(Animation) She was starting to get bored
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion Weight Gain Breast Expansion F/? Fatal Animation crushing Struggling Big Belly gif Sadistic Kicking Legs Female Pred Cruel Cruel Pred sadistic pred crushing digestion Kicking in belly
I wasn't when I made it though- Animation is fun for me because it's not my forte, I know just enough to know all the things I' don't know- and therefore there's 0 pressure to make it look better lol
Almost done with the scene I'm working on, I'll be finishing it up tomorrow morning :3
Devotedfoodslave69 - 1 month ago
Imagine you digest away and meanwhile you feel how you add to her tits as they grow with your sacrifice.
Beautiful animation, more pls
BlownFuse - 1 month ago
Me asf <3
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
This would ve amazing with sound (still very good without)
nopeman777 - 1 month ago
Oh god I can hear the taunting and lewd comments she was making just by looking at it. Also really well done love the animation in your style hope to see more!
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: POV F/F Same Size Fatal Struggling Sweat Big Belly Female Prey Female Pred Valentine's Day Thick thighs Digestion Noises Struggling prey struggling in stomach Obsessed Pred Flirting pred brainrot rescue success Saved prey
I apologize for that title- sincerely
..But also no I don't so not sincerely at all
You know I didn't really think about it but I guess this is a Valentine's Day themed post... is this the first time I actually made it on time to do a holiday post? I think it is XD
BlueIce - 1 month ago
honestly, if a girl eats a pred for you, then she is a keeper
RedInstead - 1 month ago
This is actually a prequel post to something else I made, so yes that is what's happening here XD
The mini- story it's a prequel to I actually wanted to do a remaster of before posting it here since I thought it turned out kind of fun, but the art is pretty basic and messy. It's about 14 pages of 2 dudes worrying their friend is "rushing into a relationship", while his friend is exploring vore sex. The couple had been dating for months beforehand without the friends knowing, and wanted to do this before they're given 'exemption'.
CoolKaios - 1 month ago
Awww my hero~
Would be funny if this lady actually saved a guy...would be a fun twist on the trope~
somhtam - 1 month ago
Given how likely you're not even gonna make it until finishing your education: Yeah she's a keeper.
nopeman777 - 1 month ago
Ah so thats how boys in this world find love with people who could easily eat them. How nice!
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Breasts Digestion F/M F/? Fatal Unwilling Macro/Micro Unwilling Prey Internal View Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts fatal digestion public vore worldbuilding Thick thighs Casual vore Uncaring Pred Illegal Vore
It’s a harsh reality for individuals that lost enough of their original size - You’re the easiest to overlook for anyone who isn’t looking to fill their stomach
10 feet from law enforcement, given explicit instruction to crack down even harder on public displays of vore - Not even a second glance
Her belly gets to have its way with you undisturbed and unrestrained - churning you down into gut butter, and thicker thighs
And her? It’s just her lunch...
[ Continued ... ]
Datboodie - 1 month ago
This is one of your best works, and my favorite to date. The character is astonishingly hot and I love these proportions. Hope we get to see more of her and this world!
Devotedfoodslave69 - 1 month ago
Your art is amazing and we can see that you improve yourself with each piece.
RedInstead - 1 month ago
Hey if you wanna give feedback it's always appreciated :3
I can only make things that I think I would like if I wasn't the one making it- but I never really know if what I'm making is 'good', or if what I'm trying to do with it is connecting for other people
Especially true for the longer stuff in the future, since I don't exactly have any points of reference xd
Devotedfoodslave69 - 1 month ago
I influenced vore art, even if it's just the title, yippie!!!
AnAccount - 1 month ago
The tummys in both panels...
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: POV Swallowing F/? Mawshot Size difference Female Pred Big Breasts Lore taunting Swallowed alive worldbuilding Cruel Pred tongue out Overpowered Story in description taunting pred POV prey exhausted prey
Most preds are ambush predators, at least in vore comics - but in the wild obviously there's multiple forms of predation.
From a ecological standpoint there hasn't been enough time in this world from the introduction of vore to the present day for the effects to be fully realized. That is, the environment itself that people inhabit is still changing, including in the people themselves, and one apparent effect is the surge of avid runners among preds.
In the wild,...
[ Continued ... ]
RedInstead - 1 month ago
I've been stockpiling it for a little while hehe
A lot of this was from a weekly series that I was doing on patreon for awhile, I stopped doing it but I don't see a reason to keep it exclusive to that :3
There's a few things I'll be holding onto for a bit longer but only because they're not ready yet, or are spoilers for 'I Wanna Go Home' ;p
(I ended up working backwards quite a lot till I landed on the starting point I have)
kaysgoodcook - 1 month ago
So much art from you lately, you're really spoiling us!
SheldonCooperBazinga - 1 month ago
Pred ecology is cool and all, but how 'bout pred biology? There's a lot of interesting things to think about, like if preds have a very fast metabolism to prevent severe weight gain, or what the reason is for sharp teeth (often depicted in preds) despite preds not tearing into or chewing their prey.
GrahmStantona - 1 month ago
It also brings to question what the specific rules of your setting.
Like, is size literally equal to the experience of the pred?
Could a pred vs pred scenario even occur?
And, are there any preys who are either to big or strong for a pred? (Like how some herbivores IRL could be too dangerous to hunt).
Either way, I'm excited to see what you make next!
doomed - 1 month ago
op preds
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion F/M Implied Digestion Unwilling Prey Big Belly internals Size difference Internal View Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Naked Female Naked pred Digestion Noises Sleeping pred Sleeping it off Seductive Pred
Where was he? His devourer had been moving around for so long, he had lost any sense of direction, and the pressure around him was growing- There was a foreboding rumbling surrounding him, shaking away his last sense of control over his situation
That woman at the bar - Nobody knew who she was but he just couldn't keep his eyes off her - She was breathtaking - and he was a fool. Fate did not sit her next to him, that was her picking an easy target
It was the start...
[ Continued ... ]
Sharktooth - 1 month ago
Ah… that sucks! Small male Pred is mega underrated! And I think she would be the adorable inside him
RedInstead - 1 month ago
I definitely see the appeal of alt endings, I just don't do them xd
Same with male preds, but that's more of a worldbuilding choice more than anything ;p
sekon - 1 month ago
As a non-artist it's kind of hard to even fathom this being rushed lol, I think you are too hard on yourself!
The internal is near perfect, so deliciously tight with the prey in appropriate distress, paired with an uncaring, smoking hot pred having the best sleep of her life... it's just a really good pic ok??
Sharktooth - 1 month ago
Think you’ll ever do an alt ending~? Maybe him eating her?
RedInstead - 1 month ago
Thank you ^u^
This one took about 12 hours- which isn't too bad for me considering I usually run about 4 hours per character on average, and this one has a decent background and internals ;P
Glad this one looks alright, I thought it might seem a little too rushed at the time- but I just liked how it felt
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion Weight Gain F/M Same Size Fatal Pre-Vore Bikini Post-Vore Goth Big Belly Male Prey Female Pred fatal digestion taunting sunbathing Sexual Harassment navel piercing first time pred Goth Pred
Everyone remembers their first~
This was funded via patreon :3
BlueIce - 1 month ago
Man, at-least she got a meal out of that encounter. Gotta enjoy the beach
Sängsin - 1 month ago
He had it coming!
At least we have another pred thanks to him!
Devotedfoodslave69 - 1 month ago
Yes breast gains, and the hearts mean that the guy loves to be fat on there.
Altimos - 1 month ago
Deserved every bit of what followed after his rudeness. Seriously, who talks like that to someone... even if it is trying small talk them and trying to open relations? Apparently food, that's who does that XD
Altimos - 1 month ago
Deserved every bit of what followed after his rudeness. Seriously, who talks like that to someone... even if it is trying small talk them and trying to open relations? Apparently food, that's who does that XD
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M Pre-Vore Implied Digestion Size difference Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts police femdom breast smothering intimidation naked prey Cruel Pred Stomach Noises threat of vore growling belly threat of digestion
Moar stuff~
This was funded via patreon :3
feauxen - 12 days ago
You know, I don't really expect him to talk. And I'm not really convinced she wants him to, either...
friemeltje1 - 2 weeks ago
really hot dominant pred!
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
That comma should be an exclamation point
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
Hot as hell, captions like this are great (especially vore ones)
doomed - 1 month ago
Oof poor guy being forced to betray his friends … better to choose death since she psycho enough that he’s dead anyway
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 9
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Pre-Vore Female Pred
ALRIGHT- So I'll be honest- that was 2 months of failed drafts, before I realized how to fix the problems I was having with those drafts -Mostly coming down to every draft before this one didn't have a proper introduction to the central character for this arc- Honey, and the story lacking a character who's closely tied to the sexual theming of vore-
Which is what this scene does, among several other things
I finished this up about 5 days ago, I'm about 75% of the...
[ Continued ... ]
PredatoryFood - 1 month ago
I'm already pretty hooked, this emotional drive is a good one
Bruggetje - 1 month ago
Yeah i wouldnt post non vore here as it is a vore website after all but indeed in spare time if you like it i would say do it. It can give you some money for other projects or for urself:)
doomed - 1 month ago
that definitely sounds great ! i love looking at this concept too . ive done multiple posts about it too so i m absolutely rooting for you
RedInstead - 1 month ago
Thank you :3
Yeah I wanted a story where I could have both pred AND prey characters matter within the story, and one of the ways I thought that would work is through the eyes of a remorseful pred-
For Honey it's a story of her grappling with this identity- and accepting that she's done things she hasn't liked to survive- Will she give into shame, or take her identity in a different direction? Look at things from a different perspective more befitting of her situation
..and hopefully that turns out super satisfying :3
RedInstead - 1 month ago
Oh and as for nonsexual work I do have plans for things like that but that's outside of my work here... I just think this would be interesting and I'm trying this first
I've done a few odd jobs here and there from friends and family, and a few commercial commissions outside of this :P
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 8
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Scene 1 - Reflection
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 7
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore remorseful pred
Scene 1 - Reflection
(I know this is fairly unusual but it's the start of her character arc, she does actually eat several people in this arc)
Perodian - 1 month ago
So she's also someone who can eat people, but chooses not to.
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 6
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Scene 1 - Reflection
RedInstead - 1 month ago
I think the 'you' is Honey speaking of herself- in a way
But yes, if she thought of the herself, and the people she's eaten in the same way others think of this person- she feels like she wouldn't be happy
It's paradoxical- but that's also noteworthy
The scene after this explains the premise a bit better but I still like this as the 'opening scene'. Honey is in debt to a large criminal organization, and has had to eat people in order to pay off that debt.
Perodian - 1 month ago
The 'you' referred here is that of a predator who is seen as the standard of happiness. They get to indulge in eating at the cost of their humanity. If one is caring, being like them sounds horrible. They end lives frequently.
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 5
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Scene 1 - Reflection
victo1450 - 1 month ago
beautiful god
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 4
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Scene 1 - Reflection
On a side note if you want to be one of the 'red shirts' (minor characters eaten for plot reasons) feel free to contact me I'm giving those away for free
I figure that's more interesting than having them just be random one off characters ;3
RedInstead - 1 month ago
Yes! These people are all willing-
I think the guy on the left chose to show up like that himself, the rest of them all have their hands tied just in case they change their minds ;3
Perodian - 1 month ago
The people wrapped up as if they are gifts are all blushing. They look mostly okay with this, though the one on the far right has a more worried look. I presume they are there to be eaten.
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 3
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Scene 1 - Reflection
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 2
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Scene 1 - Reflection
'I Wanna Go Home' / Ch1 - page 1
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M F/? flashback Size difference Male Prey Female Pred public vore Casual vore
Re-upload because I think I did it incorrectly the first time. That could just be a cope but we'll see o-o
This is the start of the long comic I've been talking about, a series called "I Wanna Go Home" - A title sort of inspired by Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, but that was decided on before I wrote this first arc. Coincidentally, Honey's trying to get back to her old life but is stuck in debt to a large criminal organization known as 'The Dragon'.
If you...
[ Continued ... ]
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion Weight Gain F/M Fatal Unwilling Prey Big Belly Size difference talking to prey Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts torn clothing before and after dryad pred
more stuff 4 your enjoyment :3
InternalStudyBuddy - 1 month ago
Can't even die right. Gives me conniptions.
doomed - 1 month ago
oof now there a man eating plant girl on the lose . someone go buy some weed killer
AnAccount - 1 month ago
Her poor leaves
asogger123 - 1 month ago
good reason to go to the forest
unknownHavock - 1 month ago
Some people are just so disrespectful!
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Digestion F/M implied scat Unwilling Prey Big Belly Size difference Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts teasing taunting Cruel Pred Implied Disposal Digestion Noises before and after failed rescue instant loss Failed Hero
power of friendship-
Schrodinger123 - 3 weeks ago
I mean, if he bothered to not announce his presence and just slide it in somewhere soft, he would be able to casually get rid of the first one push her down on top of her friend and get her too, but this is reliant on the person with a weapon being a moron as is common in horror movies where no one double taps
JankyBaker - 1 month ago
Sängsin - 1 month ago
Mission faild!
We'll geht them next time!
doomed - 1 month ago
lol he shouldve just killed her then threaten the other girl . thats how you save a friend being killed
TableManners - 1 month ago
How noble! Surprised he lasted this long lol
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M Anal Vore Implied Digestion Big Belly Size difference Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Multiple Preds Maid Implied Disposal Casual vore Detailed bulges giantess pred Multiple Preys Maid Pred shocked prey
Throwing some of these on here because I don't have a reason to hold onto them
I don't really do this style of content anymore though- This was a weekly series I did awhile ago just to try and see what I could do with time constraints :p
It did help me learn what I can and can't do quickly. Plus, they're fun :3
RedInstead - 1 month ago
I did not look at this one super closely when posting it here, no. Maybe I should for the tags though
I looked at it plenty when I made it xd
Jpx099999 - 1 month ago
D- do- do you not look at your own Work before posting It??
TetoLover0401 - 1 month ago
I like the maid on the left :3
doomed - 1 month ago
hmm thats gonna be a healthy garden
Perodian - 1 month ago
With three big girls not interested in eating him, he has the protection that would allow him to survive and live well in this world. Though the money that pays them may have a bigger influence.
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion F/M Unwilling Prey Big Belly Size difference Male Prey Female Pred Burping Mini Giantess public vore Cruel Pred Digestion Noises Casual vore smaller prey Larger pred Uncaring Pred Casual pred Mini Giantess pred
..You know, living in this world you had definitely imagined this moment differently.
Maybe this was delirium setting in, or the taunting and teasing you've heard on the outside of her stomach was starting to get to you... But somehow between the broiling belly trying to grind you down into a paste, and the fanfare in the background celebrating your approaching ‘graduation’ from Meaghan’s asshole; there’s a strange...
[ Continued ... ]
feauxen - 12 days ago
He made it a full year? Color me surprised, I was expecting his first day to BE his last day.
WatermelonArtist - 1 month ago
doomed - 1 month ago
oof why do guys even go to college , its not worth it .
RedInstead - 1 month ago
She doesn't get punished by the school no- What're they going to do? She already graduated ;3
..But she does get arrested- no vore in public
Perodian - 1 month ago
I don't think she's getting punished for that partially digested meal. That guy in the background seems just fine with this.
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: F/M Commission Pre-Vore Female Pred Big ass world building Implied Disposal
It's just one year to graduate for males, you should be fine. You're probably not going to earn exemption with grades like that but that doesn't mean you should be scared!
At the academy students can be punished for even having a half digested meal of another student, as long as you aren't going off alone with one of them you'll be fine. Plus that's a stereotype, not all college age girls see you as pathetic...
[ Continued ... ]
RedInstead - 1 month ago
only if you're not thinking of pathetic food :3
SSV - 1 month ago
That locker at the bottom isn't filled with what I think it is, right?
Perodian - 1 month ago
They can still see you as food even if they don't see you as pathetic.
Dumbstruck - 6 (Weight gain bonus :3)
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Weight Gain F/M Post-Vore Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts taunting begging Cruel Pred Thicc
Little extra from the last one
In more ways than one ;3
mk2685 - 4 weeks ago
I love your work so much
BlissfulDreamer - 1 month ago
This quickly became one of my fave comic series
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
Yeah yw :)
RedInstead - 1 month ago
Much appreciated! I wasn't sure if anything went wrong till you said something, so I re-uploaded :3
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
They're there now
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion Weight Gain Breast Expansion F/M Swallowing Fatal Navel Struggling Unwilling Prey Crying Big Belly internals Size difference Internal View Male Prey Female Pred femdom handjob taunting begging Cruel Pred rapid digestion Cum in mouth crying prey Digestion sequence Seductive Pred breaking bones belly focus begging to be let go faceless female Faceless Pred Belly Reduction
SO- Ages ago I used to talk about how I thought it was interesting that I couldn't find anyone who was doing any longer narrative comics in vore. I talked a bit about how I just wanted to see what that would look like.
Well I'm doing it...
I'm the WORST artist for the job. I overthink things, I spend too long trying to get things right, and I constantly change my mind on things. My writing style is basically "The characters need to know what's happening...
[ Continued ... ]
Devotedfoodslave69 - 3 months ago
Oh and After looking at it again just now, I love how the form of the guy just becomes softness of the belly and then the sequence of her belly shrinking and the breasts growing, always get jealous of the eaten person when I see vore like this
Devotedfoodslave69 - 3 months ago
Can't wait, pressed the watch button after discovering you yesterday.
RedInstead - 3 months ago
I appreciate it :D! At the time of you saying that I was having similar thoughts for a page I was working on, so it does actually help.
There's only 1 more page to this one, and it's just a little bonus weight gain page. The longer story I was talking about is it's own thing -although it is intended to be the same setting as this, and several of my other works-
Devotedfoodslave69 - 3 months ago
But no Really I'm trying to give Constructive criticism and if the only thing I can Constructively Criticize is the background, your on the save side here. Do what you do and I will wait for the next page, because I think there's gonna be a disposal to this one.
Devotedfoodslave69 - 3 months ago
RedInstead = Redskull XD
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Stomach Digestion Weight Gain Breast Expansion F/M Swallowing Fatal Navel skirt Struggling Unwilling Prey Crying Big Belly internals Size difference Internal View Male Prey Female Pred femdom midriff handjob taunting begging Inside stomach Kneeling Cruel Pred rapid digestion Cum in mouth crying prey Seductive Pred punching belly begging to be let go Prey abuse Organs View
hi :3
nc - 3 months ago
Yes! No matter how strong you are - when you are all bundled up your muscles will find absolutely no leverage to play out their strength. Oh, this sweet sweet moment of realization when you come to understand that it is all too late now.
doomed - 3 months ago
She’s an evil pred for sure lol
Perodian - 3 months ago
Trying again could just result in her making him cum again and him getting distracted. She has reason to do that when she knows it works very well.
RedInstead - 3 months ago
He's got titties on his mind... so we're just tucking him back in where he belongs uwu
AdditionalGirth - 3 months ago
"Did you hit your head on the way down?"
He is definitely a little stupid, but we still love him <3
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Soft Vore Digestion Weight Gain Breast Expansion F/M Swallowing Fatal Penis Navel Balls skirt Struggling Unwilling Prey Head First Crying Big Belly internals Size difference Internal View Male Prey Female Pred femdom midriff handjob taunting begging Inside stomach Kneeling Cruel Pred rapid digestion Cum in mouth crying prey Seductive Pred begging to be let go
I'm actually quite proud of this page... something about the composition ended up super satisfying
ryanshowseason3 - 3 months ago
This and the next page were perfection
nc - 3 months ago
Ah, yes, you are perfectly right. Why didn't I see it that way from the beginning? Absolutely perfect :-D You see? You are not the only one overthinking here. And showing his face is so delicious in this moment.
RedInstead - 3 months ago
I think there's a tendency to view it as 'redundant' when you have an internal shot and a external shot of the same moment in the same page... but it serves a different purpose than just showing what's physically happening, it's about the character's perspectives
And actually in this moment they're not 100% parallel, since her choker pops off in her external shot... so there's almost a bit of movement in the scene which might be why I like it so much.
I use BIGBIG a lot as a reference for internals, not so much reference for the art style as general presentation/composition, and they do this kind of shot a lot.
Thank you! I'm excited to share some of my ideas... I think vore has a lot of potential for longer stories, with certain things I think just get better over time- and some natural narrative themes that I think go with vore pretty well
RedInstead - 3 months ago
Well I don't think SHE's flipped- You can see her skirt, and her hair over her back, so her 'butt' is facing the same direction- BUT I also can see what you mean - HE looks like he's looking back over his shoulder, but he's also clearly facing forward.. That angle with the baggy clothes definitely doesn't help
I wanted to show his face to show his reaction but like you said I didn't want to flip it so it's a different direction than all the other panels, and I was also mirroring the internals in the next page that I think I did a better job on
nc - 3 months ago
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love the whole page and how you blocked all the scenes into panels. But if you'd like to discuss the subject? I had quite a hard time to "understand" the grey-ish background of panel one and I was wondering why - until I finally got it: You crossed the axis of vision here (the "optical axis). In other words your "camera" flips the side and shows the prey from the opposite side compared to all other images. :)
Aaaanyway, one half of my brain is overthinking it while the other is totally busy being pulled into the hotness of the scene. I guess I would fail to focus on an escape just as the prey does here.
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Digestion Weight Gain Breast Expansion F/M Swallowing Fatal Penis Navel Balls skirt Struggling Unwilling Prey Head First Crying Big Belly internals Size difference talking to prey Internal View Male Prey Female Pred femdom midriff handjob Big balls taunting begging Cruel Pred rapid digestion Cum in mouth crying prey big penis Seductive Pred head in mouth begging to be let go
Big PP
Sexual emphasis goes both ways bitches >:3
RedInstead - 3 months ago
*get rotated*
I thought about adding a panel or 2 to show her spinning him around, but this page was already getting kind of over-crowded
nc - 3 months ago
Distracting the prey like this is just the perfect trap. I really like that you added this aspect to your story. The thought that you could escape if you just focused on trying it makes the final overpowering moment so much more intense and stronger. And no wonder she gets aroused by the moment herself.
doomed - 3 months ago
I believe this would definitely be a great occasion for her to grab her by the pussy XD
Perodian - 3 months ago
I thought she was eating him from the front, so why is his penis on the other side now?
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Digestion Breast Expansion F/M Swallowing Fatal Navel skirt Struggling Unwilling Prey Head First Crying Big Belly internals Size difference Internal View Male Prey Female Pred femdom midriff handjob taunting begging Cruel Pred rapid digestion Cum in mouth crying prey Seductive Pred head in mouth begging to be let go
It is true that an unexempt male can escape from even an experienced pred if he's big enough.
You should focus your energy on throwing off her balance rather than trying to fight her swallowing directly. The throat muscles are fast, powerful, impossible to grip, OR escape from - you're on a conveyor belt to her boiling belly and you MUST get off before that point. The moment you're in those stomach walls your weight advantage becomes her weight to take advantage of.
[ Continued ... ]
friemeltje1 - 2 weeks ago
really straightforward yet really hot - these 2 are perfect!
RedInstead - 3 months ago
Yeah the original version of this was a lot larger... 17 pages cut down to 6
It started with him leaving his house, and his neighbor hitting on him as he leaves the door, and him reacting like any male should in this world which is taking it with a bit of caution - As he continues on with his day we learn for most of his life he wasn't subjected to the same kind of overt vore threats that men who were smaller than him experienced.
I wanted to show him rationalizing himself a little bit of survival guilt into 'Well clearly I don't need to be as cautious as other guys', in this world men come in a variety of sizes while women are normal height but have the ability to eat people. His neighbor seems as confused as he was by his sudden change of attitude when he's awkwardly trying to return her flirting, because it is a quick change of character that he's forcing.
I rewrote it frankly due to lack of confidence- I spent over 2 weeks planning that out while constantly getting comments from people that don't understand I don't make it my mission to make as much smut as possible... Just things that I think are good, and that takes time. There's an infinite amount of free smut out there
nc - 3 months ago
You made her look so perfectly beautiful - no wonder she is the perfect predator for adult males.
Perodian - 3 months ago
It sounds like he went to a girl's place with no plan. Not a clear idea of what to do. If that was the case, why show up to begin with?
Uploaded: 5 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion F/F Weight Gain party Swallowing Fatal Implied Digestion Big Belly Size difference Female Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Big Butt Implied Fatality taunting public vore dub-con Big ass Cruel Pred Implied Disposal clothes ripping YCH Casual vore Willing to unwilling prey Unwilling to Willing prey dubious consent bones in belly brainwashing YCH COMIC Height gain cumming prey
For the person who asked for no internal, I have removed the X's in your Rays
Help me feed my cats plz --> http://patreon.com/user?u=25753910
(also there's stuff I don't post on Aryion if you're interested)
Metrolix - 5 months ago
SPHikeV2 - 5 months ago
Personally I think your internal is really nice, but I can see why someone would want to see the pred’s cute belly.
Uploaded: 5 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion F/F Weight Gain party Swallowing Fatal Implied Digestion Big Belly Size difference Female Prey Internal View Female Pred Big Breasts X-ray Big Butt Implied Fatality taunting public vore dub-con Big ass Cruel Pred Implied Disposal clothes ripping YCH Casual vore Willing to unwilling prey Unwilling to Willing prey dubious consent bones in belly brainwashing internal digestion YCH COMIC Height gain cumming prey
Featuring Nan and Alula in order of appearance :3
I have returned! - Finally happy with this one lol, took me a minute... give or take 85 hours
Thanks again to Nancrow and waveshaper, and anyone else who participated in the auction :D
Help me feed my cats plz --> http://patreon.com/user?u=25753910
(also there's stuff I don't post on Aryion if you're interested)
[ Continued ... ]
Salisha - 5 months ago
You're back...but it looks like that gutslut is gone as a result...~
Fair trade if you ask me. >:3
asogger123 - 5 months ago
Oh my god. Peak.
RedInstead - 5 months ago
That guy definitely looks like he got the wrong invite... Or a friend of his was told to bring backup food ;3
AnAccount - 5 months ago
Whats going on back there on the couch? Looks very interesting :)
Tastykitty169 - 5 months ago
love the size diff <3
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Comic Soft Vore Digestion F/M F/? Fatal Big Belly Auction Female Pred Big Breasts dub-con Cruel Pred YCH dubious consent YCH closed
Hi, I've been busy, but we're trying something new today :3
Character A - Female pred, Can be humanoid or anthro
Character B - Any gender prey slot, humanoid or anthro
Characters must be canonically adults, and cannot be feral. Weight gain is optional, and minor changes can be made.
Payment in $USD- upfront via PayPal
Winner can PM Me or message me on Discord
[ Continued ... ]
RedInstead - 6 months ago
CLOSED - Thank you all for participating, Message me on discord with your character :D
RedInstead - 6 months ago
CLOSED - Thank you all for participating, Message me on discord with your character :D
(Im a little late on calling it just cuz I put 12pm thinking that meant midnight but no that's noon)
Nancrow - 6 months ago
Bruggetje - 6 months ago
Noice :)
waveshaper - 6 months ago
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: POV F/M Anal Vore Pre-Vore caught Beach Implied Digestion Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Multiple Preds Big Butt femdom Implied Fatality taunting Big ass Implied Disposal Implied Anal Vore Casual vore
If you want to help me keep growing things for you, you can always be fertilizer ;)
My Garden - http://patreon.com/user?u=25753910
They’re about to give you a very THOROUGH lesson in the local culture
This one was supposed to be a 'quick' one... Still took me about ~29 hours in 4 days if I remember right, but it's been awhile. I was experimenting with skipping the line art all together, just doing a quick...
[ Continued ... ]
TheOneAndOnly - 7 months ago
Aw yeah, we certainly need more of these two out of you gng.
knotbots - 7 months ago
The writing is *Chefs kiss*
AnAccount - 7 months ago
Yeah but i wish there was a favorites section in that though
RedInstead - 7 months ago
See this one I like, I think it turned out really well, it hits the note I was going for... but that note wasn't aimed at my specific tastes, I just wanted to see if I could get to it
The art tho is a bit more me, specifically the eyes on these two - I did that just for me lol
Loneese - 7 months ago
Yeaaah he'll be fine dont worry
Uploaded: 8 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: POV Scat Digestion F/M Swallowing Pooping Butt frog girl Internal View Human Prey Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Big Butt Disposal Long Tongue Implied Fatality taunting Narrator screaming prey tongue wrap frog pred Uncaring Pred
*rattles tin can* NEW STUFF :D
Who's next? Any takers? Come oooonn, once you say yes won't get another choooiiiice~ :3
Ozzer30 - 8 months ago
I am also food in case you get hungry :3
52Minuten - 8 months ago
shes very cute, i wanna be her next meal~
NinjaStuff - 8 months ago
Perfect sequence,i wish that was me
KellyJ - 8 months ago
This is some of the best work I have seen in a long time!!
Blackheartedreaper2 - 8 months ago
Absolute cinema
Uploaded: 8 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: POV Oral Vore Breasts Belly Digestion F/M Swallowing Vagina Navel Pussy Nudity frog girl Internal View Human Prey Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Big Butt Throat bulge Long Tongue Implied Fatality taunting Narrator Nude Female screaming prey tongue wrap Uncaring Pred dehumanization Digestion Talk
Damn even the Narrator's taunting him, poor guy... Poor food
nvm he's exactly where he should be
HMDVore - 3 weeks ago
RasenGun37 - 8 months ago
Hot dialogue
Kabukiss - 8 months ago
God I wish there was a page in between 1 and 2 describing the "awfull" journey :)
KellyJ - 8 months ago
This is what makes me beg to be next, awesome work!
Pulchritudinous_Cenobite - 8 months ago
Would love to be next.
We Used to Have a Track Team...
Uploaded: 9 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion Burp F/M Swallowing Fatal Unwilling Prey Implied Vore Big Belly Male Prey Female Pred Multiple Preds f/multiple taunting Last look Cruel Pred Digestion Noises Multiple Preys
*rattles tin can* I HAVE NEW STUFF :3
(I promise I will not be this obnoxious when I no longer need the help xd)
See the academy doesn't let students eat one another on school grounds, and if caught by a teacher there's usually a pretty substantial punishment. So starting his own track team with his friends didn't seem like such a bad idea at the time
[ Continued ... ]
RedInstead - 8 months ago
The guy that Gabby (green haired girl) is talking to is near top of his class, and unforunately that makes him off the menu... the other guy's he roped into this, however-
In their country SOME of the males are valued, and that means if you're still prey then you deserve to be food ;)
WPSmells - 8 months ago
I'm surprised in your realities there are any males, and they're not just extinct pretty quickly.
knotbots - 9 months ago
Bully girls make me weak <3
RedInstead - 9 months ago
No worries! I'm just being honest about my situation where it's appropriate, I'm glad you like it :D
NotMax - 9 months ago
Good shit as usual, love the size difference in your stuff. Wish I could help you out but I'm kind of tight myself atm, haha.
Uploaded: 10 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion F/M Hypnosis Domination Fatal Unwilling Prey Mind Control Big Belly Humiliation Male Prey Female Pred femdom brainwashed Big ass reluctant prey Cruel Pred Implied Disposal Unwilling to Willing prey evil pred dubious consent Hypnotized prey masturbating prey villain pred hero prey dubiously willing prey
Made possible by these people VV :3
I keep patreon about 4 posts ahead of schedule so if you want you can see what I've been working on, or just if you like my work and just want to support me being alive and stuff ;)
Wow, you think Betaboy’s going to make it this time? I don’t know how he’s getting out of this one, and from the looks of it he doesn't either.
[ Continued ... ]
BlissfulDreamer - 5 months ago
I would LOVE to see more of her
bioniclesex69 - 9 months ago
Sexiest shit ever, keep up the good work
TableManners - 10 months ago
Excellent, full stop
FetishLover8881 - 10 months ago
Normalize "Genetic Dead End" as an insult please.
lookatmyname - 10 months ago
We need more of this pred...and prey!
Uploaded: 10 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Breasts Digestion Weight Gain F/M Swallowing Fatal Vagina Pussy Goth Unwilling Prey Size difference Nudity talking to prey Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts labia f/multiple vulva femdom taunting Nude Female Thick thighs Cruel Pred Implied Disposal Goth girl screaming prey Implied weight gain Disregard of Life scared prey Multiple Preys smug pred escaping prey Goth Pred disposal teasing failed escape attempt
Food goes here VV
This is actually a continuation of the first post I ever made over on Aryion
The original idea was just "A groupie who discovers she's a pred". It wasn't much, but I still like the idea that someone seeking fame might be an easy target for someone looking to exploit them, and the bigger the 'collection' the easier it gets~ ;3
Although apparently this guy managed to wiggle his way...
[ Continued ... ]
PErecda - 10 months ago
I love it
knotbots - 10 months ago
Omg, more of her please <3
Tyrant - 10 months ago
HELL YEAH!!! The goth girl is back and she looks better than ever! You did an incredible job with the colours and shading, she looks just as phenomenal as she did when you first posted her! Love the little escape attempt up through the throat! Phenomenal work!!!
WPSmells - 10 months ago
Nice seeing you again! Been a while, thought you'd gotten bored or something!
glorp - 10 months ago
Love me some goth preds. Great work
Uploaded: 11 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Evil Digestion Demoness Female Pred Big Breasts Big Butt Cruel Pred digested prey Patreon Advertisement dommymommy
Page 5... well this is actually page 12 but I thought it looked better for the teaser
Throw your tomatoes they only make me stronger (I need food)
Next time I'll be returning with a sequel to one of my posts ;)
Bruggetje - 11 months ago
A ok thx for that m8 again nice work keep it up :) greetings from holland
RedInstead - 11 months ago
Yes, had some issues with patreon
Yes it'll be on here eventually. While I would never fault anyone for simply wanting to be paid for their work, I don't want to make my comics inaccessible to anyone who just can't afford it If I can help it
Tyrant - 11 months ago
HELL YEAH REDINSTEAD IS BACK!!!! Coming back with a banger! Glad to see you post again, I absolutely love your content and missed you in your absence! Im definitely going to check out your patreon!
Bruggetje - 11 months ago
Oh yeah see it now, sorry my bad
asdfdfgsgdfgd - 11 months ago
Return of the king?
Uploaded: 11 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion F/M Long Male Prey Female Pred world building comic series re-upload
Page 4
Wavevore13 - 11 months ago
Hey man don't disrespect a beautiful lady like that or you're in a lot of pain hehehe and yes she is gorgeous
Uploaded: 11 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion F/M Long Male Prey Female Pred world building comic series re-upload
Page 3
Uploaded: 11 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion F/M Long Male Prey Female Pred world building comic series re-upload
Page 2
First of Six - 1 (RE-UPLOAD / FIXED)
Uploaded: 11 months ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Digestion F/M Long Male Prey Female Pred world building comic series re-upload
Sorry about the re- upload, Had some issues with Patreon but it should be fixed now
In the future I'll try to avoid re-uploading, but this was 10 months of work
Page 1
Magic isn't the same as science-
You can do the exact same thing, with the same ingredients, and eventually you WILL get a different result..
and when that happens
I wanna go...
[ Continued ... ]
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Digestion Weight Gain F/M Fatal Post-Vore Big Belly Internal View Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Big Butt Uncaring Pred crushing stomach constricting stomach
Eat the rich
Thoughts on this kind of quicker monocolor approach? Not saying I'm never doing color again, I'm just experimenting with styles that can get me to be able to create more without sacrificing too much in terms of quality
I've talked about it before but I want to do longer form comics themed on vore. A lot of vore stories are kind of built like jokes, in the sense that there's a set up and a punchline... And then you move on to...
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AnAccount - 8 months ago
None of that is too much info I enjoy reading all of it. In fact I really really want more of the perspective and intentions of characters like Hannah in these works. Amazing job
CoolKaios - 9 months ago
I recently had my account hacked on Discord so I'm a bit skivvy about it lol...I'm kinda old hat and new things scare me >_<
I seem to recall people used their blogs back in the day on this site, I mainly use it for lore dumps or updates like so~
RedInstead - 9 months ago
The lore part I think I got mostly figured out, I worked on it for a couple months near the end of last year... It wasn't really something I set out to do, I was more interested in making a continuous narrative, and hidden lore kinda just came as a part of that with the way I write
If you wanna talk about this just add me on Discord, ill happily nerd out about it xd
CoolKaios - 9 months ago
I think of Karbos wonderful world of Felarya as the gold standard for Vore lore.
Ive dabled with including some lore on my account though im still learning the odds and ends. If you have questions or wanna chat about the trade let me know :)
RedInstead - 9 months ago
It's very much a long term goal for me, and I am working on it, it just takes a lot of time. I have a lot of ideas and a limited capacity to create them, between my own inefficiencies, and me being one person.
HOWEVER, it is getting easier, and I'm still very much motivated to work on it... because I wanna see what it looks like as much as I want others to see :)
The punchline works better when there's more feeding into it.. pun intended ;3
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Comic Human Digestion F/M Swallowing Fatal Unwilling Prey Big Belly Size difference Willing Pred Internal View Human Prey Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Human Pred Uncaring Pred
JeebyHeebies - 1 year ago
No need to get so up in arms about it, sheesh
RedInstead - 1 year ago
I don't see what the hell else it would be 'conveying' but sure, I'll just assume you need all your free smut to be labeled
ArchLinux - 1 year ago
i did happened to me too so you are not alone
JeebyHeebies - 1 year ago
Alright, it finally makes sense to me now. Yeah lol sorry but that wasn't conveyed at all >w<
RedInstead - 1 year ago
Ah, I get the confusion now... That's just the rest of his torso, he's wearing a button down shirt, and his arms are being fed into her mouth
Wow it's been a long while since I've done something this bad that someone asked "What is that?" to me lol
ArchLinux - 1 year ago
can give me some context i do not understand this that much
Huemen - 1 year ago
Forgot to add: Kino work
Huemen - 1 year ago
A small man with a big ego and an even smaller brain.
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion war F/M Domination Fatal Bondage Pre-Vore Post-Vore Big Belly Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Domination/Submission femdom Face Imprint male sub Domination Prevore textless Vore War
Textless version because this was originally a speed paint that wasn't intended to have text
ArchLinux - 1 year ago
please make more school vore what about a shy first time pred this time instead of a bully, it would be nice that kind of plot
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion war F/M Fatal Bondage Pre-Vore Post-Vore Big Belly Mass Vore Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Domination/Submission f/multiple femdom Implied Fatality taunting Misandry Face Imprint malesub Domination Prevore Vore War female supremacy
A speed paint I did a while ago that turned out better than I expected.
A slight homage to the game Vore War by Aurilika but my own twist on it... Which you can absolutely achieve in that game if you're willing to spend 45 minutes in the settings making it so the Ai are all boys and submissive little snacks needing to be punished~
Or the other way around if you're looking to BE the submissive little snack
RasenGun37 - 8 months ago
Sounds hot
Theredarmada - 1 year ago
I feel especially bad for the conscripts :/
Luxio512 - 1 year ago
I hope you don't mind when I steal your game idea right about now.
(Although probably tuning it all M/F muahaha)
JeebyHeebies - 1 year ago
Thank you!
bloodelfpaladin96 - 1 year ago
I'll fight for it
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Evil Digestion F/M Fatal implied scat Implied Digestion Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts Big Butt taunting begging Cruel Pred Implied Disposal evil pred taunting pred begging prey disposal teasing Taunting prey in belly
Happy Easter! Here's you if you didn't listen to your parents, hope you like it :)
This is the part where I pretend I've been here the whole time and no it's not that I haven't uploaded in forever you're imagining things
I have like 7 unfinished projects, some of them basically done I just need to do some last minute things like text but I just keep... burning... out. I want to do something longer form, something multiple pages and could be like a short story in...
[ Continued ... ]
Edddd - 1 year ago
maybe warnings of getting devoured by evil women are not the deterrent parents think they are :)
Mordecai777 - 1 year ago
Oh yea, please tell me there is a follow up
Tyrant - 1 year ago
Absolutely love the faint belly imprints and terrified expression!
VigorousJazzHands - 1 year ago
Who would've guessed a voracious Easter Bunny could be so fucking hot?
Joeycnab - 1 year ago
At least she's got a nice ass to become one with and shit me out of...
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: POV Breasts Scat Comic Belly Digestion F/M Fart Commission Fatal Pooping Anal Vore Farting Butt Pre-Vore Gas Post-Vore Crying internals Humiliation Post Vore Scat Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts teasing fatal digestion Disposal bullying taunting begging Gassy Painful Digestion Last look Big ass Cruel Pred screaming prey Implied weight gain nerd prey Commissions Open crushing digestion Bully Pred crushing stomach begging for help Patricia Patootie
Commission :)
Couldn't have asked for a more perfect commission, since I wanted to do something bully related and Patty is one of my favorite characters on this site. So I kinda went ham on this one
Have I ever mentioned I like crushing digestion? I probably have but it can't hurt to mention twice... Well, it can't hurt me
Tenstyles - 1 year ago
Poor kid Hahaha
Become to her tits fat and thicc ass!!
Mundo - 2 years ago
I wish Patty had more stories
Mordecai777 - 2 years ago
I wanna see a pannel with how the the green haired girl in the background got her prey, and then make it so that it connects with this pannel, it would be sick. And her friend laughing, it is just a suggestion, I love your work.
Kotton - 2 years ago
Omg omg omg, this is absolutely LOVELY!
pls keep making stuff
knux - 2 years ago
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Digestion Weight Gain F/M Fatal seduction Pre-Vore implied scat Unwilling Prey Size difference Mass Vore Female Pred Big Breasts Multiple Preds femdom Cruel handjob Implied Fatality taunting begging world building Cruel Pred screaming prey student prey Multiple Preys Seductive Pred coerced prey disposal teasing
With an increasing gender divide at our school in terms of academic performance, it has come to our attention that some major changes are in need.
We've decided the best way to approach this situation is use our overperforming top students to have more of a direct impact on those on the lower end of the curve. This means any student within the top 50 of their class will be assigned someone on the bottom 50 for academic performance.
Now some may point out that...
[ Continued ... ]
xale - 1 year ago
there was not an image in the same style with a candle that burns before the vore?
Cynder13 - 1 year ago
Amazing and thus would be perfect for a series
ryanshowseason3 - 2 years ago
Love it. Going to have to use this in a story sometime.
narutowolfie12 - 2 years ago
I have to agree. The stuff happening in the background, the tutor’s cruel, predatory gaze as she admonishes the weak man before her, knowing full well as she jerks him it’s impossible to focus on any kind of test or assignment, one probably designed to be way too hard and make him fail regardless. Fantastic.
RedInstead - 2 years ago
Yeah I guess it was assumed to be underaged content, since it's a school setting and the art style I'm going for deliberately makes men look smaller, weaker, and less detailed. I didn't add any of those tags and it won't let me remove them. It wasn't intended, but it's not something I put a ton of time so for right now I'll just leave it
Uploaded: 2 years ago
Owner: RedInstead
Tags: Oral Vore Sketch Digestion F/M Fatal Goth Size difference Male Prey Female Pred Big Breasts begging Cruel Pred Goth girl Detailed bulges Broken Bones crushing digestion crushing stomach Goth Pred
A quick sketch I did earlier today. Open for commissions now so I needed some example of a sketch
SherlokKirya - 2 years ago
My my. Goth girls are nice, but BIG goth girls are even nicer.
Really good art)
Latinfood - 2 years ago
Gosh I wish that were me.
Lovely art dear
NyaatoShiroi - 2 years ago
I love crushing digestion so much, needed more of this ♥
RedInstead - 2 years ago
Why else would they get easier to swallow the more I turn into fat? ;)
ChaoskampfNunc - 2 years ago
Boys are made for breaking inside of girl tums <3
Submisivecat - 1 month ago