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Slave-Taker in the Pit 7 (fin)
By: swampyslug
Slave-Taker in the Pit 6
Gijinkas your Eater of Worlds from Terraria
By: PokoTheGobbo
Slave-Taker in the Pit 3
Yumi Chou - Desert Worm's Meal
By: Slimeman64
Slave-Taker in the Pit 1
The maid stuffs her master
By: ThuclydidesOfPerea
(Horror) Worm Food (1/2)
By: Joily
Demon's pleasure
Fatal fantasy [monster/F]
By: Demetera
By: blackrain
Of bliss and pain
By: GojiVorax
Beware the Mudworm! (first animation!)
By: sharktorok
Worm Vores Freya [ANIMATION][C]
By: BucketHeadAnims
Worm Vores Wolf Man [ANIMATION][C]
Worm Vores FemShep + Liara [ANIM][C]
Worm Vores Sheva [ANIMATION][C]
Worm Vores Dva 2 [ANIMATION][C]
Worm Vores Snake Girls [ANIMATION][C]
Worm Vores Dva [ANIMATION][C]
Ryou gets Wormholed!
By: RyouBoy
Prey Parade 3 (Scat, Sketch/Writing)
By: foxyoreos
Prey Parade 2 (Sketch/Writing)
Prey Parade 1 (Scat, Sketch/Writing)
Monique gets Grabbed
what's inside the box? pt2
By: NotSafeNico
what's inside the box?
Worm's Wrath
By: Arebau
Oola's Struggle
By: WarlordThanatosXII
Green Worm - An Unfinished Draft
By: Riraito
The Drainworm - An Unfinished Draft
Aqua and Darkness
By: elmonais
After Hours - Pt I
Why Is It Always Alien Worms?
By: Vilanda
Taken progress
By: suddenattackfhm
Shantae Worm Vore
By: nyte
Swampy ambush
Defenseless Warrior
By: merlovinit
Unexpected Bliss
Sleepy snack
Unexpected Friendly Encounter
Failed Escape
Bea-ch meal - PT IV (Internal)
Bea-ch meal - PT IV
Bea-ch meal - PT III
Bea-ch meal - Pt II
Bea-ch meal
Venus Schlorp