Vore and Unbirth stories featuring a range of characters, both original and from existing series. Also featuring pictures drawn by my girlfriend.
Author's Note: Yes, this really is chapter 6 of Hinata's Other New Jutsu. Enjoy. And please don't kill me.
Chapter 6: Belly Of The Beast
The room seemed to stand still. All sounds died away, a growing hissing replacing it. Hinata could see the fur on her hands… she could feel it covering the rest of her body. She wanted to reach back and touch her face… maybe… maybe that might wake her up. She had to wake up; she had to prove to herself that this was some sort of tw
Hinata's Other New Jutsu, Chapter 6: Belly Of The Beast
Views: 5,946
Author's Notes: Hiromu Arakawa created full Metal Alchemist. This is set during episode 39, Eastern Civil War when Martel spends a night with the Elrics.
Chapter 2: A Dish Best Served Cold
Martel stared down at the blonde headed child. `Murderer.' A sick feeling sank into her stomach and she sneered at him in silence, `you killed the last family I've known since this was done to me.' She knelt down next to him, watching his chest rise and fall. He was oblivious to her now. `And I've don
Full Metal Alchemist Vore Chapter 2: A Dish Best Served Cold
Views: 3,391
Chapter 3: Family Matters
Snow struggled fruitlessly. Mika was crying hysterically, clawing at his eyes and biting the air before his face, babbling incoherently. He pushed her away from him, her feet smashing into his chest, but to no real consequence. “Calm down!” He shouted, but she wouldn't listen.
Snow could barely make out the sound of the door creaking open, and only managed to see Ryota peering in when Mika tried to claw at his eyes and he had to look away. Snow growl
Nightmare Syndrome, Chapter 3: Family Matters
Views: 1,227
Author's Notes: This is a FICTIONAL PARODY. This is not to be taken seriously; I do not intend any harm to any of the real people mentioned in this story in any way. For the love of God, don't sue me.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Return of the Kraken
The cameraman flashed a final finger and the red light on the side of the camera flickered on. “Hello, I'm Theodore Watkins your host for Movie Access and today I'm going to be talking to director Vore Gerbinski.”
Theodore waved h
Pirates of the Caribbean: Return of the Kraken
Views: 2,359
Author's Note: I hope this was worth the wait. Enjoy!
Chapter 5: Hidden Darkness
“Hiashi-sama.” Kurenai blurted out before catching herself. She bowed slightly, then looked back at him, “To what do I owe the pleasure.”
“You seem fine.” Hiashi said passively. “Where is Hinata?”
“Fine?” Kurenai forced a smile, “I don't understand…”
Hiashi's pale white eyes met hers for a moment, and Kurenai suppressed
Hinata's Other New Jutsu, Chapter 5: Hidden Darkness
Views: 4,906