue is that I think my own, let me call it, passion for story telling keeps getting in the way. I guess I just want each of my stories to show the best of my writing abilities. I didn't have... [ Continued ... ]