You're in your apartment when it happens. Just a regular day for you, boring as any other- until you start to grow, that is.
It's slow, at first. You don't notice until your clothes start getting tighter, the seams beginning to strain at your increasing bulk. Does the table always look that short..? And then you burst out of them. The shirt first, buttons flying off and seams tearing at your shoulders, then your jeans give way. The shreds stay hanging off of you for now.
Uploaded: 9 days ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Giant Soft Vore Hard Vore Giantess Fatal city train boat Growth bus crushing Macro/Micro car Mass Vore Sexual content City Destruction masturbating city vore vehicle Giantess Vore Cruel Pred helicopter Reluctant Pred Reader crushed to death tiny prey giantess pred Multiple Preys gender neutral Reader POV Reader's POV vehicle vore masturbating pred reader insert gender neutral pred Reader pred Crushing prey Gender not specified
The reader grows to several times their usual size, and has fun levelling their entire city.
Unlike most of my usual stories, this contains explicit sexual content. I have tried to leave it gender/anatomy neutral, although I am not entirely certain how humans of any variety fuck, so I can't promise that it's well-written
Uploaded: 3 weeks ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Catboy Comic Male Digestion M/M Burp Same Size Fatal Belch Unwilling Implied Digestion Unwilling Prey Male Prey Burping Male Pred implied fatal Digestion Noises catboy prey Uncaring Pred Terrified Prey Casual pred unbothered pred
I think this is how all catboys should be treated <3
This pred was supposed to be a random throwaway character, but I got really attached to them while drawing, so I think I'll keep him. His name is Troy
TallyHallJoe - 3 weeks ago
Your welcome
DontTellAny1 - 3 weeks ago
Thank you, I really like how this turned out
TallyHallJoe - 3 weeks ago
Really hot digestion
Bea paused at the mouth of the alley, steeling themself to go down it.
Their wings shivered a little in the cold. He had never liked this particular street; it always seemed too dark, and with an uncomfortable amount of corners. It was still the fastest way to get to their home though so, glancing around them, they stepped into the lane.
The street was eerily quiet, the only sounds those of Bea's own footsteps and the quiet buzzing of their wings. Despite
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Hard Vore Fatal Biting Wings fangs Bee Unwilling Prey mutilation Paralyzed Paralysis Demi-human pred Demi-Human Male Pred Alley Demi Pred bee girl demi-human prey Cruel Pred Spider pred alleyway beegirl M/A non-binary prey nonbinary prey bee pred Bee boy M/NB demihuman prey Paralyzed prey bee girl prey Bee Boy Prey Demihuman pred demi spider demi spider pred
Do you ever see your OCs happy together, and then wonder how it would be if they killed each other instead, never knowing how well they would've gotten on? Me too!
This is very old, apologies for bad writing
Does this count as vore? Unsure, but it presses the same buttons for me, so I'll put it here
Hotland was certainly living up to its name.
You had at least finished all of the nearby puzzles- or you hope that was all of them. Your shirt is sticking to your skin, you just want to rest and you don't think you could face any more physical activity.
If one more monster jumps up to attack you, you think you might just drop from exhaustion.
Suddenly you see, a little while away, some sort of stand. Approaching, you look
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Hard Vore F/? Fatal Bugs spider Spiderweb Spider girl Female Pred Paralyzed Paralysis cobweb Spiders Implied Fatality insects Spider pred Second Person Perspective Undertale Second Person POV Muffet Reader POV fatal implied 2nd Person Reader is Prey reader prey Paralyzed prey cobwebs venomous Venomous Bite
(Very old)
Look I'm not happy that I wrote this either, but nobody else had done it so I had to.
Muffet from Undertale kills you in a way that is typical for spiders, I don't know what else to say about it
(reader is not intended to be Frisk)
DontTellAny1 - 1 month ago
Hehe biting is so great :)
And yeah, I realised I probably ought to specify
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
Also good thinking with the "reader is not intended to be frisk" in the description, if I didn't read it first I would've imagined I was frisk the whole time
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
RasenGun37 - 1 month ago
Man this i amazing, I didn't realise I like biting this much
Uploaded: 1 month ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Weight Gain Non-Vore couple Implied Digestion Implied Vore weightgain teasing Demi-Human Male Pred Implied weight gain Boyfriend pred pred prey relationship pred prey couple weight gain implied Weight Gain from prey
Eating his boyfriend again and again maaay have had a little bit of an effect on my boy Thomas
(That is to say, I made him softer >:3)
DontTellAny1 - 1 month ago
They sure are ;)
Xenophage17 - 1 month ago
So lucky to pass through those guts and out that butt
Uploaded: 2 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Catboy Expansion Inflation Weight Gain Non-Vore Blueberry Round Belly rapid weight gain Blueberry Transformation Extreme weight gain Blueberry Inflation blueberry tf Blueberry girl belt strain belt bursting rapid growth belt snap belt undone
I don't know that I'm particularly into this sort of this thing, but I drew it as a gift to go with a story written by my wonderful owner
Uploaded: 2 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Stuffing Non-Vore Glasses Big Belly Full Belly Femboy belly expansion Round Belly Belly bulge full stomach Red hair Big Thighs round gut round bulge buttons popping Round Stomach button popping button up shirt round tummy Dyed Hair Rounded Belly
He's actually meant to be stuffed with food here, not prey
Illustration for a story written by my wonderful owner on deviantart
DontTellAny1 - 2 months ago
Hell yeah!
Manilonzo22 - 2 months ago
Very cute! Always love a good button pop when there's a big belly involved!
Xenophage17 - 2 months ago
Ironic considering how unsubtle the sounds I'm imagining are
DontTellAny1 - 2 months ago
No no, it's very subtle ;)
Xenophage17 - 2 months ago
Am I that obvious in my appreciation for the opposite end. Oh well cannot lie
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Catboy M/M Same Size Femboy Couple vore reluctant prey Femboy Pred Boyfriend pred Boyfriend prey catboy prey Same Size Oral Vore tail sticking out blushing prey slurping tail loving prey Same sized vore collared prey Bulges on belly
My catboy getting put in his rightful place (a boy's guts)
Xenophage17 - 3 months ago
Always happy to increase my gulping chances. Although I suppose my rightful place might be more focused around the 'exit' point. Still all part of the process.
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Hang around me long enough and I'm sure you'll end up there sometime ;)
Xenophage17 - 3 months ago
Know what you mean, also my rightful place
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
why did someone want to delete the femboy pred tag is the long hair and skirt not enough?
You met him online. The two of you have gotten on well, really well- he's kind, and funny, and everything you had hoped to find in someone. Even better, he seems to like you too. It's been a while of talking, flirting, agreeing you want more- today's going to be the first day you meet in real life. Your first date.
That thought brings you a spark of excitement, but a little fear too. Today will also be the day he finds out abou
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: POV Gore Non-Vore Fatal tiny gory crushing couple squished unaware Accidental Mistake g/t Crushed Flattening crushed to death Flattened Male giant Reader POV reader insert
You, a tiny, finally meet up with the guy you've been talking to
(non vore, fatal)
"When you say that you'd do anything for me, no matter how degrading... how much do you mean that?"
They put down the book they've been reading and raise an eyebrow at their boyfriend, a little suspicious, if still interested.
"Um... I mean, I think it's pretty literal really. Why, have something in mind?"
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Non-Vore bathroom peeing pee piss Watersports couple Willing Boyfriend Reluctant Pissing living toilet M/A pissing on piss drinking pee drinking pissing into mouth
This one is just piss stuff. I am rather embarrassed to have written it
Xenophage17 - 3 months ago
Well nothing wrong with a little experimentation
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
I'll take your word for it
KavusKazian - 3 months ago
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Glad you enjoyed! I've just never shown any interest in this sort of thing before haha
Xenophage17 - 3 months ago
No need to be embarrassed, lots of fun to read
The party is
. Too many people crammed into one house, all talking or laughing, and the music is too loud to be comfortable. Regardless, you're certain that someone is laughing at you. The deer over there. She keeps covering her mouth and glancing over, and- did she just point you out to her friend?
You don't mind too much; you're used to it by now. And you know it
Uploaded: 3 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Furry Anthro F/F Female BBW Fatal Anal Vore unaware Implied Digestion Female Prey Female Pred f/multiple couple prey unaware pred sat on furry prey Cat prey Furry Pred Bear Pred Feline Prey BBW pred Accidental vore Mouse prey misunderstanding Mild disposal Boyfriend prey Girlfriend prey Reader POV Reader is Prey kind pred Stranger Pred
You accidentally leave your mouse girlfriend unattended at a party, which leads to you having to try and retrieve her from a large stranger's guts. Things don't go well for anybody- except maybe the pred
(anthro feline reader, unaware, anal, fatal)
Uploaded: 4 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Same Size Implied Digestion Socks M/? Male Pred Unknown prey Socked Feet Naked pred squirming belly naked male Femboy Pred active prey Moaning pred
Just a quick practice to check I could still draw
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Glad you like! I'm pretty happy with this ^^
WatermelonArtist - 4 months ago
Uploaded: 5 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Pokemon Male Same Size M/? Team Rocket Male Pred semi-willing pred Unknown prey Nervous pred worried pred uncomfortable pred Bulges belly Team Rocket Uniform James (Pokémon)
James from Pokémon.
I'm surprised I haven't drawn anything of this guy before, I love him
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Love this boy
WatermelonArtist - 3 months ago
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Thank you :)
Yeahhh there should be more people in his guts >:3
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Thanks! Yeah I've not seen any stuff with this guy, but I do love him ^^
sunnyfoxyy - 5 months ago
Such an underrated pred. Nice work!
I make my way to your temple and begin to wait. Though perhaps not through the woods like I did, I know you will arrive.
The statue catches my eye, and I study its face in the absence of its model's. The features are all correct, but it doesn't look like you. Stone could never capture your likeness. You are its opposite; far from the cold, dead approximation that sits before me.
Uploaded: 5 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Soul Vore Absorption Goddess God Non-fatal Willing Kissing loving Human Prey Sacrifice romantic implied sex ?/? soul absorbtion Goddess Pred implied non-fatal Implied Non-Fatal Vore Larger pred sacrificial prey fucking weird Loving pred nonbinary prey nonbinary pred soul absorption Willing prey nb/nb Willing Sacrifice loving prey god pred Implied Safe Gifted Prey implied nonfatal implied safe vore Grateful Pred
Soul absorption I guess?
This isn't written as reader insert, it's just one of my characters speaking to another.
A devoted human pays their god, their lover, the highest respect they can
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male link Post-Vore M/? Male Vore Male Pred Unknown prey smooth belly digested prey Link Pred Smaller belly belt undone
Link with a stuffed full belly
I don't really play any Zelda games or know much about Link, but this was inspired by conversations with my wonderful owner
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
WatermelonArtist - 3 months ago
Link :0
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
Link ^^
Bowserpolska - 6 months ago
Link <3
"I mean, I have always wanted to be a dad-" he said, talking to his girlfriend- "but it's not a problem for me if you don't want kids."
He paused, looking at the drider's large shiny abdomen. Her lower half resembled a spider far more than a human woman.
"Although I suppose we couldn't really have kids together either way, huh?"
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Pregnancy Gore Blood Non-Vore Fatal gory couple Willing birth ovipositor Oviposition Spider girl loving mpreg egg-laying Spiders Egg laying Painful death. drider girl eggpreg Egg Pregnancy eggs in belly drider/human mpreg belly
Uhhhhhh I don't know
Oviposition and mpreg/eggpreg. Willing and loving, but fatal
Very old. I only posted this in case there are any other spider lovers starving for something like this
(no vore)
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Glad you like! This is definitely an odder one but I really like the concept, I may rewrite this at some point
KavusKazian - 3 months ago
I love it!
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
Thank you so much! I absolutely love vore or anything else that's willing and fatal, when treated with enough emotional weight. It's just so good!!
I've only written a couple of stories with this kind of dynamic, but it's my favourite so I'll probably do more in the future ^^
Heptarch8 - 6 months ago
"Willing and loving, but fatal" is so fuckign good. there isn't nearly enough of it. and this story is a perfect embodiment of it.
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Catboy Paws Tail Chubby Weight Gain Non-Vore Neko underwear Collar weightgain Demi-Human fat belly cat ears fat male sudden weight gain sudden expansion
Does what it says on the tin really
Ignore his big goofy paws, I didn't want to draw feet
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Hehe thanks, I love drawing this dumbass kitty :P
LunarOwlBoy - 4 months ago
Oh He's pretty freaking cute!
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
I'm quite happy with how this turned out ^^
Xenophage17 - 6 months ago
Cute chubby guy
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Catgirl Catboy Non-Vore Bondage Neko Nudity gag gagged tied up bondage/BDSM Tied hands Tape gag
I love to put this dumbass catboy in situations <3
Inspired by some pictures I took for my wonderful owner
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Weight Gain Swallowing video M/? Belly rubs gif photo Femboy belly expansion Belly bulge belly inflation Male Pred Unknown prey belly squish belly stuffing Femboy Pred squishing belly femboy belly expansion femboy belly
A cute femboy swallowing his prey and filling up his belly :P
(I took this video)
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Thank you ;)
KavusKazian - 3 months ago
What a lovely tummy!
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
I'm sure however you mean that, he'd appreciate it ;P
Wollfie - 6 months ago
I rly want to fill This belly
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male M/M Same Size Internal View Human Prey Male Prey Human Pred rivalry pokemon trainer prize Male Pred Implied Endo traditional art pokemon trainer prey Implied Safe pokemon trainers pokemon trainer pred winner eats loser Silent pred Red pred Blue prey implied future vore Winner Pred
The urge was strong to title this purple (because the characters are Red (pred) and Blue (prey) from Pokémon)
My half of an art trade with 101LobsterFriends on DeviantArt. I had fun with this, and now want to do more Pokémon trainers and more traditional drawings
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
That would be great! I'm currently busy, but I'd love to do a trade sometime :)
GigiFabulous - 6 months ago
Yeah I agree! Maybe we can do a trade or something sometime!
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
I may well ;P
Bowserpolska - 6 months ago
I love that!
Specially Red eats someone
Please make more Red vore <3
Xenophage17 - 6 months ago
Champion dump then off and away casual and cool ????
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Comic Male Digestion Burp Implied Digestion Burping Post Digestion Male Pred tricked prey Unknown prey shy pred Sakura Wars Nervous pred Digestion sequence post digestion weight gain post vore weight gain lying pred embarrassed pred post digestion belly male burp Post-Vore weight gain removing clothes Shinjiro Taiga
This was a commission for @Manilonzo22, and I really had fun with it!
The character is Shinjiro Taiga from Sakura Wars
(Commissions are still open if you want one ;])
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
Soniclover - 6 months ago
Manilonzo22 - 6 months ago
I'm really happy and thankfully there are more characters from this series where the male protagonist is dressed similarly! So maybe you'll get a chance to draw more like this :D
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
Hooray, I'm glad you like it! I've said this a lot but I really had fun with this, when I read what you wanted it felt like exactly the kind of stuff I like to draw, down to the guy's outfit ^^
Manilonzo22 - 6 months ago
Thank you so much once more! Please go supoort them everyone!
I really love the way you drew him <3
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Same Size Commission Struggling M/? tattoos Male Pred Unknown prey Licking Lips Digestion Noises Outlaw Star Struggling prey Commissions Open commissioned art Gene Starwind struggling in stomach scarred pred
This was a commission for FieryVideoGame player on DeviantArt
The character is Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star
(My commissions are still open if you're interested)
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
I'm glad you like! I feel like it's always hard to make licking lips look ok, but I'm pretty happy with this drawing :)
Xenophage17 - 6 months ago
Great lip lick and always like your bulges
DontTellAny1 - 6 months ago
I am in the same boat haha
Manilonzo22 - 7 months ago
Very nice work! Not familiar with the character but I think he looks good!
Maria was careful and quiet as she entered the house. Ben should have been at work by now, but still. No harm in a bit of caution. She was lucky that her brother had given her the spare key for safe keeping.
All she had to do now was find it. The thing that she knew lurked somewhere in this house. Maria had worked for the C.Y.D.A for a couple of years now- a branch of government which, despite being devoted to the supernatural,
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Slime Digestion Absorption Female Fatal Trapped ?/F dissolving Female Prey Human Prey Genderless fatal digestion Monster Pred screaming prey Shapeshifter pred Genderless pred A/F Slime pred scientist girl drowning prey Scientist Prey Silent pred drowning inside belly
Is this character one of the most important people in the backstory of my favourite OC setting? Yes. Does that mean I won't write weird AU porn about her death? absolutely not
Uhh she tries to take a sample of a weird goop creature for science reasons. It doesn't like that
Wendy was outside of the door to her boyfriend Merian's room, waiting for him. Suddenly, someone tapped her roughly on the shoulder. As she spun around she saw one of the castle staff gesturing at her to follow him.
"Excuse me, miss. If you could just come with me now- orders from the prince, you see," he said, and then waited expectantly for her reply.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Hard Vore M/F Female Cooking Roast Story writing Female Prey Dragon pred dolcett Cooking/Prep dragon boy Male Pred Apple In Mouth demi dragon cooked alive observer Uncaring Pred roasted girl boyfriend/girlfriend written work Cooked Female Cooked Prey Betrayed Prey demi dragon pred cooking/preparation male dragon pred prince pred Male/Female Couple Horrified observers
I'm not sure about this one. I like the idea, but think I executed it poorly
Anyway, a girl realises that perhaps falling in love with a dragon was inadvisable
(Hard with cooking/prep)
Redtailedkitsune - 7 months ago
As they used to say-practice makes perfect, and potential shouldn't be wasted.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yeah, this is definitely not the best thing I've written, and doesn't quite achieve what I was going for. Maybe in the future!
And thanks :)
Redtailedkitsune - 7 months ago
Hm. Interesting story...but I will agree, there's room for improvement to become even better!
You have potential, which is hard to find these days. I'll keep an eye out for your tales, yeah?
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Glad you liked! Yeah, I'm a fan of more tragic situations, I like when emotions lend a bit more weight to stuff. Betrayal especially!
I may revisit this story at some point, as I feel I could do better
InfernalMonitor - 7 months ago
A good story. Even a bit tragic one. Was nice to read!
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Comic Male M/M Burp Belch Glasses Willing Male Prey teasing Confused Pred teasing prey Burping Male Pred Comic Vore blushing prey Willing prey Dyed Hair feeding self to pred
This was a commission for Xenophage17 and I had a lot of fun with it!
Their character James getting willingly gulped by my boy Marty
KavusKazian - 3 months ago
Yup! I always am! :3
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Aw, some more willing prey?
KavusKazian - 3 months ago
I guess I'm a dumbass too then :3
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Glad you like! He's certainly enjoying the meal, although I wonder if the prey regrets it ;)
Manilonzo22 - 7 months ago
Veey nice! Such a cute sequence! Marty looks so good with that belly <3
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Scat Male Weight Gain Reformation Fatal Post-Vore Post Vore Scat Human Prey teasing fatal digestion Disposal teasing prey Post Digestion Couple vore Demi-Human Male Pred Demi Pred Boyfriend pred Boyfriend prey post digestion weight gain post vore weight gain Loving pred M/A nonbinary prey post vore belly post digestion belly post vore wg Bones in scat bones in belly post digestion wg Temporary Fatal demi Human Pred skull in scat loving prey M/NB non binary prey reforming prey male weight gain Demihuman pred lizard boy pred male wg maleweightgain
My first time writing something like this, but this story is entirely post vore.
Features digestion (not detailed or gory), reformation, disposal, teasing and weight gain
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Glad to hear you were happy writing this. I know sometimes when writers try something new it doesn't sit well or make them uncomfortable. So glad there's the potential for more of this sort of thing in the future. Another detail I love is the note on the lack of clothing because of size and that leading to the toilet sit down smoothly.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I'm glad you liked the story, and that you like Thomas! He's one of my favourite OCs to use as pred.
And I love predators teasing reformed prey, there will almost certainly be more of that! And thank you for the suggestion, I may well write some micro stuff for these two :):)
pizhu677 - 7 months ago
OMG!!This idea is so crazy, but i love every bit of it! Such a fantastic way to tease your prey after they reform!! Would love to see more reformation teasing!! A huge start! Would appreciate adding more specific teasing languages! Also got an idea if any possible chance you could do a Micro/ Macro version of this one, since Thomas can devour multiple Sticks, and as they reform back and goes inside him, they get to see different steps and progress of themselves being absorbed all while Thomas teases them for the outside!! Just love Thomas so much!
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yay I'm glad you liked it!
I'm quite happy with this, I've wanted to write something like this with these two for a while. What's the point of your prey reforming if you don't tease them about what happened?
And I always have fun with these characters- they certainly don't bring out the best in each other, but they do have fun <3
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Fantastic work. absolutely love this. The detail of the tightness and soreness, alongside the ownership.
"He didn't like what it said about his character, but that was easily forgotten in the bedroom." Such a fun and hot character moment.
Such cute little interplay between them with Sticks being an absolute enabler of baser desires and loving it.
Must admit I am biased towards the post digestion but you just did this whole thing brilliantly. Might be my favorite of your stories so far.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Animation Struggling Male Pred Unknown prey animated asking for help screaming prey Struggling prey inside Struggling prey animated gif Animation preview animation loop massaging stomach struggling in stomach begging prey animation gif animated loop animated vore
I made this ages ago, and might try to make more/better animations in the future
Manilonzo22 - 7 months ago
Yeah thanks!
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Thanks! And totally, good luck with your future animations ^^
Manilonzo22 - 7 months ago
Nice job! I look forward to seeing more animations! This is great for a first time! I've animated before but not bellies but ONE DAY!
CosmicSans - 7 months ago
I hope so!
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Thank you! I like animating, so I'll probably try and make more in the future
Thomas grinned at Sticks, looking down towards them. They gave a small, nervous smile back as they pushed their fringe out of their eyes.
The human was much shorter than usual- only a few inches tall, and they were currently sat completely naked on their boyfriend's plate. A small pile of torn, doll-sized clothes lay forgotten on the table. Thomas brushed his fork against the exposed skin of their middle, teasing them, and Stick
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Digestion Hard Vore Swallowing Biting bleeding crushing fork Macro/Micro Food play Implied Digestion Hard Digestion Size difference Impalement Micro Prey impaled Human Prey fatal digestion cutlery foodplay Throat bulge Implied Fatality Couple vore plate stabbing Stabbed implied fatal shrunken prey naked prey g/t Boyfriend pred tiny prey Loving pred fatal implied Boyfriend/boyfriend g/t vore injured prey Plated licking blood Fork and knife unbothered pred bleeding wound
My boys Thomas and Sticks having some fun again
Willing hard vore
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Thanks :)
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Love the finger trace of the bulge and sigh
"Come on, out with it. What's bothering you?
Sticks gave Jake a playful glare, joking but still expecting an answer from their boyfriend. He sighed and ran a hand through his short black hair.
"Nothing, really. It's just..." he felt their eyes on him, urging him to be truthful, and mentally wished the topic had never come up.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Hard Vore Weight Gain Blood Biting heart Glasses Bones bloody Cannibalism Human Prey object swallowing organs Post Digestion Couple vore Male Pred Object Vore bloody vore clothes eating satisfied predator Boyfriend pred post digestion weight gain Lungs post vore weight gain Satisfied Pred M/A nonbinary prey post digestion belly bones in belly bone snapping Boyfriend/boyfriend loving prey M/NB breaking bones phone vore non binary prey Bone Eating Eating Clothes Phone in predator Prey's Possessions become Pred's Phone Swallowing finger crush Swallowing bones swallowing skull Bone swallowing eating evidence clothes swallowed finger biting Eating heart nothing left
A pred is frequently disturbed by his appetite and urges. His partner is not put off. He doesn't want to waste a thing
(Willing hard vore)
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I read a story once where a pred swallowed somebody's phone and wow it affected me more than I expected
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Honestly enjoy it myself, really liked the effort to force down the phone at the end.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Thanks :)
Object swallowing isn't usually that big of a deal to me but for some reason when I wrote this the correct thing for me to do was to make him eat all their stuff too
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Love the swallowing shirt detail and the "bones not his own beneath the skin"
"What is it?"
You stop and look at him, mildly surprised by the question- you hadn't said anything. It might be unimaginative, but asking what he means is the only response you can come up with in a reasonable amount of time.
He narrows his eyes at you.
"You're being weirder than usual. What's eating you? Aside from, you know-" he gestures to the landscape around you, the one that you've both been stuc
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: POV Male Hard Vore Gore Blood Fatal Biting gory Bones bloody Willing Pain Semi-willing Cannibalism organs Suggested Vore Prey POV Implied Fatality Male Pred second person implied fatal bone breaking bloody vore Second Person Perspective Second Person POV Prey perspective fatal implied organ removal Willing prey second person prey M/reader regretful prey Prey's POV M/You frightened prey prey point of view finger biting
You and your more predatory friend are stranded somewhere. There's only one path of action left
DontTellAny1 - 3 months ago
Thank you so much! And sorry I didn't respond lol ????
But yeah I love hard vore, especially because it's hard to find good stories of it, so it means a lot that you enjoyed this :D
I Will almost certainly write more sometime soon ^^
consumingkirby - 5 months ago
I honestly love this! Hard Vore stories so rarely linger on the actual act when the POV character is the prey, and this one is written wonderfully, to the point that the end felt like it came too soon! I'd love to read more stories like this from you!
Arson was stood in Manslaughter's kitchen, one of the rare occasions he'd been allowed into the older man's home. His partner had led him into the room and promptly turned away to search for something in the drawers.
The younger lizard was occupying himself with a thorough visual scan of the kitchen and its contents, hoping to find any insight about Manslaughter's personal life. Despite the years they had been together he knew n
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Hard Vore Cooking Fatal Roast Implied Vore Betrayal Cannibalism Male Prey Lizard Pred Resigned Prey mutilation dolcett Demi-human pred Demi-Human implied hard vore Male Pred Demi Pred demi-human prey betrayed hard vore implied oven roast androphagia boss pred oven roasting Uncaring Pred tail removal Scalie Pred fatal cooking scalie prey Boss/employee Rude Pred demihuman prey Callous Pred Obedient Prey Demihuman pred Lizard boy prey lizard boy pred Demihumans
I usually have Thomas (Arson) as a pred but here's a story where he gets what he probably deserves.
Cooking, but I focus entirely on the prep/relationship and do not at all detail the eating
"I've never really felt too... predatory, before. Carnivorous, I mean."
Thomas pulled Sticks in a little closer and nuzzled into their neck as he spoke.
"-but something about your scent is so enticing to me."
Sticks rolled over in bed to look at their boyfriend, eyes betraying their interest. They sat up.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Hard Vore Gore Blood Consensual Biting Non-fatal Bones bloody Willing Human Prey Couple vore Male Pred bloody vore Boyfriend pred Boyfriend prey nonbinary prey nonfatal gore Willing prey Boyfriend/boyfriend bloody bite M/NB Willing Hard Vore non binary prey
This is old and kind of shit but I still like the concept
My boys Thomas and Sticks engaging in some uhhhh
(non fatal and willing hard vore)
NonBinaryFuta - 4 months ago
Thanks! the consent is what amplifies how hot it is, it's the best!
DontTellAny1 - 5 months ago
I'm glad you enjoyed! Yes, I like to see stuff like that in stories, and I find properly willing hard vore especially so hot
And of course! Who would say no to that ????
NonBinaryFuta - 5 months ago
this is so cute queer and loving, thanks! it's so good to see checking in on consent. also can I be bitten even if I do leave a comment?
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Glad you thought so! I can see why hard wouldn't be everyone's thing, but I love it when it's willing/romantic
I love these characters and their relationship <3
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Very nicely done, not super into hard vore usually but just love the cute character interaction and general vibe.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Burp Belch Unwilling Belching Acid Unwilling Prey internals Internal View stomach acids Burping Demi-human pred Male Pred Demi Pred male belly Mean pred male burp lizard boy pred
This was a request for @101LobsterFriends on deviantart, them in my boy Marty/Tax evasion's belly
The sizing is kinda weird but I like how this turned out overall
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Awesome, love rainbow boys belly. Time to gurgle up good and gassy.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Naga Implied Digestion adoption Stuffed belly Mercy hunting Implied Fatality animal prey Male Pred Naga Pred Rabbit Prey Male Naga feral prey Stuffed pred M/animals fantasy setting baby prey Multiple Preys Spared prey innocent prey deer prey egg eating gluttonous pred male naga pred eggs in belly Egg Prey sparing prey
My hungry naga pred Ser goes hunting, stuffs himself, finds a baby
Not sure what's going on here tbh, I like these characters' stories but I feel this was poorly executed
DontTellAny1 - 1 month ago
yes i was rather confused by how much i liked the idea of him eating eggs
Heptarch8 - 1 month ago
this is unfairly hot for a story about eating babies tbh
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yes, he does in fact survive his adopted dad and become just as vicious!
Unknownlurker - 7 months ago
I really want to see that little guy become a recurring character. Just angry as hell at all times.
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Thats just one reason I'm enjoying your stuff
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Digestion F/F Female Fatal Implied Digestion Emotional Semi-willing Kissing Female Prey Female Pred Implied Fatality awkward moment childhood friends Possessive nervous prey pred/prey relationship shy prey Semi Willing Prey confident pred accepting prey frightened prey
Two girls, best friends since childhood, struggle with how to cope with the separation brought by their change into adulthood... maybe it would be best if they never had to part...
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: POV Catboy Male Digestion Same Size Fatal Unwilling Neko crushing Struggling Collar Unwilling Prey ?/M Male Prey fatal digestion Implied Fatality implied fatal Pred POV Cruel Pred Femboy prey Struggling prey Neko prey Second Person POV Mean pred catboy prey annoyed pred Same Size Oral Vore Reader POV 2nd Person dumb prey Reader's POV neko boy crushing digestion crushing to death crushing stomach reader insert Same sized vore samesized vore Reader pred pathetic prey Reader is Pred Crushing prey Obedient Prey you/M Struggling prey Swallowing reader/M collared prey neko boy prey You as pred
Uuuh yeah POV you eat a catboy
Pretty short, and a little brutal at the end
CosmicSans - 7 months ago
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
No worries, maybe another time :)
CosmicSans - 7 months ago
Ah understandable and sorry I was taking so long I was in family business
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
And actually I don't want to do an art trade right now, as I'm about to open commissions
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I don't know who that is
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Soft Vore Male Digestion Hard Vore M/F Female Fatal Unwilling Micro/Macro Unwilling Prey Hard Digestion Size difference Female Prey fatal digestion Implied Fatality M/multiple prey Male Pred tiny woman choice g/t smaller prey Giant Pred tiny prey Multiple Preys annoyed pred impled digestion fatal implied angry pred g/t vore begging prey prey for sale bought prey Ex Girlfriend Ex boyfriend ex girlfriend prey Fatal digestion implied
Angela is kidnapped and sold as food for giants! She is as surprised to see the giant who ended up with her as he is to see her though- they are exes. Surely they'll just laugh at the coincidences and then he'll let her go, right?
This is soft vore, but some hard is implied/alluded to
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Digestion Fatal Semi-willing Human Prey fatal digestion suicide Male Pred teenage prey screaming prey semiwilling Struggling prey Willing to unwilling prey Younger Prey nail polish Willing to unwilling M/A Uncaring Pred changing minds nonbinary prey semi-unwilling prey sad prey M/NB regretful prey teenager prey uncomfortable prey non binary prey Callous Pred depressed prey suicidal prey
!!Trigger warning for suicide!!
Uhh the vore freaks on wattpad were pretty disturbed by this and I don't feel like they're too sensitive so
Here's a weird depressing thing idk
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I'm really glad this spoke to you, and that you're in a better place now.
I wrote this story about myself as a way to express these feelings (which are not an issue for me now, this was written some time ago), and I felt like not posting it here with my other stuff would be like hiding from it.
But yeah I think that's important to remember, that however you feel you're not alone in it. I'm glad this could make you feel that way <3
Gutsl7t - 7 months ago
Hi, I understand why many were likely put off by this, but uh, thank you for posting this. This speaks to the past, depressed me who genuinely wished this would happen to them. Reading this tells me that I wasn't alone in that. I wish the younger me could've heard that.
Back then I used this kink to as almost a form of suicidal ideoation (however you spell it). I'm a lot more healthy with it now that I've gone to thearpy and gotten more a support network.Thank you for this. Seriously.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I understand that, and yeah I didn't really write this from a place of arousal
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Well don't like to comment negative stuff anyway and considering my kinks very open and even things I don't like, can still appreciate the artistry.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Thanks! All of the comments on Wattpad were like "what the actual fuck" and "are you ok" and, uh... I can see why
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Digestion Consensual Fatal friends Willing Human Prey Lizard Pred fatal digestion Demi-human pred teenagers Male Pred teenage prey Demi Pred teenage pred nervous prey Nervous pred consent M/A nonbinary prey Willing prey First time vore lizard boy willing fatal first time pred M/NB Consent discussion Confession Excited pred infatuated non binary prey Demihuman pred lizard boy pred crushing on pred
A little AU of my guys as teenagers. I really love this one
Sticks has a crush on their friend. They are unable to express this in a normal way
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Just gotta make sure that there's no issues for the pred! And of course, the fact that changing your mind now is pointless, you're food now in your own words... Well that's a fun bonus!
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
As you might determine from my comments, can absolutely relate.
Never thought about the recording consent before but damn is that hot.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yeah, he doesn't quite understand why they want it but he's not gonna turn up the offer. I love these two, and thought they'd probably be cute if they were young together. And I'm glad you like the character! Sometimes you just need an awkward little freak you can shove into any kink <3
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Stick's is so cute the way your write them. Enjoy the awkwardness of having a kink that's just a normal thing for the other person. Blushing when they mention feeling hungry is a very fun thing.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Digestion Female F/? Fatal Unwilling Struggling Unwilling Prey Female Pred teasing fatal digestion bone breaking Unknown prey Relaxing Pred Cruel Pred Struggling prey Detailed Digestion Gory Digestion exhausted prey Taunting a dead prey
Just a very short thing about an unnamed woman digesting her meal
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Glad you liked ^^
RasenGun37 - 7 months ago
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Naga Fatal Fish M/? M/multiple prey Male Pred Naga Pred Rabbit Prey goldfish Male Naga Water Inflation feral prey Mouse prey pet shop Fish Prey M/animals M/?? full pred Multiple Preys m/animal hamster prey embarassed pred male naga pred drinking water Gerbil Prey pet store
A hungry naga enters a pet shop. You'll never guess what happens next!
(not horny or sexual about the animals)
Mechdragon1k - 7 months ago
Same here, living fish tank makes so much Vore sense.
Unknownlurker - 7 months ago
A couple of lines here have the "missing symbol" icons replacing them on my end at least. More specifically, "there was a slight ???????? as the door shut" and "But it just felt so ???????? good right now".
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
No, I am very interested in the biology of different preds and fantasy species in general
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Makes sense, although I suppose fantasy do whatever you want. Hope that wasn't too rude or weird to ask.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I would say no! The ones in my stories have a cloaca like snakes for reproduction and excretion, and snakes do not pee (I think it's that all of their waste is the same as it comes from the same place)
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Digestion M/F Naga Female Fatal Unwilling Implied Digestion Unwilling Prey Unwilling Pred Female Prey Human Prey fatal digestion sad Implied Fatality Male Pred Naga Pred Male Naga Accidental vore acid burns Boyfriend pred Girlfriend prey sad pred boyfriend/girlfriend emeto regretful pred male naga pred
!!Trigger warning for somebody attempting to induce vomiting in themself!!
Elaine finally finds her naga boyfriend after over a month's separation. Unfortunately he has been trapped without food the whole time, and is now desperately hungry
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I love the idea too, I'll likely write more unwilling/regretful pred stuff in the future :]
And while I definitely do prefer male preds, I absolutely have some female ones! I just don't give them quite as much love as the boys haha
right2fail - 7 months ago
I wish you dwelled more on Elaine comforting Alister from inside his stomach. I love the premise of prey comforting a guilty pred they are close with who didn't mean to eat them. (I also prefer F/M but male preds are clearly your thing so that's neither here nor there xD)
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yes you're right I suppose, as long as she didn't suffocate she'd probably be fine for a while. I suppose the real issue is that he still can't leave. His digestive system would be even slower than normal considering the cold temperature
Mechdragon1k - 7 months ago
If the naga gulps down air and factors in how slow snake digestion over, that could buy him some time. Not sure it would work anyway.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Micro Male Digestion M/M Reformation Macro/Micro Size difference Micro Prey Male Prey teasing teasing prey Male Pred g/t tiny man tiny prey Unconscious Prey Teasing Pred Temporary Fatal g/t vore
My boys Adam and Leo before they're dating, when Leo's teasing leads him to learn that his best friend Adam is, in fact, a pred. Oh dear.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yes, especially when the prey doesn't quite know what happened and needs to be told
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Really captured the boyish bro nature and love the "really kill me" line. Always fun when dealing with reformation to still acknowledge and have fun with it.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Oral Vore Male Naga Fatal Willing coiling Coils fatal digestion Male Pred Naga Pred Male Naga nervous prey smaller prey Loving pred M/A Willing prey willing digestion willing fatal Nice Pred male naga pred careful pred non binary prey
My boy Almond finishing his relationship with Sticks. He eats pretty much everyone he gets with, but he still feels awful every time, and is very careful to make sure he has full consent
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
No, but I would offer that for the vast majority of my other preds (all the human/humanoid ones) they definitely would
(For some reason, the way my brain works, I have to Google if a species can digest bone before thinking about it. For humans, the answer is "only small ones", and scientists tested it by swallowing pieces of a shrew. Weird)
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Very fun and I appreciate the little detail of the days breaking down. Was actually going to ask if any bone was passed in the end but guess not.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yes, I love willing fatal vore when it's given enough emotional weight, hence why Almond is so focused on consent
(Although this actually isn't fatal- Sticks can bring themself back from the dead, but has not told Almond. Most of his relationships are properly fatal though)
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Sweet consent and very nervous Sticks.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male roleplay Willing Struggling Human Prey Lizard Pred playful Demi-Human Safe Male Pred Demi Pred Struggling prey safevore Willing prey lizard boy rough pred non binary prey rough play pretending to be unwilling Demihuman pred
My boys Thomas (Arson) and Sticks pretending that what they're doing is unwilling
(pretty old so the writing may be shit)
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Glad to hear it, just don't want to be overbearing or annoying.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
No, I love getting comments (and I find it really interesting to think about kinks that I'm not personally that into)
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Nice, as you can guess from my comments like "going all the way through". Hope I'm not too annoying mentioning stuff.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Either would work, but probably reformation since Sticks is my one prey character who can do that for themself
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
That fact makes it all the more adorable. Do you picture this as a regurgitation situation or a reforming one, just curious?
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Comic Burp Same Size Female F/? Insect Female Pred Vore Comic antennae Burping farmer Safe Endosoma insectoid bee girl Unknown prey Comic Vore Insect Girl strong woman Struggling prey inside Struggling prey beegirl safevore Comic pages insect pred bee pred farm girl bee girl pred swallowing sequence Farmer girl farmer pred Insect Girl pred unbothered pred
My bee girl, Liz.
This is the only time I've drawn her but I'll have to more, as she has a safe "storage" stomach as well as one for digestion (like real bees) and I love the potential for accidentally(?) forgetting and letting someone slip through~
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Male Couple vore Safe Male Pred Boyfriend pred safevore Boyfriend prey M/A nonbinary prey Boyfriend/boyfriend
Kind of OOC but uhh I wanted to draw him in a cropped hoodie with a belly
When he's not in a suit he dresses slutty <3
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Agreed, although I am very biased when it comes to bellies and butts
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I have a cropped hoodie and I realised how perfect it would be to show off prey <3
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Casual to show off that full gurgling gut.
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Pokemon Pokemon pred Praise pokemon prey observer Video game character HP Bars video game mechanics quaxly Quaxly prey Floragato Floragato Pred
Pred is floragato, a pokemon
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Yep! Other trainers' Pokémon work too- you didn't need that one, right~
Blue22Mew - 7 months ago
Always a good use for Pokémon you don’t want~ make them food for your best Pokémon for the exp to go in all the right places
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: POV Male Non-Vore Pre-Vore Femboy Prey POV Human Pred Male Pred Femboy Pred Feederism
Unsure if he's suggesting you feed him or get eaten
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Now I'm just imagining him holding my head down there giving a taste of what happened to his last meal
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
Maybe if you don't do as you're told
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Gotta love the dominance. Also great pose for a gas blast.
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I'm sure he wouldn't complain about the free meal ;P
wazamatit - 7 months ago
hopefully the latter >:3c
Uploaded: 7 months ago
Owner: DontTellAny1
Tags: Furry Cat Male M/M Male Prey Male Pred furry prey Cat prey Cat Pred Furry Pred Garfield Nermal
Burn this drawing actually I am full of regret
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
It's better this way
VoraciousPrincess - 7 months ago
Good riddance to Nermal
DontTellAny1 - 7 months ago
I just like drawing Garfield because I feel I can get his face pretty on model most of the time. And most of what I draw is vore/kink stuff. It seemed like a logical next step
Xenophage17 - 7 months ago
Don't feel bad, nothing wrong with a random drawing idea
Yumyum18 - 9 days ago
Hail to our Giant God
Come and feast